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  • Cia

    September Signature Feature: One Hundred Forty-Five Candles by Aditus

    By Cia

    I felt a bit of a kinship with this story, being as I like food challenge shows, and September happens to be my anniversary with August my birthday... and those often get mixed together due to hunting season, lol. Trust me, the story is FAR better as you learn the reason for all the candles!  Length: 1,813 Description: What's better than one reason to celebrate? Two reasons. Victor and Peter will explain in an interview for the cooking blog Stirring the Pot why they decorated the
    • 1 comment

My Daily Bread Crumbs 03 Oct

October 3rd - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Abd-al-Masih Adalgott Blessed Szilárd Bogdánffy Dionysius the Areopagite Ewald the Black and Ewald the Fair Francis Borgia George Bell and John Raleigh Mott (Episcopal Church) Gerard of Brogne Hesychius of Sinai Théodore Guérin Maximian of Bagai


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 83

Wedding planning

Wedding is only about 8-weeks away and we're still trying to get some things nailed down. I keep having to remind SP that it's close than he thinks it is.  The invitations need to go out and we don't even have a full guest list typed up yet!  Not to mention minor things like FLORAL.  <sigh> Just had to rant a bit this morning.  I know everything will come together in the end the way it was meant to and am trying not to stress over it, but I'll feel better once all the details are nail

Fae Briona

Fae Briona in Wedding

True As It Can Be Chapter 9 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 9 is now live, here's some thoughts: -Sleeping wrapped around each other in a bed, while one partner is interested in sex and the other isn't in the mood. Is it a sexual Snuggle? A non-sexual Cuddle? Or, is it a Huggle? -Brad reveals a lot about himself in this chapter: He's driven to be the best, not out of obligation or parental pressure, he does it to himself. His fatal flaw is internalizing many things in his life. -Brad's dog Cam gets a little backstory. It would have


W_L in Writing Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 26 - Oct. 2)

Well a big hug and thank you to Cia last week for doing the wrap up Before I forget, you have just under a month now to get your Anthologies in!!  Last week I was personally out of town, sitting lakeside in a cabin, in the mountains, hiding out on my birthday  Needless to say I never got any of your pressies for that day from all of you . I'm just blaming it on the mailman and have moved on   So is everybody getting ready for Thanksgiving?  Oh wait, the 'mericans in the room have


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

My Daily Bread Crumbs 02 Oct

October 2nd - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Batik Day (Indonesia)[236] Christian feast day: Denha I of Tikrit (Syriac Orthodox Church)[237] Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels[238] Leodegar[239] October 2 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Gandhi's birthday-related observances: Gandhi Jayanti (India)[17] International Day of Non-Violence[102] Independen


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 82

Plot Armor

::Old Timey Radio Voice:: "Lois is trapped underground and tied up next to the bomb! Jimmy Olsen is being held captive by the gangsters from the underground syndicate! And Clark Kent can't leave the Daily Bugle in time to rescue them without giving away his secret identity!!! Can Superman possibly HOPE to save the day??? Hehehe...umm, of course he can! He's freakin' Superman! Duh! I remember being in the college dorms with my roommates and some of our friends, discussing which ch


Comicality in Writing Tips

My Daily Bread Crumbs 01 Oct

October 1st - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Armed Forces Day (South Korea) Beginning of the United States' Fiscal Year Children's Day (El Salvador, Guatemala, Sri Lanka); celebrated on the first Friday of October (Singapore), assignation and recognition on the first Wednesday of October (Chile) Christian feast day: Abai (Syriac Orthodox Church) Bavo of Ghent Blessed Edward James


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 81

My Daily Bread Crumbs 30 Sep

September 30th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Agricultural Reform (Nationalization) Day (São Tomé and Príncipe) Birth of Morelos (Mexico) Boy's Day (Poland) Christian feast day: Gregory the Illuminator Honorius of Canterbury Jerome September 30 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Independence Day (Botswana) or Botswana Day, celebrates the independence of Botswana from United Kin


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 80

Anthology Entry Revisited: Getting In Step

Upcoming Anthology Due: October 31, 2021 Top Themes A Winding Path An Unconventional Gift Pot Luck Themes Pick Your Poison     -     Lockdown     -     Left Behind     -     Dire Monotony     -     Mutation is Progress     -     Blood Moon Birthday Presents     -     Falling for Fall     -     Elves or Elvis?     -     Life’s Past     -     The Woods Rings of Fire     -     Plateau Wolves     -     Rock     -     Men and Women     -     A Legend Retold Ech

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

My Daily Bread Crumbs 29 Sep

September 29th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Rhipsime September 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. One of the four quarter days in the Irish calendar. (England and Ireland). Called Michaelmas in some western liturgical traditions Inventors' Day (Argentina) Victory of Boquerón Day (Paraguay) World Heart Day   Observ


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 79

True As It Can Be Chapter 8 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 8 is now live and here's my thoughts: -First I hope fans enjoy One Directions "What Makes you Beautiful" -New South African Xhosa term Uyakuthanda- He loves you -Mrs. Angela Potter is a side-character just as much as any of the boys in the house. Her past is no less tragic, being an abused spouse who learned to rise above her abuse for her child and becoming a champion for others. I'm happy to explore a strong heterosexual female character -We finally l


W_L in Writing Stories

My Daily Bread Crumbs 28 Sep

September 28th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Aaron of Auxerre Annemund Conval Eustochium Exuperius Faustus of Riez John of Dukla Leoba Lorenzo Ruiz Paternus of Auch Richard Rolle, Walter Hilton and Margery Kempe (Episcopal Church (USA)) Simón de Rojas Wenceslas


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 78

My Daily Bread Crumbs 27 Sep

September 27th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast days: Adheritus[32] Caius of Milan[33] Vincent de Paul[26] Cosmas and Damian September 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Consumación de la Independencia (Mexico) French Community Holiday (French community of Belgium) Independence Day (Turkmenistan), celebrates the independence of Turkmenistan from USSR in


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 77

September CSR Discussion Day: Thwarted by Renee Stevens

I can't believe it's the end of September already! This month has flown by, unlike the 56 weeks it took for Renee to write her 1k a week Wednesday Briefers flash fiction story, Thwarted. Did you read it? Make sure you share your comments below, but first my interview with her!  Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate What's your favorite room in your house? Do you plot or write there? My favorite room in the house is my craft room. I don’t really plot or write there though, partly be


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

My Daily Bread Crumbs 26 Sep

September 26th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast days: Canadian Martyrs (Catholic Church in Canada) Cosmas and Damian John of Meda Nilus the Younger Wilson Carlile (Anglican) September 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of the National Flag (Ecuador) Dominion Day (New Zealand) European Day of Languages (European Union) National Goo


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 76

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