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  • Valkyrie

    Write, Write, Write!

    By Valkyrie

    The deadline for the 2024 anthology is just about two weeks away, which is not too late to submit a story to the proof team!  Here are a few tips about participating in the anthology: Stories can be as short as 1,000 words The link to the theme can be tangential - it doesn't have to hit us over the head.  So, keep that in mind if the theme isn't speaking to you.  Participating in the anthology is a great way to get new readers.  A lot of people read all the anthology stories, so i
    • 1 comment
  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass
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Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 15 - Nov. 21)

**Bulletin**Bulletin**Bulletin** Well guess what buckaroos? You have exactly 8 days to finish up your Fall Anthology and submit to our eager and waiting Anthology Proof Team. Please submit now and our proof team members are standing buy. Call 1-800-... oh wait, this isn't a telethon or infomercial. But we would really like to see your name on the list of anthologies for the Shadows or Bridges Fall Anthology. Before I forget, why don't we all collectively say a Happy Thanksgiving to all


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Inspiration of Babica Preja

I am something of a fan of folklore and mythology and I've done quite a few dives into such tales in the past. Babica Preja is something of an amalgamation of a few bits of Folklore with some Dungeons and Dragons underpinning mixed in.  The first source of inspiration of her was, of course, the oh so famous Baba Yaga. If you have no knowledge of folklore at all you've still probably heard the name said somewhere before, perhaps in the movie John Wick as that is his nickname. In folklore, Ba



Staff Prompts #7 & #8

Well this week was gone in a flash! Speaking of flash, are you feeling motivated to write a prompt in a flash? Well we actually got a response to one of the prompts last week, so make sure you pop over to this topic and see what anonymous penguin crafted a story   Since we have got a few great prompts from Cia, why not a couple of more this week?   Prompt #5 - Use the following words in a story brought to you by @Cia dodge help deep bodyguard strawberry wind   Promp


wildone in Prompts

Characters that awoke the Gay in me as a Lil Demented

The following are some of the characters I had a major crush on as a kid. There were characters I shipped together, and then there were these characters where I shipped em with myself.  Scar:  The character that I was obsessed with in Lion King as a wee little lad was not Simba or any of the good guys. No! This ambitious underdog of a villain who got in over his head was the character that I was truly enamored with. That voice alone is criminally sexy and I still Stan the fuck ou



Lego The Incredibles

So, I thought I'd bring up another Lego game, as they are great for mindless entertainment.  There is an absolute ton of these things too.  Today's Lego game is Lego The Incredibles, based off Pixar's The Incredibles.  (Probably the best theme music for an animated flick too).  This game is narrowing in scope of something like Lego Marvel Superheros 2, despite having super heroes being a common thread.  The story follows both The Incedibles and The Incredibles 2 and is an enjoyable romp thr


Myr in Gaming

November Classic Author Excerpt: The Art of Walking in Snow by Libby Drew

Did you catch the blog feature on Libby Drew's story, The Art of Walking in Snow, on Monday? Go download the banner if you want to share you love for this short story. If you haven't read it yet, well, why not? I'm featuring this excerpt because it reminds me SO much of all the years we took our kids out to cut down our own tree. The cold, the cocoa, the fun of picking just the right one... it's definitely Christmas! But this story goes so much deeper than that, so much more into what the season


Cia in Classic Feature

Planet Coaster - Console

I have always been a sucker for roller coasters since I was tall enough to ride them. I've driven all of the eastern United States to ride real coasters and even made Six Flags Over Texas an essential part of the 2008 Dallas GA get together. From a gaming perspective, I've owned all the Roller Coaster Tycoons and a few of them more than once. So that brings us around to Planet Coaster Console edition, which is a Launch Title on Xbox Series X and being part of Xbox Game Pass (i.e., you ca


Myr in Gaming

November Classic Feature: The Art of Walking in Snow by Libby Drew

Okay, I admit it... the holidays finally have me. It's not quite tree time, but we're sooooo close. So why not enjoy a little early holiday heartwarming with Libby Drew's amazing short story, The Art of Walking in Snow?    Length: 10,023 Description: Jamie doesn't let people get close, but his new employer refuses to play by those rules. Maybe this is the year Jamie will banish the ghosts of Christmases past. A Reader said:  What a wonderful tale as we approach Christma


Cia in Classic Feature

Turns out typing in excess of 100K words in roughly two weeks can bust keyboards lol

So yeah, I've had a bit of whatever the opposite of a writers block is lately, and I ended up typing so much it busted my Laptops keyboard. Had to go out and buy me an external keyboard after, which didn't set me back much, but I'd thought I'd share that fun little anecdote. Apparently typing well over 100k words in less than two weeks can exacerbate wear and tear on a keyboard.  



Starfied - From Bethesda - 2021?

So, with Microsoft announcing that they are buying Zenimax Studios and its subsidiaries, including Bethesda Studios, the next big title has seen a bit more news. Starfield, presumed to be coming in holiday 2021 timeframe, has a single announcement trailer.  This thing is looking to be more hard science fiction.  The trailer's visual and music gives off a 2001: A Space Odyssey/2010 vibe to it. (I like 2010 much better than 2001, from a movie standpoint while acknowleding that 2001 broke a lot of


Myr in Gaming

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 8 - Nov. 14)

Is late better than never?   Okay I need a show of hands from the 10's of 1000's of you that read the weekly update religiously every Sunday  Yesterday I sat down to watch the heavily advertised Alex Rider Point Blanc. I thought maybe one, maybe two episodes and I'll be good. Next thing you know you are done the whole season and you look at the clock and it is 12:15 AM Have you done this? If so, what show(s)? Just a short preamble this week. Let's see what happened at the blog.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Staff Prompts #5 & #6

Good Friday to you all  So, any plans over the weekend? Mine will be more or less that same as what I've done since March . Well, I might have one thing I'm doing that I haven't done in years . Stay tuned! So for Staff Prompt Friday, it is an all Cia week  I'm on holidays     Prompt #5 - First Line brought to you by @Cia He'd never forgotten those teenage years.   Prompt #6 - Creative What If brought to you by @Cia There's an old tree I fell asleep under. I dre


wildone in Prompts

Immortals Fenyx Rising - coming in Dec

Ubisoft ended up shifting a lot of games to this holiday dropping 3 major IP's in a 4 week window.  Immortals Feynx Rising (originally Gods and Monsters) is a new game world.   This is high on my list, as I like the look, the gameplay as described and a general interest in Greek Mythology. I will most likely get this near launch.  The character seems very highly customizable, which is cool.  Anyone else interested in this game?  


Myr in Gaming

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