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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass
  • Valkyrie

    Write, Write, Write!

    By Valkyrie

    The deadline for the 2024 anthology is just about two weeks away, which is not too late to submit a story to the proof team!  Here are a few tips about participating in the anthology: Stories can be as short as 1,000 words The link to the theme can be tangential - it doesn't have to hit us over the head.  So, keep that in mind if the theme isn't speaking to you.  Participating in the anthology is a great way to get new readers.  A lot of people read all the anthology stories, so i
    • 1 comment

December Classic Author Feature: Dare by Sara Alva

So half the world celebrates the holidays in the heat. So while this story isn't a holiday tale, I couldn't help but pick a story that features a group of friends and some summer-time fun. This snack-sized tidbit is just right for this busy time of year for readers to enjoy too! Length: 5,064 Description: Mark always takes a dare. A Reader said: This was just a wonderful story, written very well. And I loved the ending!  You are really really good at this. ~ Toast  


Cia in Classic Feature

Fleshing it Out

Anyone who has ever read any of my personal story reviews of another author's story will almost always find a common theme popping up in my critique. Whether it's said in a positive or negative way, I am constantly pushing for people to give more and more detail in their work. (As a suggestion, of course.) Not in every single scene that they write about, but in a few choice scenes that I find myself wanting to dive deeper into as a reader. Now, that's just my opinion, and writers can take it or


Comicality in Writing Tips

Peaks and Valleys

Raise your hand if you′ve been on a roller coaster before! Hehehe, I′m just kidding. It′s the internet, I can′t see you raising your hand! Trust me, if I could set up spy cameras around you, it would be in the shower...not next to your laptop! ::Giggles:: Seriously, though...when riding a roller coaster, you experience certain peaks and valleys. You slow down in certain sections of the ride, left anticipating the next big ′dip′ with baited breath...and then everything speeds up and races t


Comicality in Writing Tips

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec.13 - Dec. 19)

On Behalf Of The Staff Of GA To All The Members And Guests Of GA Geseënde Kersfees (Afrikaans), 메리 크리스마스 (Korean), Nadolig Llawen (Welsh), С Рождеством (Russian), sretan božić (Bosnian), メリークリスマス (Japanese), god jul (Norwegian), boldog Karácsonyt (Hungarian), Nollaig Shona (Irish), feliz Natal (Portuguese), Krismasi Njema (Swahili), ਮੇਰੀ ਕਰਿਸਮਸ (Punjabi), Շնորհավոր Սուրբ Ծնունդ (Armenian), Gleðileg jól (Icelandic), срећан Божић (Serbian), ပျော်ရွှင်သောခရစ္စမတ်ဖြစ်ပါစေ (Burmese), veselé Vánoce


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

The alternative final chapter of 'The Covids'

Forget Me Not Kevin and Steve tumbled into bed after a heavy night drinking. They made a clumsy attempt at sex, but when that failed they rolled together and slept soundly until just after sunrise. Kevin started tossing and turning so much it awoke Steve who looked towards Kevin, listened to his unintelligible mutterings and became concerned by his increasingly frantic movements. “Hey buddy, what’s happening?” Steve asked as he shook Kevin awake. “Mmm...what...oh this is terrible.

Wombat Bill

Wombat Bill

Sex Appeal

What is sex appeal? Take a moment and really think about that. What is it that we find ′sexy′ about the people we dream about? Now, not everybody writes romance or sexually themed stories online, but that doesn′t mean that your characters don′t have some sort of appeal to them that acts as a direct interest to your main character. What is it that draws your protagonist in? What is the bait? Why this particular boy over all others? Today...we′re talking about sex appeal. What it is, what it


Comicality in Writing Tips

Adding Humor

You know...there′s often a ′complaint′ that goes around about a lot of the Marvel Comic Book movies that I never really understood. That is the introduction of humor into their storylines. Now, there are some people that I know that could, quite literally, find something wrong with everything in existence. If God Almighty showed up tomorrow in white robes, 400 feet tall, with an entire symphony of angels singing His praises behind him, all surrounded with the brightest light ever seen by human e


Comicality in Writing Tips

Immortals Fenyx Rising - Impressions

I finally sat down and played Immortals - Fenyx Rising today. It's on sale digitally and on various sites. I put links to Amazon USA below (they are affiliate links, Gay Authors gets a small cut if you order the game from the link) This game has a nice gameplay loop.  The narrators are entertaining and the world is very colorful and beautiful. I am playing on Xbox Series X and the game plays great and I have not encountered any bugs so far.  (Unlike all the other games out at the moment...)


Myr in Gaming

Metaphor & Similie

″His eyes were as blue as a half-melted crayon, his skin as soft as wet clay...with a smile that could warm my heart like leftover meatloaf in the oven. He was so beautiful.″ Hehehe, ok, so that′s not the best collection of phrases to demonstrate the use of metaphor and simile! LOL! But I write a LOT...so I need to save my best stuff for the stories themselves. But we can start here, just so you guys can get an idea of what I′m babbling about this week. Easily put, metaphors and simil


Comicality in Writing Tips

Can't Believe I've Been Gone So Long

Hey y'all. I don't know I've stayed away from here for so long. I miss my friends from here; the people I would talk to everyday and who helped me through my crap. So, most of y'all know I moved to deep East Texas two and a half years ago. My parents built a house on our family's land. We moved down here from Dallas area to be closer to my grandmother. She passed away on November 30, 2019- two days after Thanksgiving. She was up and talking to all of us on Thanksgiving, woke up and ate breakfast



Darker Themes

There are going to be times, every now and again...when the written content of your stories may take a very dark turn, or veer off into situations that are somewhat uncomfortable for other readers to absorb as readily as they do some of your 'brighter' themes. This can be an intimidating atmosphere for you to thrive in. The gritty realities and graphic nature of the story that you want to tell may be too much for some of your readers to handle or understand. But, while there is the temptation to


Comicality in Writing Tips

A Fiery Christmas

A little treat for my Spirit of Fire readers in the form of a Christmas parody that I conceptualised but never posted during December 2018. Hope you enjoy!   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Fiery Christmas Screenplay by Stellar   INT. LIVING ROOM - EVENING It is a cosy residential lounge space, with Christmas decorations on the walls. An armchair is in front of a partially-visible fireplace, with a roaring fi



Mary Sue (with appologies to Buddy Holly)

If you knew Mary Sue Then you'd know why I feel blue With Mary, my Mary Sue Oh well, I loathe you, gal Yes, I loathe Mary Sue! Mary Sue, Mary Sue I'm so fucking sick of you Oh, Mary, F-ing Mary Sue Oh well, I loathe you Yes, I loathe you Mary Sue Mary Sue, Mary Sue Annoying, bitchy, perfect Mary Sue Oh, Mary, f-ing Mary Sue I'm so f-ing sick of you Die horribly perfect Mary Sue!




Not long ago, I wrote a short article on the concept of ″Show, Don′t Tell″, and made sure to add that both sides of the equation are needed to tell a good story. When it comes to exposition, it is the skillful use of both show and tell in unison that can give your story a smooth and natural feel, while still giving the audience the tools it needs to fully understand what′s going on. Finding a way to finesse both sides takes a little practice, but once you nail it down, it will pretty much become


Comicality in Writing Tips

One Life to Live

When writing a story of your very own, I think there is an added effect that comes from using your own personal experiences as a blueprint for the writing itself. Your memories, your feelings, your beliefs, your personality...drawing from these sources gives the whole feel of a story a certain ′touch′ that can′t be achieved by just putting words on the screen. You may often hear the term, ″write what you know″ being thrown around a lot, and I couldn′t agree more. No matter what the content of yo


Comicality in Writing Tips

2020 Fall Anthology: Bridges - NOW LIVE

Who's ready for some more stories?  Well, you're in luck, we still have one theme for the anthology to share. Don't forget to let the authors know what you thought by leaving them a comment or, even better, a review!  Happy Reading!!!!     Getting In Step northie The Keys to the Far Castle CarlHoliday Two Lives Wombat Bill Bridges to Friendship wildone

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Giving/Getting Criticism Part 2

Imagine that you're standing in the middle of a crowd of your readers and fans that absolutely love the stories you write and appreciate the love and energy you put into every word. Every single one of those loyal readers has a giant feather...and they surround you, lightly teasing and fawning all over you with those feathers, day and night. It's just a good feeling, you know? Hehehe, and there might ten, or twenty, or fifty, or one hundred, of them...giving you nothing but good vibes the whole


Comicality in Writing Tips

Giving/Getting Criticism Part 1

There are two sides to every story. And two sides to the critical review of every story, once it gets released. Hopefully, with a little bit of insight on both sides of the equation, I can help both the critics and the creators deal with their, often vastly opposing, views on what a good story is, and what it isn't. This week, as the initial approach to a 'two-parter' blog post...we talk about giving and receiving criticism. Two sides of a coin that I don't think most people fully understan


Comicality in Writing Tips

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