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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 5 - Jan. 11)

    By wildone

    First a disclaimer, I'm tired and none of me editors are around to read the wrap up for me   I hate to say but the first couple of weeks have been terrible for our US friends and neighbours it seems. With LA burning down and the east and southeast getting blasted by ice and snow, I have to say I hope that all of them are okay  I'm sure there is other places too that are having strange and wakey weather too, like Friday we had an actual thunderstorm (rain) and a blizzard Saturday night. Noth

CD Collection

I have a bunch of CDs and I had to get them organized, so I'll know what I have and where they are. I'm working on my vinyl collection too but, it's a lot more work. I'm taking them out, cleaning them covering the outside in plastic and replacing the liners that need it with an after-market product. I wanted to have this list in a few different places. Anyway, gaze upon my works and despair. Yes- there are duplications (trade bait). Location is where they are. After getting this actually done I'


JamesSavik in Music

Prompt 876 and Prompt 877

Welcome to Friday. No preamble today, just the prompts.  Prompt 876 - Creative Tag - First Line "I'm so late and she will kill me!" Prompt 877 - Creative Tag - Hero Tonight was not your normal night. First your car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Secondly, you couldn't get a signal so you had to walk for miles to get help. When you finally did find help it was one of those new costumed heroes only you never expected him to act or dress as he did. What was your


comicfan in Prompts

Reminder: Spring/Summer Anthology Due May 31st!

If you have any questions, send me a message or you can always comment on the blog or in the forum thread! Roll Call: if you have an anthology entry, comment below!  If you want, you can even share your story name and description to make your readers drool in anticipation!    ~2021 Spring/Summer Anthology~ Now, let's take a look at the themes and guidelines for the first anthology of 2021! The themes of the 2021 Anthology #1 are: Top Theme #1: On the Ro

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

April Classic Author Feature: NickolasJames8's Bodega Bay

This isn't an easy story to read, but sometimes that's what we need. Live the ups and downs with Kevin as he struggles to learn how to come to terms with life and all the uncertainty it can throw at a person, no matter what their age.    Length: 114,942 Description: Kevin has always had turbulence in his life, but things when suddenly go from bad to worse and he has no where to turn, he sets off to return to the one place where he was able to build good memories in his young


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 11 - Apr. 17)

Hello everyone, sounds like I finally got the recognition I deserved . You all can now call me the Grand Poo-bah  (check out the Words Of The Day). Actually I laughed when I saw that. For years and years I worked for the Calgary Flames as a rink rat, but I was isolated at the other end of the rink from the other 3 guys I worked with. They monthly had one of the three be the Grand Poo-bah. But looks like I get the name in the end . Speaking of being called names . I thought I would check in


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


And then the pig drop kicked the goat into a meat grinder, and finally...he could rest easy, knowing that justice was served! Hahaha, WHAT??? Does that make much sense? Does it have any impact at all? I'm willing to bet that you guys are quite confused. Hehehe! As you should be. (Unless you're not...in which case, you should seek psychiatric help immediately...) Who? What? When? Where? Why? These are all questions that every writer should be prepared to answer in their projec


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt 874 and Prompt 875

Hello to all you lovely people. Welcome to Friday and new prompts. Prompt 874 - Creative Tag - First Line "I promise to consider it, okay?" Prompt 875 - Creative Tag - Mother's Day Lilith is known as the mother of monsters. However, even the most vile wants its mother's love. This year her favorite child is coming to see her. What is this Mother's Day like? So those are the new offerings. Does either appeal to you? Until next time. Remember to read, write, comm


comicfan in Prompts

Featured Story: Family

Happy Monday! Why is it happy? Because it's time to take a look at another review from our wonderful review team!  Enjoy! Family by Dabeagle Reviewer: spikey582 Status: Complete Word Count: 51,241 I’ve read quite a bit of Dabeagle’s stories over the years, and for one reason or another this is one I’ve found myself revisiting more than once since he posted it in 2019. In Family we meet Brandon Crosby, a man with very little going on in his life. He works in an IT depart

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 4 - Apr. 10)

Now anyone that follows me, yeah, all ten of you , heard that my computer decided that the warranty is up, and it gave me 5 years of loyal service that it was ready to hit the recycling bin  Went out and got a new one, paid the warranty (is it worth it? ), and the $150 to transfer my data from the old hard drive to the new one. I asked, is that possible if the old one is dead? Oh yeah, no problem. Fast forward 24 hours, yeah, your hard drive is not in good condition and we can't transfer the dat


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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