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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Busy Busy Busy

Well I finally got a job after fretting for quite a bit. I'm working as a garage attendant and basically doing nothing but stilling my butt for a few hours on end.   I can't wait until classes in September cus im so damn bored! lol




Ever get the feeling the world or the universe as it were is running against you?   A year ago, I saw myself today being about to start my third semester of graduate school. Where am I instead?   I'm in the smallest room of my parents' house. I have a crappy job that doesn't pay well enough for the bank to approve the loan I need to get a non-crappy car. This means I do not have the option to move out of my parents house. Why is that? Surely I could just get a crappy car without the loan rig


Demetz in Demetz

WISYA Chapter 4 has finally arrived!

It's been a long time coming (almost a whole year!), but Chapter 4 of "When I See You Again" has finally been posted. Many, many thanks to Sharon for a wonderful editing job. Chapter 5 is under way ... not sure when it'll be ready, but I'm shooting for at least one chapter per month, maybe a little more for a while, since I'll have some extra time to write during my vacation, which starts next week.   Please be sure to stop by my discussion forum and leave your comments on the new chapter. Rea



My Mom's Saga Part II

Today, I went with my mom once again to her gynecologist. It seems she has some kind of issue with her estrogen levels. It's not cancer or anything like that, so she will not have to have surgery. I'm happy about this, because I was so worried. Now I know she's going to be fine.



Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

I'm a bit down right now and not because of the depression. During this last time out my left leg swelled up like something I didn't want attached to my body. Well, it was a pain, too. So, yesterday afternoon I called the consulting nurse at our clinic and told her my symptoms. She said, "You need to go into urgent care at 3:00 when they open because they might need to do an ultrasound."   Ultrasound?   Yeah, of my left leg to check the blood flow of the veins. Needless to say, the nice youn



It's about time!

Well, I figured since I haven't blogged in a bit, I would today!   Today went from bad to excellent! I ended up going to a job interview and was grilled about differnet things (who knew that working as a busboy would be difficult ). When I was done, I was a little on edge and when I took the bus to goto Red Bank (my home away from home), I ended up having a panic attack and that wasn't fun.   In case you want the nitty gritty details, my panic attack simulates a seizure (it's effectively a



I know, I know ... it's been a long time ...

Yeah yeah, I know it's been a long time ... but, the good news is that I've just finished writing Chapter 4 of "When I See You Again" and sent it to Sharon. Hopefully it will be ready to post by next weekend. I plan on starting Chapter 5 tonight, and hopefully can make some good progress tomorrow, since I have a day off from work.   Over the past couple of months, I've gone back and re-read almost all of the stories listed on my "favorite stories" page, and that helped motivate me, in addition



The Dark Knight

I finally saw The Dark Knight. It was an awesome movie! The theater is about 20 miles away, but it was well worth the trip. As strange as it sounds I went by myself. That's something I'd never done before, but I'm glad I went anyway. That was the best movie I'd seen in several years. It was certainly the best Batman movie ever. Everyone was right about Heath Ledger. He definitely deserves an Academy Award for his final performance. It was definitely an edge-of-your seat thriller, and I highly re



Boise Stage Stop

It's a truck stop southeast of Boise, ID, that I usually stop at going either east or west on I-84. I have an 0500 delivery appointment tomorrow morning in the Portland, OR, area (453 miles away). Then I get to sit for a spell before delivering the rest of the load to customers south and north of Seattle Monday morning. I like multi-stop loads because we get paid for the extra stops. This load brings in $65 in extra stop pay. Every little bit helps when it now takes nearly $65 to fill up the min



The democrats' miserable week

It looks like Obama's overseas trip did absolutely nothing for his poll numbers here at home, a fact that irritates many democrats desperate to see the incompetent candidate elected. Perhaps he should have tried to draw a crowd of 200,000 Americans rather than go to Berlin seeking approval. He and his campaign aids must have forgotten that large crowds are only helpful if they can actually cast a vote in an American election.       Gallup Daily: Obama 45%, McCain 44%Race returns to statis



My Mom's Saga Part I

Today my mom had to go to a gynecologist. She has been having some problems lately, and the last week a nurse practitioner told her that she needed to see the gynecologist. There is a chance that she might have cancer, but I was told that it is a small percentage. That eased my mind a little, but I still see this worst-case scenario where she dies, and that really bothers me. I've already lost one parent. The thought of losing another is unbearable.




Vivian says: omg did i tell you about the HUGE moth in the house? Friend: are you scared of moths? Vivian says: well, not scared in the sense of real fear, just ewwwwwwwwwwww Vivian says: but i'm not even exagerrating when i tell you it is the size of a bird Friend: jesus tapdancing christ Vivian says: HAHA! wait, it gets sooo much better Vivian says: so years ago one was in the house one night and rich wasn't here Vivian says: and i had to catch it in a cup and put it outside and



Football 101- Deception & Trickery

Screen Passes The idea behind the screen pass is to make the play look like the pass is going long but to make a short pass to a runner with blocker in front of him.   Screen passes put the defense out of position to make the play. Linebackers blitz or fall back to cover a zone and safeties and corners cover deep.   In our example, the QB drops back and rolls a bit to the right. The linemen on the left side make an initial block and then slide off while the FB protects the QB. The halfback



Football 101- Running Backs

Running backs have become important receivers in todays high powered offenses. Once they have made the catch, running backs can often turn on their speed and make a long gain out of a short pass.   Running backs often serve as check off receivers when other receivers are covered.   RBs typically make a block, release from the block and run a short pattern into the flats, the sidelines or circle across the middle.



Football 101 - Flankers & Tight Ends

Flankers   Flankers are an interesting receiver in that lining up off the line, they can go in motion. This allows the offense to change its look on the fly and hopefully confuse assignments in the defensive secondary.   Of course- lining up behind the line makes it difficult to go deep but their speed can put them in interesting and useful places. Their routes are usually in the short to middle ranges.   Flankers are often called possession receivers because they are key go to guys on 3r



Football 101- the Passing Game

Before we get into the various pass patterns, lets have a look at the way defenses see the field.   There are two basic pass defenses- man to man and the zone.   Man to Man is difficult to pull off. If you have a personnel mismatch, which the offense will exploit, you'll get burned all day long.   In order to cover as much of the field as possible and give support to defensive backs who are covering speed burners, the Zone defense was developed.   There are many versions of the zone and



Primary Flashback

Father Pfleger: We must be honest enough to address the one who says, 'don't hold me responsible for what my ancestors did.' But you have enjoyed the benefits of what your ancestors did! And unless you are ready to give up the benefits



Defensive Formations and Positions

In general there are three different types of defensive players: linemen, linebackers and backs.   Defensive Linemen are big, strong and quick capable of stopping the run and pressuring the quarterback. Typical D-linemen are called Tackles, Nose Guard or Ends.   Linebacker is the single most athletically versatile position in football. Linebackers must read the offense and respond instantly to what it is doing. On any given play and defensive scheme, a linebackers may be asked to stop the ru



Offense- Power-I and Wishbone

Power-I   All modern pro, college and even high school teams have special sets for special situations. One of the most common of those special situations is short yardage. Sometimes the short yards are hardest to get in goal line and 3rd and short situations. The defense, specifically in goal line situations have less depth to defend. They can ignore medium and long passes and usually add defensive linemen and/or linebackers to beef up their run defense.   This specific short yardage package



Football 101- More Offense

The I Formation (pronounced "eye" formation) have the backs stacked in the backfield. Typically it is used as a running formation but you can pass out of it too. Many teams that use the I Formation often call the "deep back" a tailback rather than a halfback. This offense needs a strong runner in that position as it is featured in this formation. You will see it used extensively at the college level. The pros use it- sometimes on short yardage situations like 3 and 3 to give the defense a pass o



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