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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Jonesboro, AR, Part II

Still here, well, I don't pick up the load until tomorrow so I'm supposed to be still here.   Jonesboro is on one of the north-south mainlines for Union Pacific RR and their trains seem to run mostly at night: rumble, rumble, rumble, whoo whoo, rumble, rumble, whoo whoo whoo. Yeah it's less than a mile from the truck stop. There seems to be a rule about siting truck stops: Look for an interstate exit near a railroad track and you get twenty-five extra points.   And, to think I like trains. I



Jonesboro, AR

I hate being away from the internet, especially when I'm spending the night in places like Houston, TX. That's where all of this started, three nights ago. The connection manager for my wireless card decided to take a sabbatical from reality. It tries to work, but just can't seem to get all the steps right.   So, I called Sprint and spoke to a Tech Support person (it was a guy or at least sounded like a guy, could've been a girl impersonating a guy, but as we weren't using our webcams I couldn




Okay, so between frustration with life, lack of reviews, ect, A Butterfly's Dream with be updated rather sporatically, or as I write them. I'm sorry those who read and enjoy, but I can't do this any more. It's frustrating me to no end and I don't need that!   *deep breath* Okay, I'm fine. Any story that I am writing with others will continue to be posted on time. I am sorry about this, really I am.

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

No on 8!

So after a long day at work, I'm driving home and one of my neighbors had put up a 'Yes on 8' sign.   I'm so angry right now, I just don't know what to do. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, odds are that some of my neighbors had to be religisexuals. But to make a point of putting out a sign? Aren't there more important things to be concerned about, like the economy? Nope. They & their pastors seem to think that this is the most important thing to be dealing with.   I don't talk to this



Two Gripes

Well, this is the first order of business. I have a problem. A friend of mine calls me several times a day. She is so draining after a while, and I really don't know what to do. At the same time, she's going through a lot of shit these days. In fact, she lives down in the Houston area, and it looks like a war zone there. Thus, I do not know what I should do. Should I say something about it, or should I just continue to be "drained".   Now, for my second gripe. I realize that people don't alwa



HOME! (v2)

Just got home from the hospital - 15 days this time... But with my spleen successfully removed and clearer information on exactly what has been happening in my body and how we move forward to treat it, I feel both physically and mentally great.   Still a bit exhausted tho - been a long day and it's not even 2PM yet... but as DK loves to say - afternoon just means naptime for Trebs...



Houston, TX

Upon further investigation it appears I may suffer from Fructose Intolerance. I had been doing a pretty good job of watching what I ate until a couple days ago when I had an apple (high in fructose), two bottles of juice beverage (30% juice plus a lot of high fructose corn syrup). It was a rather gassy last night and I woke up this morning with soggy drawers.   Basically what happens (from what I've read so far) is the small intestine does not properly absorb fructose, allowing it to pass into



Moving Out

For ages now I've wanted to move out but earlier this week I made the decision: I'm going to do it.   Today I got a call back from someone whose ad I had responded to. He's 37, buying a house, and looking for a room mate. The house is a two bedroom, one bathroom home with big beautiful trees in the yard. We've set up a meeting saturday afternoon to meet and look at the place. He also mentioned he might drop by my restaurant friday evening.   Its 500/month with utilities included.... more th


Demetz in Demetz

reflections on america

Time is dithering into the abyss, silly season is drawing to a close. Right on track with the death of this most wonderful quad-annual event, both Candidates have eschewed what really matters in an effort to smear their opponent. One ignores the issues and attacks, the other ignores the issues and counter attacks.   The sad irony is that they promised us change, they promised us reform, but at the end of the day its business as usual on the road to Washington.   America is still willing to p



A labor of love

Wow, it's been around two months since I've been online long enough to log on to GA. That's a friggin record for me. Anyway, I took a self imposed sabbatical for a lot of reasons, most of them stemming from my own need to figure out what I want to do with myself. Not in terms of GA, but in terms of life in general. Looking back on the last few months, it's easy to see that I was spinning out of control. I was ranting and raving at the people I love at home, and even a few people I was fond of



Shadows of the past

I don't want to get into specifics, but when I was about 8 years old, I did something that I am ashamed of. I know that it is an age when our understanding is not the same as it is when we reach a mature age, but I was reminded of it yesterday. I was left wondering if it caused long-term effects that I was unable to foresee at the time. I probably knew it was not something I should have done, but I was at an age where impulses won the day. Now I am left wondering. We all do things we're not prou




If the entire world made sense, what fun would it be? The whole mystery of life is built around the fact that there are questions in life that make us think and exercise our brains and reasoning abilities. For example, would you want to live in a world where there was nothing out of the ordinary? Nothing to figure out, nothing to make you think about something? What if we all wore the same clothes, listened to the same music and thought the same way about thing? It would get old fast huh?  



Chesterville, OH

So, I didn't write an entry when I was in Troutville, VA, after delivering in Salem. I didn't write an entry in Fort Chiswell, VA, after picking up a load of processed turkeys in Newberry, SC. I didn't write an entry after in Mifflinville, PA, after delivering said turkey stuff to Bethlehem, PA.   So, why am I doing it here, when I need to be getting down the road? I've got approximately 450 miles to drive today to be set up to deliver this load tomorrow morning, unless they let me drop it ton



Punk Kid - Part Two

Well, I haven't heard back from Danielle's mom yet, and I'm really not sure I want to because I'm pretty certain that she's so far gone that nothing even my great words *insert proper amount of humility here* can repair. That said... Tony did get a reply.   Dear Tony,   I realize that it has been several days since I received your letter and it is only now that I am taking the time to respond. I have read your words carefully and realize that you are very passionate about your beliefs. I ha



Don't ask...

Years ago when I first started to paid with real money (not the monopoly money I had been getting), I discovered that I owed Uncle Sam $1100 on tax day.   My boss was being a raging bitch.   Three printers and the main router decided to go tits up all at once.   My order for laser printer toner cartridges came back, again, because it wasn't formatted properly.   I had 10 minutes to deal with my bank to get the money for Uncle Sam. It took 40 minutes. Bankers are like that.   About 3:30



More on politics

The current state of our political system is dire. When you look at the two parties, you see little belief in working towards the common good of this country. This is far removed from the vision of our forefathers. There is lack of pragmatism. Yes, I said the p word. When creating a bill that is for the greater good for this country, our legislators tend to nit pick. Instead of thinking about what is best for the people, they decide that it's not worth while to compromise. Take for example the r



Hurricane, WV

I did the AA Highway in Kentucky today (too many "y's"). When I first received the load dispatch, I figured I be going Highway 35 across Ohio, but the computer fooled me and I was sent to AA (ha-ha). Well, it was kind of scary thinking this highway actually might have been named in honor of that wonderful non-organization.   When I turned off I-275 there was a little sign that said "John Y Brown Jr AA Highway." My immediate thought was, "Okay, he's a pretentious sot who paid a lot of money to



A newly registered Democrat!

I decided to make it official. I was already planning to register as I had not yet registered to vote in Kansas. Since Kansas is way too conservative and needs more Democrats, I registered to vote and officially joined the Democratic Party. Before, I was not affiliated with a political party at all. If someone would have told me even two years ago that I would now be a Democrat, I would have said, "No way, not ever!" However, my views have changed over time, and I am now more liberal than ever.



Letter to the editor.... err, Mom?

Sometimes I wonder, okay that's a lie... I wonder a LOT, how some people got to be parents... and I don't mean HOW, I get that part... I mean why, I guess. If you don't want to be a parent, don't have kids... seems simple enough to me, right? And, (I can't believe I just started a sentence with 'and') if you do have kids, for goodness sake, f**king take care of them and be responsible! That said... you know, I think anyway, that Tony's girlfriend Danielle came to stay with us for the summer beca



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