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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Fountain, CO

It's across the interstate. Fountain, Colorado, is famous for "The Blast," the result of a passenger train colliding with part of a freight train carrying 18 tons of explosive naptha. Today the event is celebrated with a street dance in July.   My blood test in Hays went off without any problems at all. Unlike those people in Kentucky, these guys knew a customer when they saw one and were more than willing to test my blood. Unfortunately, my INR came out 3.3. Not significantly higher, but stil



You're a sports car... with one gallon of gas...

Ok - so NOT as wildly optimistic as I was during my post... I am still feeling well, feeling mainly bored with tons of energy - until I actually try to do something. First major time it hit me was Sunday night when I tried to go grocery shopping on my own. I had to pause twice in the store, and as SOON as I got back to the car and had the groceries loaded, I just sat in the drivers seat to rest. Described it to a friend at work and he's the one that coined the phrase that I'm using for thi



It's all Ash's fault (My new SK addiction)

Well, I haven't been posting blogs much lately. I have a new addiction. It's called Star Kingdoms. Basically, you get to build a military and, along with your allies, destroy targets. We're in the midst of war. I love it! Ash (Demetz) is to blame, because he told me about SK, so now you all know why I'm not on GA as much.



Bunker Hill, KS

Let's get this out of the way first, my grandfather may have been born in Kansas and his parents may have been married in Kansas, but I still do not like Kansas, except for the service plaza on their turnpike. See, I can't hate them because hate is an all out, total rejection, but these guys have nice service plazas. Rest areas are another situation entirely as they range from "I not even peeing in there" to "this is rather nice for a public toilet."   According to Wiki, Bunker Hill has 1.4 sq




Oh F**K!!!   Waking up, back at HOME, with Dan at my side after a week... I can't begin to express how happy I am. I really am feeling so well. It is so ironic, having leukemia and going through one chemo treatment, I right now feel BETTER than I have most of this past year. I have energy (due to the transfusions and now having a much better red blood/hemoglobin counts), I'm REALLY well rested (from sitting/laying bored in bed at the hospital for a week), and I have Dan and my dogs back



Conley, GA

Okay, so I didn't do an entry for day or so. I was busy and tired.   I also broke the frames for my regular glasses. So now I have to live in darkness, even when it's dark outside. My clinic is ordering new frames so they can put in the old lenses when I get home (hopefully next Friday). I'm typing this without my sunglasses and I can see my laptop. The letters are a little small and fuzzy, but you do what you have to do.   Yesterday I was supposed to have my weekly blood test, but I foolish



12 September 2008

In my last blog, I mentioned my frustration at getting my company's ownership to hire additional staff that I think we need, particularly this really, REALLY hot boy (we'll just call him "Ben" for now) that I interviewed at the end of August. Anyway, things have been happening very fast over the past few days, much to the surprise of our management team. We've realized that we have to let an employee go (which is going to be very difficult -- she's been with the company for 6 years and everyone



Just a quick note...

FIRST - as usual, THANK YOU everyone that has sent Dan or I messages - or even just sending us your thoughts. We REALLY appreciate all of the support and encouragement.   Now, this is a short entry just cause I'm a bit tired but just for normal reasons (ie, YES, I am still feeling fantastic).   I did get the 2nd of the "F" drug today, so just one more dose tomorrow which they are trying to schedule for the morning so I can go home in early afternoon!!! I'll also talk to the doctor tomorro



Post "chemo" and DOING good (so far)

Today ended up a LOT better than I thought it would. I had a little bit of... well... I think everyone that hears "chemo drug" thinks the same things... nausea, throwing up, massive hair loss. And the wikipedia entry on Cytoxan pretty much confirmed all three. I have a real problem with loss of control - so of the three, the thought of vomiting, especially before I could get to a basin, totally freaked me out.   Talking to the doctor this morning REALLY helped. I know, everyone keeps on s



Dream slowly becoming reality.

I have this project thing from when I was in second grade. On it, I had to answer what I wanted to be when I grew up. My answer to that question was that I wanted to be a police officer.   Ten years later I am in school to do just that. For a long time, I didn't think that I would be able to accomplish that goal. I thought that I would never be able to physically cut it as a police officer. A few years ago I decided that I would go to college and get a degree for Computer Networking. I figure



The Tears of Solitude

Since there is only one poem this time, I figured I would post the link here. This one is called "The Tears of Solitude". Feel free to leave reviews, and as always, feel free to drop by the Impressions and Reflections topic. Feel free to critisize if you must! I like feedback, and that includes constructive criticism.



Avon, NY

And you were thinking, "Whew! He's forgotten to do an entry."   Sorry, but I was busy finishing Chapter 16. It's all done and sent to my editor. It should be up before the weekend.   Then I had to drive here to pick up my next load.   They seemed quite anxious for me to get here, but I've been sitting in the dock for an hour and nary a pallet has thumped onto my trailer. Actually, it's the forklift the does the thumping.   At least it's not hot. There's a nice breeze blowing and enough c



Really? REALLY?!

First off, you should listen to the song Dancing by Elisa. It's absolutely f**king beautiful and it makes me want to cry and smile and giggle and sob all at the same time.   So, the reason this entry is entitled "Really? REALLY?!" is because it's just un-freakin'-believable sometimes, with the shit life tends to throw at me. It's not bad, but I'm so frustrated! You guys know me, I'm a worrier, which means I want to fix everything and everyone.   Two of my aunts are losin' their freak



Amherst, OH

Okay, I tried to make an appointment with my shrink, but he won't be in town the next time I'm home. So, I guess I'll have to monitor the situation and decide what to do when I start heading home.   Actually, I'm kind of surprised I went to the effort of making the appointment, but I was going to do this entry and realized it would look kind of silly to say I was going to try. It looks a whole lot better to say I tried, but failed.   I'm putting off leaving as I have to drive through Clevela



Gay Men and Blood Donations

Ok. One of my favorite pastimes when i'm bored at work is to watch Queer as Folk, among other things. I watched an episode today that kind of reminded me about an experience that I think is not only important, but I feel strongly.   Being able to donate my blood to a blood bank.   I did some research and found that the ban comes from a 1983 ban on gay men donating blood because of an HIV risk. To me, this is understandable especially given the fear and the lack of proper testing at the time.



T.S. Hanna

It's wet. That's all I gotta say. It's WET!   Tropical Storm Hanna made landfall today south of me, but I can tell you that right now, I'm feelin the weather, and the rain (my commute to work is gonna SUCK!) and the wetness. As I'm writing this, I've learned that not only am I under a flood watch, but a tropical storm warning ACK!   Needless to say I will be at work tomorrow, and shellin out the extra cash to take a cab there and back (i'm not waiting outside in this weather for the train!).



West Valley City, UT

Another day, another buck-fifty in the kitty.   Today, was okay. Busted my ass helping to unload my trailer. It's part of the deal. The customer is a major account and the drivers must help unload. This means picking up boxes that fall off of pallets that are stacked to the ceiling, picking up boxes that are stuffed between pallets, and generally helping the forklift operator with the unload. We don't get paid to help, by the way, which is only logical in the greater scheme of things.   And,



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