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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Dumas, TX

I got out of the Metroplex without being burnt to a crisp. God, it was hotter than hooey down there. Well, not at hot as, say Phoenix or Barstow, but hot. It was an oppressive heat that pushed down on you. In the desert it is hot, but it's more scorching or searing. The heat moves around and through you as it goes onto the next person. The heat during the past few day was personal. It was your heat. Your's alone.   One good thing about the heat was I was able to finish Chapter 14, which means



Football 101- Basic Offense & Positions

The Pro Set is one of the most basic formations you will see. Almost all the pro teas run it at one time or another. It is a balanced offense from which a team can either pass of run.   Positions-   Offensive Line: the offensive lines job is to open holes for runners of protect the quarterback on passing plays. Although O-lines don't get much press, they have got to perform their job or the offense is going nowhere.   C or Center snaps the ball to the QB and then blocks or protects the pas



Do you ever?

Does anyone else ever wish certain things in their life could be different? I certainly am at a point where I have that wish. For one thing, I wish I was somewhere else completely. I'd also like to have someone in my life. I'm lonely a great deal of the time, and it would be nice to find somebody to love. It would make my life a whole lot more meaningful, and I would certainly be happier.



CRV Forum to shut down

On July 31st, the forums over at CRVboy will close due to a lack of interest.... (yawn). Okay, just kidding. Not about the forums closing, but about the yawn. To be honest, I'm not very surprised. The Simple Machines forum is very boring, and there was no encouragement from the site administration to post over there. I guess it's kinda sad because it didn't have to be that way, but like they say, water under the bridge.......   I think the next thing to go will be the entire site. There are a



Burning old house and a miserable night

I'm not a firebug or anything, but yesterday I saw a house that was on fire. Apparently, it was set ablaze on purpose. The mayor of the town actually wanted the house to be gone. It was amazing. There's something about the power of fire that stirs the imagination for some reason. I could watch fires like that all the time, though it would never turn me on sexually or get to a point where I would become an arsonist. You could see the fire from anywhere in town, and I got several views of it from



A lot has happened:

Graduated high school.   ------The least interesting thing thats happened.       Rafa, my best friend, got stuck in my handcuffs. Thankfully found the key, then I gave them to Jake to be used on his girlfriend.   ------We were all pretty high if that helps explain anything.       Got into UC Berkeley.   ------Im excited but cant really afford it. So Ill probably go to community college to get GEs out of the way and transfer.       Was invited to 2 3somes.   ------In the same



Why America Needs Michael Savage

That's right, I said it. We need Michael Savage on the air. We also need Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity and Neal Boortz.   So right now there's this ridiculous push to get Michael Savage taken off the air. Why? Because he has an opinion that some people disagree with. He said that 99% of autistic kids were misdiagnosed and that they're brats who need their parents to tell them to cut the act.   I don't know what makes someone autistic. I don't know if it's a chemical imbalance, or a disease t



Ghost Stories

I'm throwing around a couple of different story ideas for this anthology. A couple are more cerebreal interpretations of the word ghost, but the one that has the most traction in my mind features an actual ghost, so I may do that instead. There's just one little stumbling block...which I think just came together in my mind. Well then. Ghost story it is.   To err is human, to forgive divine, but not a particularly interesting story. So Khayyam Barat tells us one about bloody satisfaction instea



Early start yields poetry

My insomnia seems to be worsening. I went to bed after midnight and woke up at 6. I tried to go back to bed, but sleep would not come. This is starting to really annoy me. I can't take this much longer. I need to be able rest, but it never seems to happen. I have periods of time where this happens, but I wish it wouldn't. Well, I have written and posted two poems. I have been writing poetry every single day. The first one is called "Chains of Pain" and the second is called "Locked". I figured I



I'm SUCH a girl...

Rich showed me this earlier and I was totally crying... it was SO... ugh, amazing and touching. The Lion Story   Also, the other day he showed me this and I was hysterical... you should totally be allowed to sort things by penis... just saying! IT Guy vs. Dumb Employee In honor of my favorite IT Angel and Darlin!   Hugs, Viv



Hello, Jamie (Said Dr. Lecter-style)

Wow. Just wow. Went to the psychowhatsit.   I have never met anyone quite like that woman. I'm telling you, it was like I was in Silence of the Lambs from the way she kept asking the exact right questions to get to the exact root of my problems. The woman is the single most competent and intelligent mental health professional I've ever met. In fact, she's the ONLY competent one I've met.   Bitch is freakin' amazing. I've never met anyone like her! I know I'm gushing, but omg if she



NFL Preview

AFC 2008 Preview/Predictions     AFC North   Steelers- After going 10-6 last year and enjoying a very productive draft, Pittsburg is set to capture the division again. The only question that remains is how far can they go in the playoffs and are they ready to challenge the Patriots? Projected: 12-4, Division winner   Bengals- The Bengals were a disappointing 7-9 last season after a rash of injuries and an early season skid from which they never recovered. This years cats may be a whole d



Struggling to make amends

I happen to be a firm believer in making up for misdeeds. I've always been told that it's the right thing to do. Sometimes our own selfishness can cause us to forget what people mean to us. Only through painstaking steps can we repair what has been broken. Even when we take these steps, there may be times when it isn't enough. Words can only do so much. It's so frustrating to watch as people no longer interact with you the way they once did. Maybe I my own personal issues are too much for some t



Leominster, MA

I was trying to come up with a witty entry about "Three Broads" I ran into in the past few days, but I've got to go pick up a new load in a few and can't stay on topic for any length of time. Okay, the first "broad" is my favorite: the French Broad River in Tennessee and North Carolina, mostly in TN though. It's the name. French Broad sounds so erotic, so Rita Hayworth or seductive like Ingrid Bergman. Makes me try to imagine Burt Lancaster or Humphrey Bogart, a baguette, a bottle of cheap wine,



Hey, I'm Barack Obama...the Muslim?

Ok, so I'm sick and tired of hearing people talk about whether or not Barack Obama is a Muslim or not, so let me break this down for you all.   For the last 5 months, all we've heard about is the Reverend Wright controversy, followed by the Father Pfleger fiasco. Now, considering that he's had pastor/priest issues and not Imam issues, how in the world could any logical human being come to the conclusion that Barack Obama is anything but a Christian? Obviously he was attending Christian servic



Stuck in Traffic. Please send Food and Coffee.

I drove back from my parent's this evening. What typically takes me 6 hours, if I hit a bit of traffic and don't speed on the gravel roads (but what else are gravel roads for?) took me nine hours to complete. This was due to CalTrans deciding it needed to fix every section of every freeway, all at once. Tonight, as a matter of fact. There were seven different instances of lanes removed from traffic, in four cases the freeways were reduced to a single lane of traffic. But you know, those I could



McCain the flip flopper~vs~Obama the flip flopper

John McCain, the Red state flip flopper   Having long been a member of his party's more moderate wing on a number of issues, Mr McCain began adopting more right-wing positions during the primary campaign.   Immigration   Last year, Mr McCain was one of the key backers of President Bush's plan for "comprehensive immigration reform", which would have created "paths to citizenship" for illegal immigrants, while investing more money in border security.   The plan was very unpopular with t



F@#$'n Moving Again!

Not me, nope rest assured when it is my turn to move; anyone and everyone will have scattered to the four winds. Nope looks like i will be spending another weekend in the glorious company of my cousin.   I like the guy I really do. Its just I have enough shit to do already.   bleh this is pointless. I really need to do something more constructive with this blog rather then bitch all the time.   Steve



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