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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
    • 1 comment

I'm not getting better...just older

Warning: self-pitying, whiny post ahead     So it's almost my birthday and I've been trying to forget it...isn't easy though, I told one friend months ago when it was during a time when I wasn't stressed out about it and damn if they don't all know now!   I keep getting that, "So what are we doing for your birthday?" question.   Don't get me wrong; I appreciate the sentiment, but I'll be honest, here's what I want to do on my birthday: I want people to send me a nice text, or a brief, c



LLWS Semi-finals - 21 Aug 2008

I just finished watching the last of the semi-finals in the Little League World Series tournament. I was really pulling for the Florida and Maryland teams, but they both got defeated by Louisiana, and Louisiana will now be going to the U.S. championship game on Saturday, facing the team from Hawaii. The Louisiana team is very impressive, and their ace pitcher reminds me a lot of Grady, mainly in that he throws over 80 mph. That's very impressive for a 12 year old kid, and is the equivalent of 10



blogligent = negligent blogging?

UGH! I had a HELLUVA week at work... I may have mostly recovered now. Although, I'm still trying to figure out if dealing with crappy people is part of what I get paid for, and if those crappy people should include my coworkers. Luckily, most of the people I work with don't suck too bad, and I have some great friends there.   Let's see if I can sum up my week... Someone dumped several live catfish in our parking lot and all the stray cats in the area came to feast on their flopping around bod



insomniac heart

You know that feeling you get when you're sleeping alone... and no matter how hard you try, you can't trick your arms into believing the pillow in your arms is who you dream it to be?   Thats the feeling I've got tonight.   Well... thats all i had to say.


Demetz in Demetz

New classes are starting

My new classes start tomorrow. I'm a little nervous, but I'm excited too. Some of the classes I'm going to be taking later will be interesting. For now I'm just taking a couple of introductory classes until around November. After that, I will take a web design class, and that's the one I really want to take. I know some HTML, but I want to learn some of the other stuff, because there's only so much that HTML can do. Now that I don't have the severe depression holding me back, I'm ready to move f



Future Prospects

I figured, in order to make up for not blogging as much, I would write a blog with all of the ideals going around in my head.   To think about the future and to make plans for said future is one of the most difficult things to ever do. What I



West of Fargo, ND

I'm not quite certain how far west because it was late last night and I was too tired to venture into that wonderful city. I have to venture in this morning because I need a blood test. I've picked out a clinic and hopefully they'll be willing to help a trucker in need. What I really hope is there'll be parking for the big rig somewhere close to the clinic. I don't have a lot of time to drive all over Fargo looking for a place to park the big rig so I can get some blood drawn.   Last night as



Cutey Honey The Live 1st episode

This is a show called Cutey Honey The Live. It's got a lot of martial arts action. For those who are into it, there is a young Asian woman who wears a really tight outfit.   This is the first episode in 3 parts. Did I mention the gratuitous violence and the fact that it's live-action anime?   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvMwXlONhJU   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnXRjhqePXA   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB94cQ4PjT4



Tiger's Jungle Clearing (new name)

I'm always looking for a name for my blog, believe it or not. I haven't found the perfect one, but this one will do for now. If anyone has any interesting ideas, I would love to hear them. I guess I'm just picky about for some reason, as though it's difficult for me to figure out what I really want. Hmmmm... that seems to be a repeating theme for me. It always gets me into trouble. I guess it could be worse.



Egotistical Snobs and Power Hungry Losers

Don't those two types of people just annoy the f**k out of you? I'm just so tired of coming across those people. Sure, everyone is a bit snobby in their own way. But there's a difference between actually meaning it or half-meaning it and joking about it in a funny, endearing way. When someone is a snob, and a serious one at that, I just want to punch them! Hardcore! Yes, I have anger issues. I have a punching bag to remedy that. I refused my mom's offer of anger management or some new program ca



Moses Lake, WA

Moses Lake is an odd little city in the middle of the Columbia Basin. It is also an actual lake; technically a reservoir when Crab Creek was damned in 1900 for irrigation purposes. That original reservoir is much bigger today because of the Columbia Basin Reclamation Project. I spent the night here and will be heading east within the hour. Back in the mid-Eighties I applied for a typesetting position here with a small webpress, but didn't get it because they hired a guy from Wenatchee. It was a




That about sums everything up in a nutshell. I've been hella frustrated as of late, my writing is at a stand still. I spend weekends mired in Family crap, and the week over burdened at work, because three people assumed the middle of August was high time to quit with out giving any notice. I want to scream but realize that is counter productive. to top everything off my F'n libido has chosen now to kick into high drive.   The most difficult thing is I have been so set in my ways for the last



Happy Birthday!

I've always considered 13 to be a lucky number for me mostly because I was born at 11:30 p.m. Another thirty minutes and I'd have been an August 14th baby, but that was not to be as my mother had been in labor since the 10th of August. I've heard labor in an agonizing experience and I'm glad I didn't have to go through it. Depositing my seed in the proper recepticle was a lot more fun, even though at the time I was probably imagining it was Robert Redford who was the receiver.   Don't ask me w



I hate cops

Alright, I'm normally not one to blog, as you can tell by my last blog date. But my mind is jumbled and I need to get some thoughts out.   Ok, the blog title is a bit unfair. I don't hate ALL cops. Far from it. Cops do have their duties and so many cops have risked their lives trying to help and save people. And by God, I love Law and Order shows, but those detectives, no men in uniform, work on real hard cases. Nevertheless, even uniform cops have their purposes. They're the first line of de



Disappointment in the color of silver

Call me crazy, but I thought the US Women's Gymnastics Team basically gave away the gold medal last night. One of the women fell off the balance beam. The same one fell during the floor exercise. It was definitely a disappointment. They could have won if not for the fact that they made so many mistakes. I will say, however, that I am at least relieved that they won silver and did not do so poorly as not to medal at all. With huge mistakes like that, it could have been much worse. I was just hopi




Hi everyone!   I'm majorly excited about having my own forum now! It's called AFriendlyPlace, I really hope you guys will check it out and say hi!   I'm hoping to make it a fun, friendly place where people can go to have a good time and chat about my stories plus whatever they want. I'm also got a few ideas for some story related game threads that I hope people will enjoy   On another note, Worth A Shot should begin posting fairly soon.   Also, I'm extremely excited about my Fall Ant



Updates in a fequently changing world

Yea, the last blog kinda sucked compared to my others, so I felt the need to write more for your entertainment   I got a job as a parking garage attendant in my home away from home where I'll basically be doing nothing cept taking money from people to park. No stress, no worries, pretty much nothing to do.   I start classes in a little over three weeks at the community college near me and I'm stoked for it, especially my criminal and American Sign Language classes.   So while I'm busy in



Love is...yeah, about that

Wanted to get this down before I went to bed for the morning.   A few weeks ago, a friend asked me how I could tell I was in love. Or, rather, how he could tell he was in love, but whatever. I demurred; said I'd only been in love the once for real, and it was quite one-sided, so my experiences can't exactly be considered definitive, but he pressed. So the best I came up with was "when he was cut, I bled."   Since then, I've been trying to find a better way to sum up my thoughts on love, the



I Can't Call It A Nightmare Because I Can't f**ken Sleep.

Cousin's in town for two weeks....   I'm sleeping on the floor agian because the cousin kicked me out of my room.   It's hot as hell,. no fan or a/c, doors and windows all shut....   She's pissing me the f*** off.   I'm going f***** crazy.   I keep getting headaches because it's so f***** hot.   I can't sleep at all.   People step on me while I'm trying to sleep...   And I still have another week to go with her.   The BF hardly text's/calls me and I don't think this relationshi




I'm so bad! I haven't posted here in so long! I'm so sorry everyone.   As most know, I've been sick, or very, very busy. One extreme or the other, never somewhere inbetween. I have been writing, having posted more chapters of A Butterfly's Dream, a couple more one shots, including my pride and joy A Campers Nightmare. My mother has also sprained her foot (ouch), so I've been taking care of her for the past few days. I do plan on continuing to write, but I've also discovered a few new bunnie

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis


Today's blood test came back with an INR of 2.2 meaning the Warfarin is at a therapeutic level in my blood, which also means no more Enoxaparin shots in the belly. Yaay!   Yet, I'm distracted.   So far I've written just over a page on Chapter 15.   Not a lot, but you see I'm distracted.   CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: Severe and extraordinary, Chest Pain Shortness of Breath Dizziness Headache Any of the above means the blood clot or a piece of it



Where has the time gone?

When I graduated from high school, I had big plans for my life. At that time, I wanted to be a nurse. I tried being a CNA for a while, but it just wasn't for me. I later decided to try paralegal. I took a few classes, but the luster eventually wore off. Last summer I started some IT classes. Then I dropped out. Now, I'll be starting new classes on 8-20. It's a different school, and I don't know if I'll actually be able to use a lot of the credits from the first which really sucks. I owe the old



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