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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Have you ever had a dream you would give anything for, to never end? A dream that's so powerful you remember it for days, weeks, one that bothers you so much all you can do is think about it non stop. :wacko:   What about a song, that has so much meaning, a lot of people wouldn't understand, but to you it's like a light bulb just lit up! A song that you must have listened to for the past 24 hours straight, and no matter how much you listen to it you just can't seem to get sick of it, because



Reflections of Dark Earth: The Prophecy

I have just posted the final chapter of Dark Earth: The Prophecy. You can find it here. I also realize how some readers only like to read complete novels, and here it is from the beginning. For those who have not read it, I have a brief discussion of major characters and my motivations as an author.   Imagine a world where the sun never shines and there is a constant threat of death. Dark Earth: The Prophecy is my first completed novel, and I loved exploring this world and bringing it to life



Grand Island, NE

Way back when the pioneers were slogging their way into the Platte River valley from Kansas, they found a large island in the river, hence the name. Back then, it was a great big island, twenty-three miles long. What's that, a day on a horse? The US Army determined the up stream end of the island would be the perfect location for a fort. Of course, the Platte River was, at the time, known for being "a mile wide and an inch deep," but there was an island in the middle of it and an island is alway



Packing, Moving, Programming, Oh my!

Well... I'm moving back to the city I want to be in. I start my new job on 7/7.   I am moving this week. As such, I have been spending a LOT of time packing and going through my junk. I have more books than I thought possible. I'm going to need a large room just to hold them all.   Let's see... I have also been working on the Story Archive. There are some very major updates coming soon there. It will also be the first place we deploy the new logo. Steph has been working hard on gett


Myr in Life

Coming out again

This weekend sucked in comparison to the last. While the company was good,the task was less then desirable.   I spent the weekend - Saturday really - helping my cousin move most of his downstairs into a storage unit in preparation for his move into a new house next month. It was going fine, he came up with the ever so brilliant idea of "Load an object... drink a beer" that worked fine for the first load, but quickly deteriorated from there. needless to say we only got about 5 or so trips to th



Fighting ignorance and educating myself

Finally, after two long months of making my initial request, I can finally say that my work is mine again. I'm not going to mention a domain, but what I will do is caution other authors to be careful where they ask to have their work hosted. Not all site owners will be as willing to take your stories down, and the process could take several weeks. It hasn't been fun, and unfortunately, this morning I had to be very assertive about what I wanted. And as everyone here knows, I hate being assertive



Dark Earth: The Prophecy and Second Chances

I just finished the final chapter of Dark Earth: The Prophecy. I am quite happy about that. I have been working on it since October, and it has taken longer than I wanted it to. However, I think the extra time has allowed me to grow as an author, and that is certainly a good thing. Now I am back to Second Chances. It has been a while since I posted a chapter. My plan is to get several chapters ahead and start posting it again. The important thing is that I know where the story is going. As some



This is my life

It seems like life gets slower when there's nothing to really look forward to. Whether it's a job or school or something like that, it slows down incredibly when there's nothing to do.   So I decided to take this time and really look indepth to where I am, where I want to go, and what I want to do, and I've come up with a todo list to be accomplished over the next few years.   Enigma's todo list: 1. Get a job that will last me through college 2. Get a car because NJTranist is horrible 3.



Mmm, Jello

So I went out last night to a house party with my friend Paul. One important fact that I have learned over the years; my favorite alcoholic drink is, by far, the jello shot. Can you think of a more perfect drink? It's not even a drink, it's a snack. That means you can have a drink at the same time. You can't taste the alcohol, only the jello-ey goodness. It's just so convenient, so fun.   I will admit that usually I don't exactly have a lot of fun at parties. I'm always either totally



If No One Notices

...this blog entry I'll just get bored and post a new one. However, I very much hope that someone notices my Anthology entry. It's the first time I've actually finished one AND decided to turn it in, quite an accomplishment let me tell you   In other news, I had an all around productive day writingwise. I bashed a chapter of the BMAD sequel and also my entry for the "Anniversaries" anthology (why not do two in a row right?)   On that score though, and I'll be very busy the next few days,



Getting into advice too

Hey, it seems everyone is giving advice, and instead of ruining Tiger's Desiderata thread, I'll make it an entry.       WORDS OF ADVICE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE     People often ask me if I have any words of advice for young people. Well, here are a few simple admonitions for young and old.   Never interfere in a boy and girl fight.   Beware of whores who say they don't want money. The hell they don't. What they mean is they want more money. Much more.   If you're doing business with a



News from the Front

A conversation I had this morning with my sister stationed in Iraq.   Her: Hey little brother. Me: Oh, hey sis! How's it going? Her: Good. I got your package. (I laugh) Me: Including the birthday card? Her: Yes. I laughed. Good timing too, since it arrived today. Me: Oh, yeah. Happy birthday. You 40 yet? Her: 36. Me: Close enough. Her: Well, Mom tells me you were moving to Texas. Me: Aigh! For crying out loud, I'm not moving to Texas. Her: I'm just repeating what I've been told. She



parking lot etiquette...

So Rich wanted to take the kids to see Kung-Fu Panda. We all pile in the car, he whines that I'm driving with his usual, "Whoa, whoa, whoa... I'll drive," and I just giggle cause I'm already getting in the car and he's too late. Mwahahahahaha!   We drive to The Block, and since it's Friday night... there's officially zero parking in this GINORMOUS place which leads to me faithfully driving up and down every aisle looking for an empty space we can occupy and getitng frustrated TWICE by some mo



Blah, 40yo

When did birthday's start to suck? I don't know what year it was, maybe when I turned 30? Well, they definitely suck now at 40 . It didn't help when a good friend of mine said "Honey, I hate to tell you this but 40 was the worst. I went through a six month depression." Luckily he seemed to survive pretty well because he's 64 now. I figure I just have to make it through this year by doing my best to fight aging.   I started by going on a 50 mile bike ride on the day after my birthday. I



NBC's Tim Russert Dies at 58

NBC's Tim Russert Dies at 58 AP Posted: 2008-06-13 15:54:47 Filed Under: TV News, Nation News WASHINGTON (June 13) - Tim Russert, host of NBC's "Meet the Press" and its Washington bureau chief, collapsed and died at work Friday after suffering an apparent heart attack. He was 58.   Russert, of Buffalo, N.Y., took the helm of the Sunday news show in December 1991 and turned it into the most widely watched program of its type in the nation. His signature trait there was an unrelenting style




Unfortunately, the woman from the A+ training place called this morning and said that we needed to reschedule. While I was a little disappointed, I know I will be able to go some time next week. In the mean time, I am going to focus as much as possible on writing. I have actually made some good progress already today. I hope to continue with that today, because I really want to wrap this one up so that everyone can see how it ends. Anyway, I just thought I would still update as promised even tho



Dunnigan, CA

Back to work . . . well, sort of.   I left home yesterday morning headed to Salinas, CA, with an empty trailer to pick up a load headed for a grocery distribution center somewhere in America. Then yesterday afternoon as I was approaching the end of my run for the day I received a new destination, Riverside, CA. So, I wasn't going to pickup salad, after all. It's not that I don't like hauling salad, but I don't like going to Salinas. You can't like everywhere and Salinas is one of my nowheres.




I was telling a good friend earlier that I really don't know if I should be happy that I'm always right or sad that people never surprise me.   I've severed any and all ties with the boy that was driving me insane. I've deleted his number from my phone, his addy from my msn... hell I've thrown away the Pez dispensers his mom sent as a happy. Everything I can think of that reminds me of him is gone; I've efficiently and thoroughly erased his existence, and the only sign that he ever was is



A+ Cerification

Friday, at 11 AM, I will be talking to a counselor about A+ certification. Some of the classes are to be online which means that I will only have to be on campus for the physical aspects like changing hard drives and putting computers together. All of that is stuff I am already familiar with anyway. This is going to be awesome, because I can take both classes in just eight weeks. After that, I want to pursue Network+ certification as well as Security+ certification. Meanwhile, I can find a good



The Clintons' Chilling 'Enemies List'

By Tommy Christopher Jun 11th 2008 11:38AM   Filed Under:eHillary Clinton, Democrats, 2008 President, Media, Bill Clinton   Bill and Hillary Clinton, and their supporters, are compiling and maintaining an "enemies list," according to a report by the NY Times' MARK LEIBOVICH:   Doug Band, chief gatekeeper to former President Bill Clinton...keeps close track of the past allies and beneficiaries of the Clintons who supported Mr. Obama's campaign, three Clinton associates and campaign off



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