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  • Cole Matthews

    Conflicted or Confident

    By Cole Matthews

    With effective writing, our characters should always try to show, and not tell, the reader how they are feeling.  Verbal expressions are the simplest and most direct way, like stuttering or announcing things.  But, there are certain actions and reactions in the body, which are even more efficient at conveying a character's feelings.  I've decided to give you a couple of opposite feelings to work with.   Here are physical clues for you to use portraying your character's state of being.  Feel

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 26 - Mar. 4)

I am always on the lookout for how to do the Weekly Wrap Up differently. Besides having someone else do it  is there any ideas or suggestions on a different format, layout, etc? I'm curious what the 10's of you want to see . I think I will do something that I haven't done before. I've totally mixed up the blog before. How about this time I do one completely in reverse  (except the Premium Story which is new this week  ) Sure, why not. Here is the look at the past weeks postings on


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Spotlight You guys have heard me talk about ‘spotlights’ in earlier articles, and I wanted to take an opportunity to maybe go a bit more in depth with what I mean when I say that. When you’re writing a story with multiple characters, multiple themes, or multiple tones (or perhaps a combination of the three all at once), it can be really difficult to keep everything in order and running smoothly without confusing your readers about what they should be focusing on. It’s like going to an electr


Comicality in Writing Tips

MDBCs 04 Mar 2023

March 4th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Adrian of Nicomedia Casimir Felix of Rhuys Giovanni Antonio Farina (Catholic Church) Blessed Humbert III, Count of Savoy (Roman Catholic Church) Paul Cuffee (Episcopal Church) Peter of Pappacarbone


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 580


On August 24th of 2022, I went to what seemed to be a routine therapy appointment. I have complex PTSD stemming from, well, lots of places. This led to depression, anxiety, and an impossibly tricky minefield of things that would set me off for no reason. In fact, that same day, I had a panic attack, hearing metal bats hit softballs. This was new, as I had watched the summer of softball games in the employee league, and only on this day was it a problem.  My therapist decided to do some EMDR

Genres and Tags Prompts

I browsed the various genres and tags the other day and thought how about we go on a writing adventure, step out of our comfort zone, and try new things? PT #119 Your protagonist orders their favorite hot beverage at the coffee shop, stirs it with a strangely formed spoon, and suddenly the place is devoid of any customers. The door opens, and in comes a person wearing black clothes and a Venetian mask. Write the first lines of their conversation, or more? PT #120 Write a letter either as


Aditus in Prompts

MDBCs 03 Mar 2023

March 3rd 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Anselm, Duke of Friuli Arthelais Cunigunde of Luxembourg Katharine Drexel John and Charles Wesley (Episcopal Church (USA)) Marinus and Asterius of Caesarea Winwaloe March 3 (Eastern


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 579

MDBCs 02 Mar 2023

March 2nd 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Air Force Day (Sri Lanka) Baloch Culture Day (Balochistan) Christian feast day: Agnes of Bohemia Angela of the Cross Blessed Charles the Good, Count of Flanders Chad of Mercia (Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Eastern Orthodox Church)


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 578

Ask An Author 3.0 #26

March. March! March!!! I doubt I'll be kicking off the month of March for GA like this any time soon, so let's do it in a fun and exciting way. I didn't have any questions via PM, so I had to put my workboots on and find some content. Fortunately, I didn't have to look far. With a slightly different format, I asked some wonderful questions for one of the site's exciting authors. This guy has one of my favorite stories of all time, and I revisit it frequently. Asking these questions brought much

MDBCs 01 Mar 2023

March 1st 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Beer Day, marked the end of beer prohibition in 1989 (Iceland) Christian feast day: Agnes Tsao Kou Ying (one of the Martyr Saints of China) Albin David Eudokia of Heliopolis Pope Felix III Leoluca Luperculus


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MDBCs 28 Feb 2023

February 28th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: February 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Kalevala Day, also known as the Finnish Culture Day (Finland) National Science Day (India)   Observances (click on the day, BD or week for details) National Chocolate Souffle Day Nati


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 576

Part 3

Authenticity vs everyday life There are two camps of literature consumers: Those who practice escapism (fantasy and science fiction to the rescue) and those who prefer stories that seek a high order of reality and authenticity: Feelings—good ones as well as bad ones—, situations you can identify with, which you even already might have experienced. In the early days of filmmaking, there have been ideas now and then, that had the potential to be revolutionary. The idea, I want to talk ab


Zuri in writing tips

February CSR Discussion Day: Crisscross Moon by Rich Eisbrouch

Did you ever think you so strongly did something, you didn't even worry about it? Well, I've been doing the CSR blogs for over 10 years (Yes, I checked, they started in Jan. 2013!) and was sure I'd sent Rich his interview for Crisscross Moon. I did not. Sorry again, Rich!! If he gets his (very late) interview back to me, I'll add it here, but for now I wanted to feature the thoughts of some readers who enjoyed his story so you can also share yours below! Plus a graphic because that's also what I


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

MDBCs 27 Feb 2023

February 27th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows George Herbert (Anglicanism) Honorina Leander February 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) The second day of Ayyám-i-Há (Baháʼí Faith) (Note: this observance is only on this date in the


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 575

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 19 - Feb. 25)

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night. Depending on where in the day you are when you read this. 🕰️ I looks like our shortest month of the year is almost over. Can I tell a joke that hopefully everyone sees the humour of it and don't fill up my inbox with hate mail Actually it was told to me by a friend in the field, so to speak   So what month of the year do farmers complain the least amount about the weather?   Okay, settle down out there  Would that fit into the category


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

MDBCs 26 Feb 2023

February 26th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Alexander of Alexandria Emily Malbone Morgan (Episcopal Church (USA)) Isabelle of France Li Tim-Oi (Anglican Church of Canada) Porphyry of Gaza February 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 574

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