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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

2022 Anthology: Anniversary *Now Live*

Well, on this 20th anniversary year of GA we wanted to get at least 20 Anniversary-themed stories to feature for our 2022 Anthology, and our authors pulled through and then some! We have short stories, long stories, poetry, and exploratory fiction. This month of September (which just so happens to my anniversary month on GA & in real life!) we have stories that will go live every single Thursday for readers to enjoy. Make sure you check here for links to each one!  Enjoy these Anniversa


Cia in Anthologies

Ask An Author 3.0 #20

Are you ready for the best intro to an Ask An Author article? I certainly am! Honestly, it could be a great title to the series we're featuring this month.  "Ask An Author, Charlie Boone!"  That's right! We got a set of questions for @Geron Kees's wonderful series, Charlie Boone. Even if you haven't read any of the stories, you've probably seen the titles in the Story Archives. With twenty completed stories, I'm sure it was difficult for our anonymous reader to only ask four questions.


astone2292 in Author Interviews

September CSR Feature: La Bella Vacanza by James Carnarvon

Can you believe it's already September? I can't! So to go back to that holiday feeling, I've featured La Bella Vacanza by James Carnarvon. This story is linked to his series, but somewhat of an aside, so you can read it and enjoy a sampling of the tales.  La Bella Vacanza by @James Carnarvon Length: 22,202 Description: A light-hearted novella in seven short chapters. Sixteen-year-old Reza thinks he knows it all until his parents drag him away on a summer holiday to Ravel


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 28 - Sep. 3

I'm so excited I just can't hide it I think I'm about to lose control and I think like it So September 1st came and went and I am so looking forward to our upcoming Anthology stories!! I know some are done and some are in the hands of our excellent proof team. I guess we can all now wait anxiously to see the first round of entries   I'm up late, early, whatever time in your neck of the woods, so I need to get this all wrapped up and get to bed   Monday Cia was back with


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Building a Team

Building A Team For this particular article, I will need some ideas and some feedback from the rest of you guys. Because I definitely know HOW to do this...but it’s not really a practice that I’ve really used myself since I’ve been writing stories online. I guess a part of me was simply too intimidated to really dive in, head first...and another part of me is just too selfish, hehehe...but I DO see the value in making this a part of the writing process and it might be helpful to all of us at


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt Day Sept 2, 2022

Between editing, proofreading, and writing for the anthology, along with things being crazy at work, my brain is a bit on the crispy side at the moment.  So let’s get right into this week’s prompts.   PT Prompt #79 You are hiking through the woods when you encounter a wooden sign with the following words written in red, dripping paint:  I’d turn back if I were you.  Do you turn back or continue on the path?  If you continue, what do you encounter?  PT Prompt #80 Your ch


Valkyrie in Prompts

The Final Countdown

Today is the last day to submit stories to the proof team for inclusion in the anthology. I feel like we need a New Year’s Eve type countdown as we approach midnight, EST, complete with champagne and confetti.  Of course, there’s still work for the proof team to do, but we’ll be able to take a break soon.  Maybe.    So the big question with this year’s anthology is “did we reach the goal of twenty stories?”.  Well, I’m going to let the question go unanswered until the antho goes


Valkyrie in Anthology

August CSR Discussion Day: The Seventh Wing by Dark

August flew right on by, and if you were a science fiction geek like me, or if you love dragons, you enjoyed reading about the flying in Dark's Pern fanfiction, The Seventh Wing, that was featured earlier this month. Make sure you share your thoughts in a comment below his interview!  If you were an animal, what would you be?  Vampire Deer What do you like to do when you’re not writing?  Read, read, read!  I also sing in a choir and paint DnD miniatures for my brother and hi


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 21 - Aug. 27)

Hey all, what's up? First off, thank you Cia for stepping in last week and getting the majority of the Weekly Wrap Up done for me Not sure if you noticed the latest announcement, but Myr, Cia and the programmer are all working triple overtime to try to fix the caching issues. Some significant improvements have happened over the past week with a few more patches coming this week. Hopefully they can nip this in the bud soon, as I know they are all trying so hard to get it done. You als


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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