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What are you TERRIFIED of?

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This should be self explanatory. Just give an example of something you're absolutely terrified of (or just scared of in general, lol). Maybe we should say if we are afraid of the same thing, then give your answer. Like if someone said they were terrified of spoons, you should say if you are or aren't afraid of spoons too before saying your own.


Well, that out of the way, I'm ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of spiders. UGH! GROSS! Really, it's more of a fear of anything with more than four legs. Like, centipedes are just as bad, lol.


The other day I was driving to a friend's house, and i looked out my window, and there was a BIG spider on it. It was on the outside, so I couldn't even smack it with anything. Every time it moved i screamed like a little girl, lol.


What are you terrified of?



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This should be self explanatory. Just give an example of something you're absolutely terrified of (or just scared of in general, lol). Maybe we should say if we are afraid of the same thing, then give your answer. Like if someone said they were terrified of spoons, you should say if you are or aren't afraid of spoons too before saying your own.

Well, I'm not afraid of spoons!

Well, that out of the way, I'm ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of spiders. UGH! GROSS!

I'm a bit nervous around spiders, but not too bad. In fact I was hanging out with a couple of friends one evening and they elected me to kill the two spiders which randomly showed up because I was the least afraid :rolleyes:

Really, it's more of a fear of anything with more than four legs. Like, centipedes are just as bad, lol.

LOL, are they just as bad or about 17 times as bad? ;)



I'm afraid of getting older :(



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I love reptiles and amphibians! In fact I like to torture the little turtle my roommate found on the path a little while ago.


I'm afraid of heights.


You'll never see me up against a railing overlooking a lower level that is more than six feet below me. I keep my feet at least a foot behind the railing and struggle to look over it because I absolutely can't stand heights. My own 6'4" frame and high-rise bed is about all I can take, unless the railing goes up to my stomach (almost chest level), then I'm fine.

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Sounds like you don't like them then :lol:

Oh my gosh! I love heights!


I'm (mildly) afraid of knives and other blades/sharp objects.


Hehehe, I'm DEFINITELY not afraid of blades. I have a small sword collection! :D Gotta be ready for when the zombies attack, and, as the "Zombie Survival Guide" brilliantly points out, blades DON'T need reloading. :D


I wouldn't say I'm terrified of these, but I really dislike octopus (or is it octopi?) and squid. Something about the way they look, as if they are just made of concentrated nasty, lol. One time at a Chinese restaurant, I accidentally ate some calamari...which is squid, by the way. Still don't know how i didn't throw up.

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I wouldn't say I'm terrified of these, but I really dislike octopus (or is it octopi?) and squid. Something about the way they look, as if they are just made of concentrated nasty, lol. One time at a Chinese restaurant, I accidentally ate some calamari...which is squid, by the way. Still don't know how i didn't throw up.

Dude! I LOVE octopus and squid! It's so tasty! I stated off eating pickled squid in this Greek restaurant I used to frequent when I was a kid. Then as I got older I started eating both as nigeri sushi at sushi bars. I also enjoy lightly fried calamari as an appetizer at some restaurants (which is quite amazing actually because apart from french fries and said lightly fried calamari I don't like fried foods).


Anyway, definitely not afraid of them, and love eating them!



Eughh, I'm outta things to be afraid of.


Umm, how about snakes? They kinda freak me out.

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See now that's odd Kev. Remember how I said people answered the question of what animal you wanted to be at the GSA meeting I went to last night? The President (and officially the only gay guy I know) said he wanted to be a snake, since he played with one at a party the night before.


Snakes don't bother me.


I'm afraid of large crowds.


Comes with being anti-social.

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I'm afraid of large crowds.


Comes with being anti-social.

Ohh, I'd forgotten about that. I get a little stressed out (not so much afraid as just anxious/tense) in very chaotic situations. We covered it once in one of my psychology classes I seem to be someone who has a high degree of natural stimulation going on, so too much more just overloads me. As a result I'd actually be calmer and more relaxed if a large crowd of people were sitting semi-quietly with their attention focused on me versus them just all talking loudly to each other and wondering around in a million different directions.


Similarly, I can't stand to have music/noise playing in the background if I'm reading, writing, or talking. People used to get irritated with me because I'd insist on turning off the radio or muting the TV if we were going to have a conversation, but personally I can't see how people can focus with these things blaring away!


I think it has something to do with me getting distracted easily and having difficulty focusing. Thus the more stimulus there is, the harder it is for me to focus on any one thing, and the more frustrated I get.


I'm much better about stuff like this now than I used to be though. I can usually just block it out and be fine unless I'm trying to do something important or something that requires a lot of attention.

So I'm afraid of noisy, chaotic situations.


(parties were never a problem because I tend to be drinking at those 0:) )

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I wouldnt say I'm afraid of them, I dont like them so I tend to stay away from them if I can though.


Well I'm afraid of heights but thats already been so and so has getting older.... I'm afraid of people being disappointed in me, or letting someone down.

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scary thread :P


used to be terrified of spiders, now not so much, i can even pick up some and throw them away (if their legs are thin enough). i still dislike those big fat ones, though, even if they don't give me a near heart attack anymore :P


getting older is kinda scary, i can agree with that >.<


reptiles are not the love of my life but i'm not terrified of them (mostly because i don't get to see/encounter too many of them)


i'm afraid of heights to a certain degree. i fought with this freight when i was a kid so i could climb trees, snoop old or just being built buildings and such. still tend to get scared and freeze in some situations though (while being high up, of course).


never seen (live) an octopus or squid so i have no idea :P


seen snakes only behing a glass wall or from far away, so can't really say. i guess an encounter with a poisonous snake in a jungle would be scary, but duh...

they don't invide my nightmares, though :]


i'm ok with crowds, though sometimes they annoy me.


noisy, chaotic situations too.


disappointing ppl... yeah, i guess we all are afraid of it, at least to a certain degree.


so, what am i really scared of?

sharp objects cutting skin. not really sharp objects themself, as a sharp knife in a kitchen is sth i can't live without (and i do mean really sharp, have no patience with even slightly blunt one, i like my knives being able to cut tomatoes with no problem). but the idea of sth sharp cutting skin? *shudders*

i always avert my eyes from surgery scenes (or any other cutting scenes) while watching a movie ^^'

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You want real terror? Think about growing old alone.


That'll losen your bowels and weaken your bladder.


Definitely agree on that one. Needs to find me a boy toy!


Well, another thing I'm scared of is dying...and there being nothing after life. I'm Christian, so I have faith that there is. But the thought of just...not existing is horrifying.

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Great subject guys!


I'm not afraid of spoons, crouds, or amphibians. I am a little careful about sharp objects, snakes, and spiders because I know that they can do some real damage but I'm not really scared of them. I love being in high places.


Death is scary in a way. I don't mind the idea of my existance just ending. After all, if I stop existing nothing bad can happen to me. Unfortunately I can't make myself believe that it is that simple. I expect my afterlife to be full of "unfinished bussines."


What completely terrifies me is commitment. I hate making promisses or signing contracts. Recently I saw a contract which no one even signed. I still turned three shades whiter.


Another thing that gives me anxiety is talking on the telephone. I don't know why but the minute I pick up the reciever I feel an adrenaline rush.


When it comes to getting older, I have long gotten over that fear. It used to be my worst fear when I was 10. I looked at the adults and teenagers around me and had something like a full blown mid-life style crisis. I was afraid of turning into one of them (yuppies and valley girls/boys). I even started planning how to properly kill myself if I started showing any signs of turning one of them. It was kind of like one of those scenes in the horror movies where someone is afraid of turning into a vampire or monster. I guess that's what happens when I paranoid kid knows too many stupid adults. Fortunately I got over that when I realized that how you age is mostly up to you.

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I'm not afraid of dying. But then people like me are seldom afraid of dying. We call it release.


I'm completely terrified of being sober. This is something that I've struggled with for years and the thought of constantly being sober usually sends me on a quest to get as messed up as humanly possible. And since I've been sober for a bit now, lets just say I'm constatnly afraid.


Jason R.

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Me no. Ihave no problem being sober.


I hate Lizards. Let one be close to me and I'll be screaming like a mad. And it's not funny. Same for things like snakes, creeping creatures...



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when it comes more to psychological things and less phisical (like spiders or knives) it's RESPONSIBILITY. it scares the sh*t out of me, when i think that in some more or less near future i might be responsible for other lives (kids or whatever). i have my hands full being responsible (ha ha) for myself... can't even imagine that.

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Guest RettaMichaels

Three things which strike fear into me are all inter-related with my job.


I'm afraid of ladders.


I'm afraid of heights.


And, I'm afraid of all things....feather's


In my job, I place ads on billboards. I have to climb a ladder to get up there, and, I'm usually clearing away bird's nests! Not to mention the heights I'm at without any safety rails.


By the time I'm back down, I'm usually a nervous wreck.

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Me no. Ihave no problem being sober.


I hate Lizards. Let one be close to me and I'll be screaming like a mad. And it's not funny. Same for things like snakes, creeping creatures...



FINALLY! Someone that agrees with me! Lizards and snakes are just.. omg just thinking about it gives me the shivers...


And yeh, Kashka, when it comes down to psychological rather than physical, I'm not so afraid of responsibility but rather, being limited by someting that i can't overcome/fix Like slow writing in an exam or aging or getting a speeding ticket from a female or ADHD or being seperated from people by long-distances etc. (cos i like to think that i can fix everyone with my wit and pretty-blonde-innocence... lol 0:) )

Edited by writeincode
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Hm. I kind of agree, but I usually get those limits out of the way or decide that it's not sooo bad being limited.


I'm afraid of telephones, too (like, really bad. Sweaty palms and shaking...)


You mentioned spiders, a little something out of Liddy's life:


I spend the first night in my sisters's house, her husband's brother (who was living with them then) has a snake, Eva. It's a boa constrictor and my sister thought it would be fun to wake me by putting it under my blanket. So I woke up to a snake squirming it's way up my leg and I didn't know what to do, then it wandered over my stomach, up my neck and looked at me over my chin. I was too scared to speak cause I thought it would bite me. And the tongue always goes in and out and it feels really strange, and I'm very tickelish. I was pissed at my sister.


I'm afraid of letters. I'm scared there will be a bill/ speeding ticket (even though I don't have a car right now)/ complaint about don't know what in it. So I guess it's just a symptom of being terrified of being accused of something I didn't do, but not able to prove it. (Like at the check out at the market...I'm afraid of those, too).

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I HATE swans, too. And they hate me. When I was little a swan bit me and it HURT, they always follow me as if they can smell my fear, too. Emus, ducks, chicken and geese aren't for me either. Even though chicken are borderline ok. The cocks (is that the real word for it? I looked it up because I wasn't sure but shouldn't there be another?) are the ones that attack and scare me.


I don't feel that comfortable in the dark, I don't mind it when I'm out in the country, but I tend to get jumpy in the dark of a city. I tell myself it's a self-preservation thing, but I think I'm over-doing it. :(

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If I may, a male swan is called a cob and a female swan is called a pen. This only applies to swans.


Neither will attack unless you threaten them, this only occurs when you get too near the nest or cygnets (youngsters) or attack them. The cob will attack more often than the pen, but the pen is more savage.

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When I was really little, I was at a petting zoo, and I somehow got between this group of fighting geese... And they started chasing each other, and I got caught in the middle.


And when the geese are as tall as you, it is SCARY! Now that I'm much bigger than them, they're still scary!

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If I may, a male swan is called a cob and a female swan is called a pen. This only applies to swans.


Neither will attack unless you threaten them, this only occurs when you get too near the nest or cygnets (youngsters) or attack them. The cob will attack more often than the pen, but the pen is more savage.



:lol: Great. I'll remember to tell them that next time one of them follows me around. Beasts.



When I was really little, I was at a petting zoo, and I somehow got between this group of fighting geese... And they started chasing each other, and I got caught in the middle.


And when the geese are as tall as you, it is SCARY! Now that I'm much bigger than them, they're still scary!


That sounds like you're traumatized :wacko: . You could take revenge by eating them (if you're not vegatarian)

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