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What's your oppinion on Canada?

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Alright so I'm Canadian, you get that from my sig, Alot of you know or i believe do know Gay-Marrage is allowed in Canada (if the church that you want will do it) and gay adoption is also Available in some Proviences in Canada. Both of these things i find inspiring cuz then this means i could marry another man, which right now is still awkward for me to even think about becuase i'm so young. This also means i can hold a family as a gay adult, which is an entirly set of new problems, that will probably be adressed in the future (within 5 years)


Us Canadians as rumor has it, are very very nice. say "Yall" alot apperantly...and are peace keepers.

Oh and according to Bill W we drive about 20 miles above the speed everyone else it going.


we also Use the metric system...if any are familer...i think it's dumb cuz i still thing a mile a minute whenever i'm going places...rather then oh 100km/hour=60miles an hour...it gets really confusing, frankly i don't really like it myself.


Besides that there's only 30million of us when america is ten times our size (which is slightly intimidating)


Personaly i live in a western province of less then a million, we do NOT live in egloo's. that's Really far up north.


Um...i think i've covered the basics now i'm just currious on thoughts?? oh and another thing i find alot of stories are american orientated on here, with little refrence to canada at all, can't same sex couples just venture to canada and get married and go back down south?? Cuz seeing some relationships in some stories take that road would be pretty interesting.


Anyway let me know.

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Now, I know some Canadians are dicks. ("Scott" in the South Park episode comes to mind) but I haven't run into them. All the Canadians I've run into have been really cool. So I'd say the first thing that I like are the people in general. An example: I was gambling in Vegas, playing Black Jack, and wanted to double down. I was short the cash to do it by $5, which meant I had to go through the whole rigamarole of getting the pit boss to run some chips on my account. A Canadian lady next to me handed me a $5 chip. "You can pay me back," she said. "Besides, it's only American money," which cracked me up since the Looney had gained so much ground against the dollar.


Then there are the social issues. Universal Health Care....cool. Gay marriage....cool. And then there's that other cause that I feel so vehement about. Legalized Marijuana. Vancouver is about as close as you can get in North America. And that is totally cool.


And finally, the national sport is hockey. I love hockey.


When I wrote "1968" is was really interesting to read about the animosity between the US and Canada over draft dodgers. But Canada did the right thing and welcomed those guys. It's nice to know, very reassuring, that we have calm, friendly, tolerant neighbors to our north. Just in case we want to, or have to visit.

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oooo Universal health care not so cool! :o Even tho it's free we have about 3 year waiting lists when operations in the stats its like boom bam done, but of course we can at least get them in three years, when if you can't afford it you can never get it, but sadly i health care does have it's faults hardcore.


Hockey Bah! Sooo much hockey!! i just love how someone on team canada was from my hometown this year, really cool!! put my little town on the map haha, Myself tho...don't really follow hockey to say, if i had a friend or too that was willing to teach me and watch games with me then maybe i'd watch but yeah, my family was more into the arts then sports, tho i love volleyball and curling and badminton and bball.


Well Vancouver is messed up is all i can say, in fact B.C is almost all messed up, houses are more then a million dollars for a house that around here is less then a hundered thousand, there's tons of gang action in vancouver, and There's canabels and....oh crap a religious cult too...can't remember the name...it has some conection with a guy being thrown in jail down in the stats somewhere cuz he controled like 8000 people or something? Poligamy anyway.


I love your refrence to looney also, because i know we still call it a dollar or a buck, but i laugh so much when you guys call what we call pop, soda. haha

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It's nice to know, very reassuring, that we have calm, friendly, tolerant neighbors to our north. Just in case we want to, or have to visit.



Canada is a great country maybe a bit cold hehe, but can

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Feburary?!??!?!?! There is snow everwhere...it just snowed Yester day!! If anyone wants snow all over the place feel free to take it from canada :D:D


No Mark I'm Not Scott from south park But Mark From canada :o ....not really a big fan of the show...but i have seen a few episodes. Smallville(Filmed in Vancouver) Amercian idol, Heroes are my faviorte shows that i watch...only anime show is Naruto...but that's only cuz it's ass kicking to the bad guys lol.


P.S Mark is a popular name....my parents just picked it, then regreted it when it was biblical haha which is funny. lol


Edmonton is sweet i hope you did get a change to go to West Edmonton mall, so fun!!! Hockey wow, in the city i'm in we just voted for a new Multiplex haha i think it'll get passed which is gona cost this city 60 million dollars lol

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Feburary?!??!?!?! There is snow everwhere...it just snowed Yester day!! If anyone wants snow all over the place feel free to take it from canada :D:D


No Mark I'm Not Scott from south park But Mark From canada :o ....not really a big fan of the show...but i have seen a few episodes. Smallville(Filmed in Vancouver) Amercian idol, Heroes are my faviorte shows that i watch...only anime show is Naruto...but that's only cuz it's ass kicking to the bad guys lol.


P.S Mark is a popular name....my parents just picked it, then regreted it when it was biblical haha which is funny. lol


Edmonton is sweet i hope you did get a change to go to West Edmonton mall, so fun!!! Hockey wow, in the city i'm in we just voted for a new Multiplex haha i think it'll get passed which is gona cost this city 60 million dollars lol



That was one of my favorite South Park episodes. A play on the "Wizard of Oz" that made friendly fun of Canadians.

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"Sitting bull" butt went numb :P:D:lol:


I been to quebec for a day or so - too cold to actually site see

Took the train back to the states - had a good talk with someone on future of technology at the Montreal station


I haven't visited much of canada - only know it gets cold - and those men in red suits

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"Sitting bull" butt went numb :P:D:lol:


I been to quebec for a day or so - too cold to actually site see

Took the train back to the states - had a good talk with someone on future of technology at the Montreal station


I haven't visited much of canada - only know it gets cold - and those men in red suits



Yeah, but they call those men in red suits "Mounties."


How sexy is that?

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I'm crazy about Canada!


I've only ever had nice things to say about Canada and Canadians :)


Everyone I know from Canada is really sweet and awesome, and from what I know of Canada's cultural, political, and social landscape I really approve.


I've always joked that I wanted to die in Canada some day. It does seem like a really wonderful, peaceful place with a great attitude, and I definitely think I'd appreciate that as I got older. I'm hoping to live all over and go on lots of 'adventures', but Canada may actually be top of my list of foreign places to check out and settle down in.


The only thing that might stop me is because over the past several years I've become aware of how much the weather can impact my mood. I'd probably do better somewhere that was sunny and warm for most of the year.


Anyway, I'm definitely a big fan of Canada! :D






BTW, speaking of cool shows filmed in Canada, let's not forget about QAF which was filmed in Toronto.

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You might be surprised how many shows that we consider staples of American TV are products of Canada.


Here is a short list:


Da vinchi's Inquest

21 Jump Street


Battlestar Galactica

the Commish

the Crow: Stairway to Heaven

Danger Bay (Vancouver)

Dark Angel

Dead Zone

First Wave

Harsh Realm

Higher Ground


House M.D (Pilot)


John Doe

Lone Gunmen

Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years

Lonesome Dove: The Series



Outer Limits



Stargate SG-1

Stargate Atlantis


Twilight Zone

UC: Undercover


Wolf Lake



Canadian production companies and facilities are willing to take on more challenging and riskier projects than shitty American studios/production companies based in Hollywretch. If you look at the list you'll see that American production companies are making CSI, Law & Oder and a buttload of worthless shit-coms. Canadian companies made Battlestar Galactica. Nuff said.


Hollywood is heading towards where the rest of American business has been for years: producing an inferior product at an inflated price. I would be tickled pink to see Hollywood fall on its guilded prima donna arse.


Keep it up Canada and you can have all of our Hollywood people. You just have to promise to keep them.

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Discourse on Things Canadian:

-Hockey? Think Curling; think "Men with Brooms."

-You'll never see the northern lights anywhere better than, say, Flin Flon. (By the way, is his thumb still red?)

-Are Canadians hotter than _____ (you fill in the blank). Well, as David tells George: Many humans think elves are exotic; many elves think humans are exotic. We all think those who are a little different (and safely different) from us are "exotic."

-Why has no one mentioned "The Last Coming Out Story" by JasonDiggy (check the eFiction tab)? Wonderful, apparently authentic, Canadian (I will not try to spell that in French) story.

-Weather? I remember having to hand-prop a Dakota (C-47 to you) in July because it was so cold the starter wouldn't turn it over. (Okay, hand-prop means sticking a crank into the side of the engine and winding up a flywheel, and then popping the clutch. Yes, a clutch on an airplane engine. You had to be there.)

-Think Evangeline, and how the "Cajuns" have enriched the USA-American culture.

-Think it's time for me to quit.

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Discourse on Things Canadian:

-Hockey? Think Curling; think "Men with Brooms."

-You'll never see the northern lights anywhere better than, say, Flin Flon. (By the way, is his thumb still red?)

-Are Canadians hotter than _____ (you fill in the blank). Well, as David tells George: Many humans think elves are exotic; many elves think humans are exotic. We all think those who are a little different (and safely different) from us are "exotic."

-Why has no one mentioned "The Last Coming Out Story" by JasonDiggy (check the eFiction tab)? Wonderful, apparently authentic, Canadian (I will not try to spell that in French) story.

-Weather? I remember having to hand-prop a Dakota (C-47 to you) in July because it was so cold the starter wouldn't turn it over. (Okay, hand-prop means sticking a crank into the side of the engine and winding up a flywheel, and then popping the clutch. Yes, a clutch on an airplane engine. You had to be there.)

-Think Evangeline, and how the "Cajuns" have enriched the USA-American culture.

-Think it's time for me to quit.


Now David, quoting one's own story is pretentious, don't you think? We'll forgive you, though, since you brought up JasonDiggy's story. And we'll use the royal "we" so you're not the only one guilty of self-aggrandizement. :D

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Not Mike from Canmore?




Canada rocks!!!...and not just because I'm in it :P


Seriously I love Canada, and our quiet nature, generous tipping (not cows) and hell....even our dumbass PM!


Greg :D

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