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Do you keep in shape?


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I'm not a health Guru. I am not going to be on the cover of a health and fitness magazine. With that said I would like to bring up the whole issue of fitness. It's all about getting your sweat on Guys and Gals. More over it's about the choices you make in your eating habits. You can change a few things in your day to day routine that will impact you forever.


Here is my challenge... Take this next month and start making changes in your diet. for instance abstain from drinking soda (its simple really). Also start exercising more. Just add in a few extra work out routines. Your fitness isn't about just working out. So, don't stress how you work out. The point is you did something extra. Give it a month. You'll thank yourself for it.


So this forum post is me being selfish I guess. I want some work out buddies. So join me. This next month I am going to be hitting the gym super hard. Also no more eating out for me or soda. It will be a difficult month but i want to be a healthier me. I owe that to myself and you owe it to yourself.


Posted Image


Me as of today

Edited by Gaytron87
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Well... I don't drink soda except for the occasional Caffeine free Diet Coke. I drink lots of black coffee... please don't ask me to give up on that :(


I am basically vegetarian except for the occasional bacon sandwich... I know *hangs head in shame* and try to eat lots of fruit and veg.


I am try to be healthy on the inside as it is difficult for me to be healthy on the outside. I have disabilities which make it difficult for me to exercise but I am trying very hard to walk more although I'm not doing so well right now. i will try very hard over the next month to step that up but I don't think I will end up looking like the female version of your picture :0

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excellent idea gaytron!



i myself have been large in my life. ive been smaller now the last few years, but it takes effort.


i also have been relentlessy poking and prodding a fiend of mine to get out and walk each day. even a block or two is better than nothing. the human body is not meant to be sedentary, your organs need to be jiggled around. it aids digestion besides all the other health benefits.


i don't go to the gym and i don't work out. i work on a farm and get plenty of exercise while getting paid for it. and at night i walk all night long at the other work. but i still dont let that stop me from walking the dog most days also.


as far as food, i eat so unhealthy i dont want to think about it. lets just say if i didnt get the exercise i do, i would be back to about 400 pounds :/


i also have been addicted to and kicked the pepsi habit more than once. currently i am addicted, but as we speak im trying to break it again and go back to lemonade only for the summer. we'll see how it goes.

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I'm kind of a health-freak.


Though I'm working on it because I feel I might develop Orthorexia (which is a new eating disorder that hasn't been made official). While anorexia means no appetite, Orthorexia means right appetite. Basically I am at all times aware of everything I put into my body. I always know what is in my food and if I don't it bothers me (to put it mildly). I stress over getting adequate protein and enough from all food-groups daily and its sort of becoming a routine. I eat every few hours even if I'm not hungry because I want to keep my metabolism high. I've done some reading on it and am trying to stop these habits. Like for example, I haven't had a single sip of coke in over 3 years.


And while I do excercise (running and dance for example), I'm trying not to think about getting more of it because like my eating habits, I get obsessive about that as well. Often I will run to the point of exhaustion, that's how caught up I get on it--and I don't realize it until I've stopped and my joints ache.


I guess this month I should try to be less obsessive over health o.O.

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Ohhh Not only does he have curly hair but curly stomach too! YUM YUM!! :P


To be truthful, I've let myself go down the proverbial drain. Mea Culpa. I blame it on depression, stress, fatigue, and what ever else that's attached to my spirit ATM. But... I'm MAKING things change. In June I'll be moving with my daughter to NC and will start a new life, one that will include a total physical and emotional change. As it is ATM, I hardly eat and only sleep 4 to (pushing it) 6 hrs. a night but since I've been living a sedentary life for the past who knows how long which is totally unlike me, I've gained weight like NEVER before. Only time I weight this much was when I was in the 9th month preggo with my youngest one and she weighed almost 10 lbs. when she was born! I'm only 5ft. tall so the extra lbs. look bad on me. But at least, I can take care of that business. It might take a while but I can do it. There's an Olympic swimming pool when I'm moving to and HUGE golf club, no I don't golf but I'm going to find out if there's a gym also in the community. Perhaps I'll continue with Martial Arts as I was before.

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Momma Rush be good, don't scare the boy off by gawking....tempting as it maybe.


I don't see your post as being selfish Gaytron, you're encouraging your fellow man/woman to get into better shape. I'm going to start on something along the lines of you, cutting out as much soda as I can and stopping my fast food as much as possible (which in all honesty I don't do a lot of anyway) and trying to get to the gym more often. I've got a membership to a 24hour place in town but in the two months I've had it I've only been able to get there about 6 times...I've had a helluva run of colds recently these last few months.


I wish you luck all luck on your fitness endevors.





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"Everything in excess; moderation is for monks!" (Robert Heinlein, I believe.)


I visit the gym daily...it's a mandatory, physio thing to keep the nerves firing and the muscles responding. Given that, allow me the liberty of saying that a healthy body is so much better than one that isn't. And, that what works for one person might not work for another. Exercise is good for several reasons (endurance and endorphine production are two that immediately come to mind).

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I have never been a real fan of exercise for the sake of exercising...if you move around and do enough active stuff long enough you stay fit. Problem is, a lot of us end up with sedentary lifestyles. Some of us compensate by changing our diet--I don't eat a lot of red meat, mostly chicken and fish to avoid weight gain--it isn't working now...it's time to reduce portion sizes. The key is making stuff that tastes really, really good!


Also, part of it is that medication contains a steroid which, over time, has caused a rather softening side effect...if you know what I mean. Take me as I am, I still have a lot of love and emotional support and encouragement to give.

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For a few years, concerns about my health took a back-seat compared to more urgent matters so I gained weight and became soft in the middle. Having a very sedentary job doesn't help.

I' been running more regularly for about 2 years now, and I'm only just starting to feel better about my weight and general shape. Now that Spring has come I should be doing about 120 miles per month. Recently, I've also gone back to swimming about a mile a week. Hopefully, that will help get rid of the extra 6 or 7 pounds that I still carry around. I hardly drink any sodas. My effort will be on eating less, or reducing the portions.

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I take steroids as well, but so far I haven't gained much weight. I have cut back on soda though, and I do walk, since I can't really do a lot of exercise. Posted Image


The steroids are just a component of the meds...not something I'd take by choice...

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I have never been a healthy weight. Nowadays I walk the 6 miles to my office each morning, and usually walk home too.


I've always been one for eating out - two to three times a week at various local restaurants - never fast food though. When I was a kid, our housekeeper was of an old mindset - good old british "stodge" food keeps you warm and healthy, and so growing up was a mixture of pies, puddings (suet based foods), batters and potatoes.


I remember going to Italy when I was 18, where I tried pasta for the first time - when I told our housekeeper, she was mortified. I think she'd be more accepting if I came out of the closet than if she knew i'd eaten chinese food :)


That said, I'm told I carry my weight well, and don't look too bad, but I am acutely conscious of being more teddy bear than action man. I also know that for my health, I need to give up the chocolate and become more active. My office has a gym which I should use, and keep telling myself I will - but never get round to it.


I think I'm in dire need of something drastic to be honest.

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I just got in from walking six miles. I drink diet caffeine free soda though. I walk everyday, at least three miles if time is short. Six is the average. But I push it up to ten at least once a week. I push the lawn mower instead or riding on one. I keep a pair of hand grips next to my computer so I squeeze them anytime I want. LOL. :P I look okay for sixty. I am either too active or too lazy. I will look for additional healthy choices in the coming month.


David, Robert Heinlein is a favorite.




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Well... I don't drink soda except for the occasional Caffeine free Diet Coke. I drink lots of black coffee... please don't ask me to give up on that :(


I am basically vegetarian except for the occasional bacon sandwich... I know *hangs head in shame* and try to eat lots of fruit and veg.


I am try to be healthy on the inside as it is difficult for me to be healthy on the outside. I have disabilities which make it difficult for me to exercise but I am trying very hard to walk more although I'm not doing so well right now. i will try very hard over the next month to step that up but I don't think I will end up looking like the female version of your picture :0


Well Coffee isn't bad for you but everything in moderation. Like i said just adding more activities like walking or what ever you can will be good enough.


excellent idea gaytron!



i myself have been large in my life. ive been smaller now the last few years, but it takes effort.


i also have been relentlessy poking and prodding a fiend of mine to get out and walk each day. even a block or two is better than nothing. the human body is not meant to be sedentary, your organs need to be jiggled around. it aids digestion besides all the other health benefits.


i don't go to the gym and i don't work out. i work on a farm and get plenty of exercise while getting paid for it. and at night i walk all night long at the other work. but i still dont let that stop me from walking the dog most days also.


as far as food, i eat so unhealthy i dont want to think about it. lets just say if i didnt get the exercise i do, i would be back to about 400 pounds :/


i also have been addicted to and kicked the pepsi habit more than once. currently i am addicted, but as we speak im trying to break it again and go back to lemonade only for the summer. we'll see how it goes.


So then no soda for you for the next month. Just by leaving soda out of your life you can lose a few pounds without even trying. Not to mention that soda is terrible for you.

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Ohhh Not only does he have curly hair but curly stomach too! YUM YUM!! :P


To be truthful, I've let myself go down the proverbial drain. Mea Culpa. I blame it on depression, stress, fatigue, and what ever else that's attached to my spirit ATM. But... I'm MAKING things change. In June I'll be moving with my daughter to NC and will start a new life, one that will include a total physical and emotional change. As it is ATM, I hardly eat and only sleep 4 to (pushing it) 6 hrs. a night but since I've been living a sedentary life for the past who knows how long which is totally unlike me, I've gained weight like NEVER before. Only time I weight this much was when I was in the 9th month preggo with my youngest one and she weighed almost 10 lbs. when she was born! I'm only 5ft. tall so the extra lbs. look bad on me. But at least, I can take care of that business. It might take a while but I can do it. There's an Olympic swimming pool when I'm moving to and HUGE golf club, no I don't golf but I'm going to find out if there's a gym also in the community. Perhaps I'll continue with Martial Arts as I was before.


You don't have to go crazy seriously start with little things. It's more then just changing the way your body looks. It would take 4 hours to write out all the benefits you get from being more health conscious. The way you see yourself changes before the physical change comes. But i agree go take some martial arts classes. They are probably fun and a good workout.


Momma Rush be good, don't scare the boy off by gawking....tempting as it maybe.


I don't see your post as being selfish Gaytron, you're encouraging your fellow man/woman to get into better shape. I'm going to start on something along the lines of you, cutting out as much soda as I can and stopping my fast food as much as possible (which in all honesty I don't do a lot of anyway) and trying to get to the gym more often. I've got a membership to a 24hour place in town but in the two months I've had it I've only been able to get there about 6 times...I've had a helluva run of colds recently these last few months.


I wish you luck all luck on your fitness endevors.






Well You have the gym membership so put it to good use. Gyms have so much to offer you. So take advantage of some classes and the weights.



Mmmm I swim 4 hours a day and we have to lift two days a week, that is enough for me. I ain't giving up Mountain Dew, it is how I cope with life.



I'm kind of an exercise junkie already, but I shall join thee in your challenge.


I won't be giving up soda (cause it's diet), but I'll try eating out less.


Fair enough

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I have never been a real fan of exercise for the sake of exercising...if you move around and do enough active stuff long enough you stay fit. Problem is, a lot of us end up with sedentary lifestyles. Some of us compensate by changing our diet--I don't eat a lot of red meat, mostly chicken and fish to avoid weight gain--it isn't working now...it's time to reduce portion sizes. The key is making stuff that tastes really, really good!


Also, part of it is that medication contains a steroid which, over time, has caused a rather softening side effect...if you know what I mean. Take me as I am, I still have a lot of love and emotional support and encouragement to give.


I have no idea what kind of fitness restrictions you have but i do know everyone can do something to help themselves change. Do whatever you can. anything from choosing less food to walking around the neighborhood. something is better than nothing.



I take steroids as well, but so far I haven't gained much weight. I have cut back on soda though, and I do walk, since I can't really do a lot of exercise. ^_^


What are the steroids for? If you don't mind me asking. Possibly yoga might be something you could do???



I think this is great! I need some motivation to get into shape! I will join!


Ok so what are the changes that you will be making?



For a few years, concerns about my health took a back-seat compared to more urgent matters so I gained weight and became soft in the middle. Having a very sedentary job doesn't help.

I' been running more regularly for about 2 years now, and I'm only just starting to feel better about my weight and general shape. Now that Spring has come I should be doing about 120 miles per month. Recently, I've also gone back to swimming about a mile a week. Hopefully, that will help get rid of the extra 6 or 7 pounds that I still carry around. I hardly drink any sodas. My effort will be on eating less, or reducing the portions.


Very cool. Its those last 5 pounds that will kill you so don't Put too much emphasis on the weight lose so much as the life style change.

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I have never been a healthy weight. Nowadays I walk the 6 miles to my office each morning, and usually walk home too.


I've always been one for eating out - two to three times a week at various local restaurants - never fast food though. When I was a kid, our housekeeper was of an old mindset - good old british "stodge" food keeps you warm and healthy, and so growing up was a mixture of pies, puddings (suet based foods), batters and potatoes.


I remember going to Italy when I was 18, where I tried pasta for the first time - when I told our housekeeper, she was mortified. I think she'd be more accepting if I came out of the closet than if she knew i'd eaten chinese food :)


That said, I'm told I carry my weight well, and don't look too bad, but I am acutely conscious of being more teddy bear than action man. I also know that for my health, I need to give up the chocolate and become more active. My office has a gym which I should use, and keep telling myself I will - but never get round to it.


I think I'm in dire need of something drastic to be honest.


SO action is required... You have a gym at work so take clothes with you to work that you can work out in. That way you have one less excuse to work out. After that just DO IT!! Go in the room gym and mess with some machines. By all means take it easy. You don't have to Lift 300 pounds your first day. Keeping that in mind do something and have fun. Get an ipod and listen to music while you get your sweat on.



I just got in from walking six miles. I drink diet caffeine free soda though. I walk everyday, at least three miles if time is short. Six is the average. But I push it up to ten at least once a week. I push the lawn mower instead or riding on one. I keep a pair of hand grips next to my computer so I squeeze them anytime I want. LOL. :P I look okay for sixty. I am either too active or too lazy. I will look for additional healthy choices in the coming month.


David, Robert Heinlein is a favorite.





Good for you.

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So then no soda for you for the next month. Just by leaving soda out of your life you can lose a few pounds without even trying. Not to mention that soda is terrible for you.



well, im cutting down. i cant go cold turkey from the amount ive been drinking to nothing or i will get a migraine for days :thumbdown:


so far today since i went to bed at 7:30am until now, i've only drank 2 cans of pepsi, compared to my normal 5 or 6. and yes, it is very bad for me, i know. i need to break the habit for good this time. water just tastes better, and if i decide i need flavor, then lemonade. but mostly water. clean, pure, fresh, unfiltered, non-chemically altered farm fresh well water :)


hopefully if i dont get a massive headache i will be free again in a couple days, my goal is by the end of my week to be rid of caffeine and artificial colors/flavors.

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Good idea!


Though I'm not in shape, I do walk alot, concidering that i don't have a car, so i get a ride from my parents or walk where ever I want to go.


But I'll join. For this month, I'll be reducing the amount of coffee I drink, i used to drink around 3-6 cups a day, and drink more water. I'll also try to walk more often, and for longer, and I'll try to go to the gym at my college.



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I have no idea what kind of fitness restrictions you have but i do know everyone can do something to help themselves change. Do whatever you can. anything from choosing less food to walking around the neighborhood. something is better than nothing.

It's not that I have fitness restrictions, per se, but don't like exercise, and also don't have the time for it. I help my husband all the time, driving, shopping, getting to and from appointments--lifting and pushing his wheelchair, helping him in and out of the car, helping him in the shower and toilet; everything. I work plenty, so I'm not afraid of the activity, it's just not the right kind--and not any time for an established workout of any kind.


I don't shirk walking or using stairs by myself (unless it's more than one flight, bad knees)--even in 'Vegas I prefer to walk the strip rather than cab it; I'll drive our van only if we're pressed for time, or I don't want to desert sweat our clothes before dinner.


Most of our weight gain problems can be tracked to three things, primarly: Portion sizes, food choices, lack of physical activity.


All three of those without exercise can make Jack a fat boy.

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For a few years, concerns about my health took a back-seat compared to more urgent matters so I gained weight and became soft in the middle. Having a very sedentary job doesn't help.

I' been running more regularly for about 2 years now, and I'm only just starting to feel better about my weight and general shape. Now that Spring has come I should be doing about 120 miles per month. Recently, I've also gone back to swimming about a mile a week. Hopefully, that will help get rid of the extra 6 or 7 pounds that I still carry around. I hardly drink any sodas. My effort will be on eating less, or reducing the portions.


Watch out with eating less, if you do it less your body might go into *Fat storing mode* and it will actualy look like your not losing a thing, in which you arn't cuz you half starving yourself. But smaller Portions more Freaquent works :D



Hmm well i worked out last year in a very random schedule, so i dropped it. It just didn't work having a friend who plaied all sorts of sports and only decided on some days off that he'd come to the gym so i was like...uhhh enough. So i didn't start this year in school. Plus it just got busier. My goal is to start Walking/runing/Jogging more with my dog when i move home, that way it won't look wierd that i'm just going out myself, and i'll have company. I just have to watch for the other animals around town that might hurt him or something. So once i find my Pathway to get a good walk in, come this next weekend i'll be constantly outside or moving around. Physical Exercise is a must. As for pop....well i don't drink much of it giving it up wouldn't be hard,


I drink Alot, Alot of milk, and juice and water. So i'm hoping i can just stick with them. Oh and the odd Beer! Posted Image


So yep i'll join this challenge.

Posted Image



(27g of sugar in a 2 liter of Dr. Pep) Ugh *puke*

Edited by -=Mark M=-
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