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I put in two stories and got different results :) Vladmir Nabokov and Dan Brown :)


I did also, but then I put one of my blogs in because I feel like that's my actual voice as opposed to whatever voice I'm trying to create, and it came up with Stephen King again so I went with that.

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I put in four different short story excerpts, and got four different authors. I presume that means I'm schizophrenic....

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I put in four different short story excerpts, and got four different authors. I presume that means I'm schizophrenic....

I put in five excerpts from a couple chapters and I got: Dan Brown (twice), Vladimir Nabokov, Bram Stoker, Stephen King.


I'm a schizo too I suppose.

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Interesting... or not! I uploaded around 175 words, four separate excerpts and was analyzed as three different writers.


If I uploaded dialog, I was Kurt Vonnegut (2 times). If I uploaded description, I was Steven King. If I uploaded a mix, I was Dan Brown.


Who's Dan Brown?


edit: Dan Brown -- oh, him -- never mind--

Edited by gardentuber
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I put different portions of my new story


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Joyce (three)


Dan Brown





-- Kenny and Peter


Stephen King




---Short Story


J K Rowling

Daniel Defoe

Dan Brown

Stephen King



-- Anthologies


Dan Brown

Stephen King

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Talk about schizophrenic.

I put in 7 different entries from my journal and got the following:


1. Edgar Allen Poe

2. Mark Twain

3. Kurt Vonnegut

4. & 5. Margaret Atwood

6. Leo Tolstoy

7. Vladimir Nabokov


Everything that I have written are like short entries in a journal. All non-fiction.


As hard as I've tried, I've never been able to write fiction. I get these ideas and when I try to expand them into a story, they never seem to go anywhere and then just disappear.

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Ogden Nash.


Oh wait.... I didn't see the quiz.


I did four different stories and two were Stephen King, one James Joyce and one Dan Brown.


I'd love to think I write like James Joyce.

Edited by PrivateTim
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Interesting... or not! I uploaded around 175 words, four separate excerpts and was analyzed as three different writers.


If I uploaded dialog, I was Kurt Vonnegut (2 times). If I uploaded description, I was Steven King. If I uploaded a mix, I was Dan Brown.


Who's Dan Brown?


edit: Dan Brown -- oh, him -- never mind--

Exactly..... Da Vinci, Angels & Demons....

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Does this just assign some writer's name at random?


I tried it four times (different samples) and came up with Stephen King, James Joyce, Dan Brown, and Chuck Palahniuk.

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I'm beginning to think this is psudo random (it repeats its results for a given piece of text but the actual product seems thematically inconsistent. :blink:


Going through the prologue for my current story section by section, I get, in order;


Robert Louis Stevenson

H.P. Lovecraft

Dan Brown

H.P Lovecraft

Stephen King

James Joyce

H.G. Wells

H.P. Lovecraft


The first chapter gives me P. G. Wodehouse, though the next few give me Dan Brown.


The prologue for another of my stories came back with Isac Asimov, and the first chapter Raymond Chandler


In fairness, I do vary style to suit the situation, but I think these results are rather inaccurate, but good for a smile. Thanks Viv. :) .

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good question would dan brown ring dan brown etc etc


I thought this too so I copied and pasted some Dan Brown text and got back: Dan Brown. Then I copied and pasted some Douglas Adams text and got back: Dan Brown. Lol, I think this thing is flawed. It did return Stephen King for Stephen King quotes though, then I got bored and stopped testing it:P

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Funny this must be a new popular thing. On my twitter tonight a number of writers in my publishers house were posting their supposed "writing style". I didn't take the test/questionnaire. I know the other writers who have influenced by writing, but who I write like...? Unless they have my brain and I theirs, don't think it's so except in the most general of ways, though a basic template might be similar.


A P.S. after reading some other posts, yes, the results kept switching overall. Having someone set up a "quiz" format and putting results in based on answers might seem exact and nice, but I don't think it's anything should be taken as fact because it is slated to give you back only certain answers the quiz's creator might be familar with. Don't limit yourself, be totally yourself ;-)

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It's not really a quiz. It's just something that analyzes their word usage and then yours, based on the text you provide, which is why everyone keeps getting varied answers. I might use different words and expressions when a story is set in the country, for example, than when it's invlving Navy Seals undercover. I just thought it was interesting and fun to see.

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