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Whats The First Story You Ever Read On GA?


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The first story I ever read was Viv's short story All I Wanted which I still like to read every once in a while to remind me of those early GA days. blush1.gif The first actual chapter story I read was Cam's The Perks Of Loving You. :D So, what was the first story you ever read on GA?

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Don's Beloved. Absolutely my fav still. I adore many of the writers on here though the list would be way too long to expound here. The quality of some of the stories I've read on here provides me with a very lofty bar to reach with my own writing.

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Don't really remember (been too long ago), but if I were to hazard a guess or take a SWAG, I'd say that it was very likely an early chapter of Kyle Aaron's "The Kandric Saga".


Take Care



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Possibly Kyle Aaron's Kandric cycle, but I think it was dkstories's works that were the first ones where I actually noticed where I was rather than just following a link and enjoying the story.

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Don's Working It Out. I think I stumbled upon GA after doing a google search for story recs and that was one of the first stories recommended. I remember complaining to him about how the first book ended. hehe

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Don's Working It Out. I think I stumbled upon GA after doing a google search for story recs and that was one of the first stories recommended. I remember complaining to him about how the first book ended. hehe


B)...........I can't really remember! It could have been one ogf Dom's stories or CJ's

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Either Dom's The Log Way or The Ordinary Us. I can't exactly remember which one because after i read the first i went on a binge and read all of Dom's other stories in quick succesion ^_^ . After all that was It Started With Brian (Dan Kincaid/Adam Philips)

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Ahhh Im not quite sure my memory's frazzled :P

I know that I read John Doe's Get There early on, as well as American Differences by Emulated and NightOwl's Max and Josh and Lover's Blind.

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The Lo(n)g Way, still a favourite and I happily devoured everything else Dom had written shortly after. Really wish he'd update With Trust. *sigh*

Edited by Wynter
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Desert Dropping for me too. But then found Viv, Shadowgod and CJames shortly thereafter

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well this is somewhat of a loaded question. I had read "The Castaway Hotel" from Bill W's Rainbow Youth Connection over at Nifty before I even knew this wonderful website even existed. But since I didn't read it here, I guess it doesn't really count.


The first story I read here at GA was of course, Dom Luka's Desert Dropping (hey, I'm from Arizona and I saw the state flag). Fell in love with it immediately. There are so many similarities between Rory Norick's life and my own, so it was almost like I was part of the story. Maybe Dom knew me in some other lifetime?

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