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Hi all!

Comicality is having a rough time right now. I was thinking that it might be helpful in cheering him up if everyone takes a moment to send him a short note in email to tell him what he means to you or how's he's help you out of a rough spot or how much his stories speak to you.

his email is comicality@webtv.net


Just jot him a quick note and let him know that he's not alone in his time of trouble.



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I sent my respects. Comicality has been around a long time. He's one of the very few authors from gay fictions "first wave" on the net to still be around and producing.


He is a living treasure and we should all strive to show him the respect and admiration that he deserves.

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So true, James. Comsie is a treasure. He was there for me when I started writing five years ago. I wrote him this morning and told him I'm now here for him if he needs me. So Comsie, if you're reading this....HUGS!! You make a difference in so many people's lives.

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Thank sooo much, you guys. I read every email. And you guys mean the world to me. Thank you.


I'm not going anywhere. Bad times or not, I have a lot more to post. So I'll do all I can to keep things moving, k?


Thank you all. I love you for your support and all. Take care, k?


Ps- ::Grins @ Mark Arbour:: You might be surprised, but that almost happened a few years ago. Dom Luka and I were talking about doing a joint story together. (Heh....either under 'Domicality' or 'Com Luka') So close...but no cigar. At least not yet.


Thank you. Honestly.


I'll remember you all soooo fondly!

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Com Luka, I like the sound of that :D

I've only just found Dom luka's site and just finished reading the series' posted on there.

I can't believe that I've been reading this genre for so long and only just (in the past year) found such amazing writters like comicality and dom luka. All I ever came across before that of was stuff like the 'PZA' site

Oh well better late than never.

These stories mean so much to me.Thanks so much com', Dom luka and the rest of the gang,



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