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What did you want to be when you grew up?


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I wanted to be a rock star, a motocross racer, and a mechanic. Those are the three that I remember being most interested in when I was a kid. The closest I ever got to any of them is singing Karaoke! Girls just weren't supposed to want to do 'boy' things, I guess. :/

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I wanted to be a soldier all my life, from the time I was 5. I was fascinated by the stories my dad and other members of my family used to tell of when they served. Unfortunately that dream seems to slip away further and further with every day that passes. It used to bother me a lot, but I've come to terms with it.


I don't quite understand the change?


In my family, my father hated serving in the US army and none of us served in the military service ... I would wonder what would happen to my life if I had serve in the service ... I think he has shared the reasons to my brothers or me ... I guess its because he has his own independence and the issues in the service ... so it seems the service wasn't for him


My econ teacher serve in the service more than once ... I gap at why ... its like lighting strike three times in one spot ... perhaps what I do see in him ... it has brought him peace and discipline ... to some people .... the service can bring something positive ... to others ... quite the opposite ... its a matter of what life is bringing to you these days ... and its a matter of what the military will bring you ... or help you to discover


Hehe ... Girl#0 ... she's a menace to civilians ... she's a destitute to the reserve ... that wishes to serve herself out of budget of her dept .... her strength is being a motivator ... but her passion is being an entertainer ... but when the military oost her out ... I never seen her so lost ... where she is ... thats a good guess ... perhaps last I saw her she was lucky her last roommate took her in ... her x-roommate is very discipline ... perhaps she will be the driving force to teach girl#0 to not be .. essentially a control freak ... of her own army that no one belongs to ... The last I saw her ... I said a prayer ... that she won't be a driving force ... to split a marriage of a new couple ... of which ... knowing her opinion ... she was in love with her x-roommate and jealous of their marriage ... and gold digger to the military brass .... result ... the military wasn't up for her command ... hopefully someone transition her to civilian life


Good luck in your new dream ... perhaps ... in your heart ... it knows something ... it doesn't lie in the military


- - - - - to not waste and entry - here's mine


My parents has a certain dream for their children to follow ... it can be a positive driving force ... it can be a negative driving force .... perhaps its positive for straights .... perhaps its negative for being gay


... Subway Driver => parents deter

... pianist at heart => parents would not encourage

... a teacher => parents deter


... to be me ... => parents deter


Perhaps as this thread grows ... maybe I might learn of a better dream .... perhaps Pinocchio had the best dream .... I still wonder what Pinocchio grew up to be?

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Typical things like a doctor or firefighter, but the one that stuck around the longest was wanting to grow up to be the Chosen One to save Hyrule. :lol: I even bought an Ocarina to travel through time to rescue Zelda, but it didn't exactly work. :(


Around age ten, I wanted to be a musician, but that disappeared too. Right now, I'm undecided. :)

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I wanted to be a baseball player - Sorry Dark, I see I'm copying you - I kept to that dream til high school - then I realized I couldn't hit a breaking ball. No one wants a good fielder that can't hit that well.


My mom always wanted me to be a lawyer - so I ended up following her dream for me - I won't say I regret it, I mean I do like being a prosecutor - but I wonder what I would really do if I was not prodded constantly in that direction.


Funny side story, I always thought my family wanted me to be a lawyer because I'd be the first in my family to go to law school - both sets of grandparents were off the boat from Italy - then I could represent the 'family'. One day I mentioned I wanted to be the consigliere - thinking I'd get in good with the folks - not a chance, my mom tore me a second hole telling me my grandfather worked to goddamn hard to keep my dad out of the business.


Funny how I ended up on the other side eh? Or is it? Hmmmm

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So what was your childhood dream and did you ever become it?


I wanted to become a veterinarian. My bubble was burst when I learnt I would need to deal with blood and bloody situations. I don't do so well with that. I still look after animals - in an amateur, care-giving capacity, when I can though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Growing up, I always wanted to become a teacher because my first cousin who I admire and love was studying to become one and she did become one. I also wanted to become a writer because I loved reading and making up my own stories as a child; still love reading; writing, not so much anymore. Right now I'm in college and not really sure what I want to do career wise. I hope I'll have it figured out sometime in the near future. HopefullyPosted Image

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Teacher, singer, actress, journalist... and now I'll end up teaching college probably... and now my dream is to run an animal shelter or something like that. Anything but having to spend the rest of my life in school. :read:

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Not really sure.. A doctor? (yeah, kids typical answer haha)

But now, i really want to be a Sustainability expert or Meteorologist :P

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childhood dreams... long, long ago.

When I was 14, I wanted ro be a fighter, a knight. Later, when I was 18, I wanted to be an engineer, the main reason being that the best Institute of Technology was about 300 km far from home and I wanted to leave so far as possible from my rents !

Even later,after the end of my studies, I learned 2 rules to achieve success (to earn money !) : taking some calculated risks, and being ready to work 18 hours per day.

I wanted to be rich and I became it . I wanted to find my pleasure in my work and I found it , working sometimes 60 hours a week. When you climb high, you run the risk of falling down quickly and it's sometimes painful. I have experienced this up and down many times.

At the end, 64 years later, looking back all these years, my conclusion is that I really became what I wanted to be : a fighter and a knight, not how I imagined when I was 14, but in an other way, a fighter better suited to fighting in business, and a knight to serve all those in need of good advice.

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Not really sure.. A doctor? (yeah, kids typical answer haha)

But now, i really want to be a Sustainability expert or Meteorologist :P


I was certain you were going to say pole dancer. :D

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As a kid, I did a lot of hospital time. I wanted to be a doctor. It was obvious to me that they got all the respect!

In high school, I discovered chemistry! :2thumbs: I did go on to my undergrad degree in that field. Once I graduated, however, the last place I wanted to be was in a laboratory.

"I'll be a teacher!" I said. I had spent about 6 years in the armed forces reserves (weekend soldier sort of thing)and I had done a lot of instruction. Yes, teaching was for me. Or so I thought. I registered for teachers' college. Then the first week of student teaching rolled around. I couldn't get out of that high school fast enough.

I eventually settled into the pharmaceutical drug regulatory area. And that's where I've been - going on 40 years now. :boy:

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I have always, for as long as I remember, wanted to be a pilot. I still do.


That is why I am now pursuing this career choice, that is very expensive to start up in, but quite rewarding in the end. :2thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Erm, well, my first dream was to be a philosopher and writer: quite deep for an 8 year old :P. Then I wanted to be a teacher. Later on, when I was 12, I focused on becoming an astronomer and this dream lasted almost until the end of high school.

But all that time I had been fascinated with history, so I majored in history and became a librarian instead.

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I wanted to be a naval officer.

Something about being in charge of a ship full of seamen appealed to me. :devil:


you meant ship full of seamen TWINKS!!!


whats stopping you now!!

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Erm, well, my first dream was to be a philosopher and writer: quite deep for an 8 year old :P. Then I wanted to be a teacher. Later on, when I was 12, I focused on becoming an astronomer and this dream lasted almost until the end of high school.

But all that time I had been fascinated with history, so I majored in history and became a librarian instead.


And you still can writer because history bears a lot of untold stories ... like David McLeod ... tells some ... and others too .. and you can have yours


or you can be like Noah Wyle - The Librarian ... or The Falling Skies!! (joke)


But still you;re living the dream ... and you get to travel ... not many think you would ... so thats really an exciting career

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My parents has these goals as naturalize citzens


"To raise a large family and to send them all to college."

"To have them choose careers that will ensure them prosperous lives"

The key words ==> prosperous lives

The ability to provide for their families.

The key words "Choose careers" was furthered defined as "Engineering, Science, Doctor, Lawyer, etc"

There wasn't any room for Teacher, Artist, Musician, Actor, Singer, Chef, etc


So every dream ... I had was crushed ... or squashed .. or discouraged I think they where all Gay (joke)


So ... I have no idea what my dreams are any more ...


?? Live with my BF

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Yeah like most of children here I wanted to be a doctor, too but I have no skill for being doctor. :)

I never wanted to be a doctor... I hated doctors! The reason? When I was about 5 I went in for some sort of vaccination and the doctor pulled out this humongous needle that was probably for a big animal like a horse or maybe even an elephant. Anyway, it was his "little joke" but I sure didn't get the joke and when he tried to give me the injection with the actual small size needle I put up a huge fight and a tantrum and my mom had to take me home unvaccinated. She was mightily pissed at the doctor, and she got me a new doctor, a woman, and she gave me the vaccination and I didn't put up a fuss.


BTW, I don't remember getting any other injections or vaccinations between 5 and 15. My next injection was when I was 15 and had to get a tetanus shot.


Colin B)

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