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You know you're from [...] when ...

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You know you're from California if:

1. Your co-worker has 8 body piercings and none are visible.


2. You make over $300,000 and still can't afford a house.


3. You take a bus and are shocked at two people carrying on a conversation in English.


4. Your child's 3rd-grade teacher has purple hair, a nose ring, and is named Flower.


5. You can't remember . . is pot illegal?


6. You've been to a baby shower that has two mothers and a sperm donor.


7. You have a very strong opinion about where your coffee beans are grown, and you can taste the difference between Sumatran and Ethiopian.


8. You can't remember . . is pot illegal?


9. A really great parking space can totally move you to tears.


10. Gas costs $1.00 per gallon more than anywhere else in the U.S.


11. Unlike back home, the guy at 8:30 am at Starbucks wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses who looks like George Clooney really IS George Clooney.


12. Your car insurance costs as much as your house payment.


13. You can't remember . . is pot illegal?


14. It's barely sprinkling rain and there's a report on every news station: "STORM WATCH.."


15. You pass an elementary school playground and the children are all busy with their cells or pagers.


16. It's barely sprinkling rain outside, so you leave for work an hour early to avoid all the weather-related accidents.


17. HEY!!!! Is pot illegal????


18. Both you AND your dog have therapists, psychics, personal trainers and cosmetic surgeons.


19. The Terminator is your governor.


20. If you drive illegally, they take your driver's license. If you're here illegally, they want to give you one!

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You know you're in Mississippi....


...when there is a tornado siren and everybody goes outside to look for the funnel.


...when middle school is considered higher education.


...when you find out that there are more guns than people.


...when you overhear people comparing their recipes for crystal meth and gumbo.


...when the cops wait 10 minutes before answering a domestic dispute call in hopes that the couple has either worked it out or is out of ammunition.


...your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.


...you know that the true value of a parking space is not determined by the distance to the door, but by the availability of shade.


...95 degrees is a nice break in the August heat.


...you've seen people wear bib overalls at funerals.


...you can find find movie rental, ammunition, and bait all in the same store.


...you to use an airport named for a man who died in an airplane crash.


...you've ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.


...little smokies in barbecue sauce are considered fine cuisine.


...nobody knows what the hell "pop" is but "a coke" can be damned near anything short of a beer.


...you learned how to shoot a gun before you learned how to multiply


...wedding planners use football schedules to plan their wedding date.


...when a broken A/C constitutes an emergency.


...you've met people with a belt buckle bigger than their head.


...when "loading the dishwasher" means getting your wife drunk.


...when chiggers are included on your list of top 5 hygiene concerns.


...you have a special fishing pole for Sundays.

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You know you are from Long Island when


1. You listen to Billy Joel songs and can place where they are from.


2. You never fear getting lost cause you will end up either at Montauk, the Long Island Sound, The Great South Bay, or New York City.


3. Blue Point clams are actually from Blue Point


4. Summer wasn't summer without going to Fire Island


5. people mention the Queen of Fire Island and you know they don't mean a woman.


6. You go fishing even if you hate to fish because you live on a island


7. your home is known for such disasters as Amy Fisher and Lindsay Lohan


8. you know there is more to Long Island than the Hamptons


9. the family trip to the amusement park meant a trip to Adventureland on Route 110


10. people are either north shore or south shore people


11. everyone knows levittown was built due to the GI Bill and all the houses are the same


12. Center Moriches will forever be known as the last home of Linda Lovelace from Deep Throat fame


13. Amityville will forever be known for the film Amityville horror and you find you want to drive past it every Halloween


14. one of the better known acting families of the Island is the Baldwins.


15. Ina Garten makes her home and show from here and you really don't care


16. One of the claims to fame is a building like a Giant Duck.


17. your home is known as the cradle of aviation


18. one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence had his home on Long Island. (William Floyd)


19. There are the three great end of summer events. The Scottish Festival in Westbury, The Pow-wow at that Shinnecock Reservation, and Crowning of the Queen of Fire Island.


20. You know to be careful going to the Riverhead festival each fall because it is by the County Jail and all the Sheriff's cars are everywhere.

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You know you're from Albany when...


...you fully agree that pot is simply an herb that happens to have some side affects when it is set on fire. (Hungry, sleepy, happy)

...you can drink a fifth of Jim beam and only have a good buzz.

...you sit in town at 3am because you have nothing better to do.

...the house next to you blows up do to a meth lab gone wrong.

...Ramen noodles are a survival must.

...Comedy Central becomes is a religous program.

...going out is considered a beer and the latest epsiode of pawn stars.

...your dog has more fun than you.

...your ex jacks your lawn mower in the middle of the day for "revenge"

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You know you're from Delaware when:


- You know where, what and when the Hummers Parade is held.


- "Vacation" means going to Rehoboth or Dewey.


- You know the best subs come from Capriotti's ... or Casapulla's, or ....


- You know how to pronounce Lewes and Hockessin.


- You used to play in the wooder in the crick, and caught fraugs.


-You say "awn" instead of "on", and begel instead of "bagle"


- Your school classes were canceled because of 3 snowflakes. Instead, you watch as DelDOT panics over those 3 snowflakes and uses their whole supply of salt.


- You love the beach but hate the tourists.


- You know about punkin-chunkin and you have your favorite chunker.


- You've eaten scrapple sandwiches.


- You can identify all the major types of manure by smell (especially chicken!)


- You measure distance in time and if it takes more than an hour to drive there, you're not going.


- You know what a "slippery" dumpling is.


- You know who YouDee is.


- Someone in your family has worked for DuPont, Astra Zeneca, or MBNA at some point in time.


- You think the "Apple Scrapple Festival" is perfectly normal, except for all those granola types running in the 5K race.


- You think, maybe, just maybe, you might get a White Christmas. Then it rains.


- The highest point in the state is a rise on the golf course.


- The state has one hill. You've been sledding on it.


- You remember WAMS and WCAU (BARSKY in the morning!).


- You know NewERK is in New Jersey, but NewARK is in Delaware.


- You know how to carefully pronounce the name Foulk Road.


- You know the story of the duPonts - all of it.


- You talk of Northern Delaware and the entire Eastern Seaboard as "above the canal."


- You know if another Delawarean is from southern, middle or northern Delaware as soon as they open their mouth.


- You know the name of every street in Delaware, but have no idea what the route number is.


- When you want to go out for a nice dinner, you have to switch states.


- You can remember when Maryland Bank (MBNA) swallowed up Ogletown and Putt-Putt.


- Someone you know was involved in the making of "Dead Poet Society" or "The Village"


- Everywhere you go, you always run into someone you know or went to school with.


- You know what Newark Night and First Night are.


- You know exactly which roads to avoid due to the CONSTANT road construction.


- You love Dollie's salt water taffy and Grotto's Pizza. You know where all of the late-night 24-hour rest stops and restaurants are.


- You've heard the joke "Dela-WHERE?" more times than there are people in the state.


- You can remember when Christiana Hospital was a field with cows.


- You remember when Christiana Mall had a Galaxy arcade and a movie theater.


- When you go out of state to shop or eat, you are always surprised about the tax


- You know the differences in housing in Elsmere, Pike Creek, and Greenville.


- You've been asked if Delaware is a province of Canada... by an American.


- You know what Return's Day is and look foward to it every year. But only if you're from Sussex.


- You can't wait for the annual PowWow in Longneck.


- When people come up to you in college and ask to see your license because they just got a fake from Delaware - and it looks just like your real one.


- You've been to the Charcoal Pit and tried to finish the Kitchen Sink.


- You know that it's "UD" - not "U Del"


- You've been asked what state Delaware is in.


- You're proud that they chose Wilmington to blow up at the end of Fight Club - and understand completely why.


- You remember when the Brandywine Regal was Funscape.


- You KNOW to stick to the speed limit in Greenwood a.k.a. the town with the BBQ & speedtrap.

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  • 2 months later...

You know your from Saskatchewan when

- Losing sight of the horizon, for even a few seconds, leaves you with a feeling of disorientation and discontent for the rest of the day.


- You sort your laundry into three loads: greens, whites, and green-and-whites.


- You've had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.


- Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.


- Your pronunciation of "Saskatchewan" is down to 1 1/2 syllables: "Skatchw'n."


- The local paper covers national and international headlines on one page but requires 6 pages for Hockey.


- Driver's Education was a joke for you and all your classmates since you all had been driving since you were 10.


- Canadian Tire on any Saturday is busier than the toy stores at Christmas.


- You got drunk in a barn, or more specifically the hay-loft.


- You got drunk at the Legion.


- You got drunk in the church basement at your cousin's wedding.


- You got drunk in the park.


- You can play road hockey on ice skates.


- You have a refrigerator just for beer.


- You plan weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries around the Rider Game.


- You talk about Elbow and Eyebrow and people think you're talking about body parts.


- You've frozen a part of yourself to something else.


- You had to "cut through the field" on your way to school.


- You say things like "cut through the field".


- You know that Kent Austin, George Reed, Ronnie Lancaster and Eagle Keys have a God-like status.


- Corner Gas is your favourite show.


- 96% of Canada yell "oh shit" when they hit the ditch...the other 4% of us in Sask yell "hey buddy hold my beer and watch this shit" when we hit the ditch.








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You know your Libyan when :


1. You kiss someone four times (on the cheek) to say hello


2. You're late to everything and you are never on time (even your own wedding)


3. Something or someone is mean and they say it bother their liver (darehteli kabd)


4. Pasta is a meal that you will have 4 times a week


5. You somehow know every Libyan and if you don't you ask them what clan they belong into


6. You save shopping bags and use them for a bin



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You know your belgian when :


1. You go only twice a week to the supermarket


2. You deposit your money evenly spread over 4 banks


3. You find people who don't have a masters degree in something not educated


4. You can't live with the tought that 40km away people speak another language.


5. You find having atleast a Xbox 360, PS3, WII, nintendo DS and PS2 normal.


6. When you work at a bank and overnight u suddenly become a civil servant because of the banks financial problems


7. You want a single european state with no russians.


8. You call Brugges " The Venice Of The North...."

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  • 1 month later...

You know you're Welsh when:


you are happy with a set of scrabble tiles with no vowels


people ask you about "that train station with the very long unpronouncable name"


the only place in your capital city where you will ever hear your own language spoken is the automated announcements at train stations


you don't have a mum, you have a mam


just like the Belgian's you have a different spoken language in the north and south


the only two things you have in common with the French are that your counting system is base 20, and you hate people (including your own) who count in base 10


you're relying on teenagers to keep your language alive


people ask you if you're from Cardiff or Swansea

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You know you're from Texas when


- temperature falls below 90 degrees and you think it's winter

- cowboy boots can actually be business casual/formal

- a school is not a school unless it has a decent football program

- you're on a highway interchange and can see the roofs of office buildings under you.

- your car's seatbelt buckle can and will brand you in July

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You know you're from New Hampshire when:


- Your snowblower has more miles then your truck on it.

- You think ManchVegas is an exciting city.

- You refer to people south of the border as MassHoles. :P

- You expect liquor stores to be right next to the highway.

- Anything above 10 degrees is 'just a bit nippy'.

- You drive 60mph in a blizzard on the highway and don't even blink about doing it.

- A traffic jam is 10 cars at a stoplight.

- Camo and shitkickers are an acceptable piece of everyday wear.

- You don't know what spring is.

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You know you're from Texas when


- temperature falls below 90 degrees and you think it's winter



You know you're from New Hampshire when:


- Anything above 10 degrees is 'just a bit nippy'.


We would both die if we switched places

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You know you’re from Georgia when…


You pack a gun going to church.


You go to Stone Mountain and they hold a musical tribute to your confederate heroes (Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis)


You see people in shorts and flip-flops in December.


All the pickup trucks have gun racks.


You vote for Governor because he promises to put the Stars and Bars back on the State Flag.


If people still refer to the Civil War as the War of Northern Aggression.


If you attend church on Sunday and bars the rest of the week.

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You know you're from Illinois when:


-At any given time you have at least 2 former governors in prison


-You can have a 3 hour conversation on the different varieties of corn


-You can have a 4 hour conversation on the virtues of corn/soybean rotation


-When the credit agencies grade your municipal debt as junk and it's considered an improvement


-When the airport in your state capitol can't keep a carrier


-You pay taxes for the governor's mansion, but no one can remember the last time a governor actually stayed there


-When you consider summer humidity levels of only 90% refreshing


-When single digit wind chills in the winter are considered balmy


-When you think there are only two types of state residents: Those from Chicago, and those that don't matter


-When your rivers are infested by fish that jump out and attack fisherman


-When you can miss the entire spring season by blinking


-You think driving in the winter is better because the potholes are filled with snow


-Conversations about ethanol subsidies have led to bloodshed


-Family gatherings have had police interventions over Cubs/Cardinals discussions

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You vote for Governor because he promises to put the Stars and Bars back on the State Flag.


If people still refer to the Civil War as the War of Northern Aggression.



*Sniff* You make me all misty. Posted Image

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