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Happy birthday Poddy! <3


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Ohh, I didn't know we were allowed to publicly acknowledge C-daddy's birthday!


:Vic2: Happy Birthday Podga! :Vic2:


Hope your day is filled with many baked goods and that you get to skip the gym or swimming today.

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I don't know. I do one photo shoot that gets a bit out of hand, and the next thing you know the pictures are all over the Internet... :)


(I doubt he's been outside a gym in years!)

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I ran out of likes halfway through. Thank you all for your thoughts and wishes! I had a great day, and if I could, I'd share my birthday cake with you guys (but I can't so I'm forced to eat it all myself :) )


Zombie, unfortunately the SO won't let me keep your birthday present, even though I promised to regift him after a few months :P

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:music: :music: Χρόνιa πολλά Podga :music: :music:

I don't even know what I've said there, maybe told you to round up the chickens :P

Hope your Birthday was great!!!!
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I can see I am late as always. Well! Happy Belated Birthday, Podga. May you have a peaceful loving year ahead full of happiness and possibilities. God bless you and your loved ones. Hugs and Chocolates.


I can see I am late as always. Well! Happy Belated Birthday, Podga. May you have a peaceful loving year ahead full of happiness and possibilities. God bless you and your loved ones. Hugs and Chocolates.

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