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Are you missing your Twinkies?


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they're back!!!


Twinkies! Real thing returns July 15; bad news for Bingles and Dreamies


Edited by hh5
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Not sure about the fascination with twinkies, especially fried twinkies, but it certainly helps to explain some of the obesity problem.  Personally, my obsession is with chocolate, especially dark chocolate. 

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Twnikies are coming back ? Never tried one :huh:  I remember when I was in USA a few years ago I bought this candy, it was like wine gums in a yellow box, fruid flavour.. Don't remember the name but they were really nice :)

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My mum always says, if half the producers of sugar in the US started making bio-ethanol instead you'd kill two birds with one stone. Solve the obesity problem AND get low-emission fuel not made from things that could feed third world countries. A third of the buses in my city run on bio-ethanol, and sugar is one of the easiest and best ways to make it.

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lol, a bus that runs on twinkies

My mum always says, if half the producers of sugar in the US started making bio-ethanol instead you'd kill two birds with one stone. Solve the obesity problem AND get low-emission fuel not made from things that could feed third world countries. A third of the buses in my city run on bio-ethanol, and sugar is one of the easiest and best ways to make it.

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I've never had a Twinkie but as a South African I do miss Koeksisters.


Now before you ask what a koeksister is.....



But while I've never had a Twinkie, I've got to say there is nothing quite like a nice yummy Twink. :devil:


one of my former food tech students makes these, but i lost the recipe and she graduated. dang it. they rock, for anyone who does know.


also, on the subject of candy, does everyone think that just like the Wispa bar of UK fame, the Twinkie will make a reappearance in another decade or so?

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I loved twinkies when I was a kid, nice treat for the lunch box.  Now they sorta taste like oil byproduct with a latex foam shell.  Growing up sucks sometimes lol.

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I hadn't had a twinkie in like years ... however the big turn off is when I look at the bag I see the oily film on the plastic or when the top of the twinky going to stick to the plastic .. i wish for a perfect twinkie


has anyone ate a twinkie after the due date?

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For those Twinkie fans looking for something a little different, they're going to start offering Frozen Twinkies.




Just don't break a tooth on one. 

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I hadn't had a twinkie in like years ... however the big turn off is when I look at the bag I see the oily film on the plastic or when the top of the twinky going to stick to the plastic .. i wish for a perfect twinkie


has anyone ate a twinkie after the due date?


Did you ever hear of the teacher who left a twinkie - unwrapped - on the top of his chalkboard for some 30 odd years?  It never molded or decomposed at all, just got really hard.  Finally, I think it was when he retired, they took it down and broke it open and the filling was just dust.  So I guess it wouldn't matter if you ate it past the due date.  If it doesn't decompose or mold, you shouldn't get sick, right?


Does anyone else like Little Debbie's Nutty Bars?  Those are my weakness...if they ever went away I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

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I used to love the occasional Funny Bone, which we peanut butter filled and covered in chocolate.  Not sure if they were Hostess or not, because they no longer make them. 

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I used to love the occasional Funny Bone, which we peanut butter filled and covered in chocolate.  Not sure if they were Hostess or not, because they no longer make them. 


That sounds absolutely delicious.

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Wow, the evolution of shitty food that basically goes to your chin, shin, cankles, back-abs, man breasts, belly flop, and love handles. There was an exchange student back in my high school days who use to love vienna sausages. . . the disgusting canned ones.


I was like, "Mate! We have fresh made sausages in the market, we even have veggie ones for vegans." And he said to me, "No dude, youre australian pizzas are healthy enough."


He turned out to be the stereotypical smelly fat american room mate who relied in pizza, fast-food, and all you can eat burgers laced with sodium that makes your pee fizzle with uric acid, which equates to rancid pee smell even after you flushed down the toilet handle.


I don't mean to offend any americans out there, but his diet was just horrendous and his sheets smelled like swiss cheese. I think all that chemicals from the food in his body produced that lingering sweat that stank big time.


As for the twinkies, he has boxes of these packed and shipped from his hometown in Nebraska cause he misses home, as he reckoned. He doesn't have photos of his family yet he has a box of twinkies that could last him a month.


Correction: It mostly lasts around 1 to 2 weeks, depending on his mood if he lost to his opponent while playing Warcraft.


I did have a taste of his Twinkies. It's too sweet and tasted like chiffon cake. I mean, why not make a chiffon cake that you could bake. It's easy as one two three and you don't have the shitty chemicals ruining your body in the long run.


I'm not a vegan, but I sure do love my veggies and sometimes prefer something organic. I don't care if it has tons of butter, but make sure the veggies are fresh.

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Good news for Twinkies hoarders. Not only are Twinkies coming back to store shelves on Monday, but once there they'll have almost twice the shelf life the old Twinkies did.


Did you ever hear of the teacher who left a twinkie - unwrapped - on the top of his chalkboard for some 30 odd years?  It never molded or decomposed at all, just got really hard.  Finally, I think it was when he retired, they took it down and broke it open and the filling was just dust.  So I guess it wouldn't matter if you ate it past the due date.  If it doesn't decompose or mold, you shouldn't get sick, right?


Does anyone else like Little Debbie's Nutty Bars?  Those are my weakness...if they ever went away I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

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Good news for Twinkies hoarders. Not only are Twinkies coming back to store shelves on Monday, but once there they'll have almost twice the shelf life the old Twinkies did.


Did you ever hear of the teacher who left a twinkie - unwrapped - on the top of his chalkboard for some 30 odd years?  It never molded or decomposed at all, just got really hard.  Finally, I think it was when he retired, they took it down and broke it open and the filling was just dust.  So I guess it wouldn't matter if you ate it past the due date.  If it doesn't decompose or mold, you shouldn't get sick, right?



Full of unnatural Kreemy goodness  :lol:

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