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Stupid or just fun?

Hayden L

Stupidity or just fun  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. I got my motorcycle up to 165 MPH last night, was i being stupid or just having some fun?

    • Stupid
    • Fun
    • I have a death wish :/
    • I wish I had a motorcycle :(

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So, last night I wanted to blow off some steam and just get away from my family. I took my bike out for a ride and in the process met up with another random sportbike dude. Anyway, we started racing each other and I reached a top speed of 165 MPH. when I checked my mirrors he was about 1/2 mile behind me :D


I slowed to a stop to wait for him and we just chilled in a parking lot and talked about random shit. That's what I like most about sportbike riders, they're all usually pretty chill.

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I do a lil Motovloging, does that count?


I think Lacey was suggesting you start a blog here at GA.  It's more flexible than a forum, you have more control, and it's an appropriate place for topics such as this.


I'll respond to your poll there.

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I think Lacey was suggesting you start a blog here at GA.  It's more flexible than a forum, you have more control, and it's an appropriate place for topics such as this.


I'll respond to your poll there.

Yeah, I'm not sure about the Blog thing here. I don't know if it's me being hyper-sensitive or if a lot of people here really don't like me, i don't know... but whatever. I just posted this as a random poll to try to have a lil fun, that's all.

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Yeah, I'm not sure about the Blog thing here. I

don't know if it's me being hyper-sensitive or if a

lot of people here really don't like me, i don't

know... but whatever. I just posted this as a

random poll to try to have a lil fun, that's all.


Hey, I'm going to break it to you, there's this unspoken rule/thing/whatever. This kind of thing belongs to the blog. It's NOT something against you in particular, it's just a basic assumption. If you've been to the blogs you'd understand.

Anyway, I think it's borderline between stupid and fun. Sometimes, stupid means fun:)

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Hayden, if you like fast bikes, you might enjoy the Rich Boy series by dkstories.



I enjoy riding motorcycles.” Worthington admitted.  It was one of the few guilty pleasures he had been able to get away with openly.  His love for it had begun after he had enjoyed a romp with a slightly older guy, in his early twenties.  The guy had been an avid motorcycle rider and looked quite dashing in his gear, on his Kawasaki sports bike.  Worthington would never ride such a common bike, though.  The one he had purchased, which would be delivered here next week was a custom-made Ducati.
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As far as I'm concerned, you're already blogging, just sticking it around randomly in threads, and it might be overwhelming some with the amount of "you" circulating the forums, so what you're mistaking as being disliked is probably that. A blog would be a great way to organize yourself, and blogs are fun to read, at least for me, so it's a good way to talk about yourself and burn through a lot of topics without making a clutter. 


What you can do is try it, and if you don't like it, nothing gained or lost, right? I'm thinking you will, though. 

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Don't worry, Hayden. People here can be real fusspots...or tosspots, depending on what they're on about. You've felt some of their wrath already. Though it isn't described well, apparently The Lounge is really only for shallow things and Happy Birthdays. If you do decide to blog, I'll definitely follow.

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  • Site Administrator

Having seen the aftermath of a motorcycle accident (when the rider was probably doing no more than 80 mph, but failed to take a corner), I think 165 mph is dangerous on all bar a handful of roads. The autobarns in Europe don't have a speed limit because the roads are sufficient quality to allow high speed. Many roads are not of that quality, especially non-major roads. All you need to do is to hit a pothole and there's a good chance of another fatality.


Y_B, according to Wikipedia, modern motorcycles are limited to 186 mph due to safety concerns. That is, the manufacturers have designed modern bikes to not exceed that limit. 165 mph was probably close to the maximum speed Hayden could achieve, unless the bike has been specially modified for speed.

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I have no idea what kind of road you were on or the possible traffic you might have encountered.   But where I live, I can just imagine a rider zooming along that fast and hitting a deer which seem to be everywhere this year.  So I would have to conclude it was probably not the smartest thing you ever did even if it was fun getting by with it.  0:)

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Don't worry, Hayden. People here can be real fusspots...or tosspots, depending on what they're on about. You've felt some of their wrath already. Though it isn't described well, apparently The Lounge is really only for shallow things and Happy Birthdays. If you do decide to blog, I'll definitely follow.

You're kinda making us look bad!

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I wonder what inane gay thing I could come up with that would actually be "appropriate" (blech!!!!) for The Lounge?!?!?! UGH!


That's one thing about this site that I dislike...the heavy-handedness with which topics are closed or deleted.


Don't worry, Hayden. People here can be real fusspots...or tosspots, depending on what they're on about. You've felt some of their wrath already. Though it isn't described well, apparently The Lounge is really only for shallow things and Happy Birthdays. If you do decide to blog, I'll definitely follow.


All your posts are so grumpy towards this site, and its members. If you're just gonna mope and complain in every post about how horrible everyone is, or how strict the policies are, why not just find a better alternative, somewhere where you're happier with the community? I don't understand. 

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The_Rotund_One - 


Throwing down the victim card every chance you get doesn't win you any kuddo points. Encouraging someone else to do the same thing = lots of coal in your stockings. As far as I'm aware, GA is pretty welcoming and relatively stable, with the exception of a few nutjobs. If you have a problem, which you clearly do, I encourage you to 1) blog out the details so it can be address 2) cover up the bitch nips and readjust your attitude, or 3) just feel free to not keep checking back in to the place you feel oh so victimized in.


- The_Three-Legged_One

Edited by Y_B
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I'm really sorry everyone. I didn't mean for this thread to get anyone upset. I just thought it'd be fun to post this here.


I get it. I'll blog it from now on. Just please, everyone, don't get mad at each other.

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Y_B, and Arpeggio,


You two are the sorts of craptastic people, along with immoderate moderators, and some self-righteous youngsters that make this place thoroughly undesirable and not nearly the kind of place it thinks it is. There have been nice people on here...haven't seen them lately though, that's for sure. You two and others I could name certainly aren't among them. Your snotty messages amount to "put up with our shallow, stereotypical, or insulting crap or get out." That's hardly the friendliness this place claims. As for Y_B's name-calling, that's pretty infantile. I certainly don't need Texas rudeness in my life. The "privilege" of being able to give a review to the rare story that I like certainly isn't worth enduring the likes of you, Y_B. No doubt you'll think yourself superior to me regardless because of my "rotundity'; that just speaks to your own shallowness.


Farewell to the good people; good riddance to the others.

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To address the speeding... it is never fun or a smart thing to do.  It is against the law - yes, even if you're not caught.  I should know, I get that lecture from the husband a lot.


You are on a motorcycle as well, I doubt at that speed a helmet and a leather jacket, if you were wearing either, would have saved your life if you had an accident.


Men your age and slightly younger do fall into these types of fun and speed traps... adrenalin and testosterone I guess.. lol.


Just be a bit more wise with your fun and have a more healthy outlet for your stress and such, because no one wants to come upon an accident for anyone, but when a person has an accident when they are out.. "joy riding" seems to make it worse, because it was a poor decision to begin with.


As far as blogging, blogs can be a very nice avenue.  You can do sneak peeks, post poems, explain your days/experiences.  People still read and comment, just like they are doing now.  You can do polls and the like as well.  It is a popular spot on the website and you can choose to show those blogs or keep them for your own personal reference.

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