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Holiday Don't Gift This


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Can't find that gift for your special someone? Running out of time? Last minute decisions driving you nuts?
Here is a humorous "Don't Gift This List"
Feel free to 'List' your own favorite gifts not to give this holiday season.
Don't forget to report those spectacular 'Fail' gifts, "Oh no, you shouldn't have!", that you did get later. We know that you will want to show your appreciation.   smiley-happy096.gif    I know I will.

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I spat out my tea all over my keyboard when I saw the ostrich pillow




And dude the underwater speakers are SO COOL, I wanted to get a pair.



On another note, for the love of God, please don't get anyone (unless it's like your grandma or something):


1) Candles


2) Soap


It's so hard to pretend to get excited about candles and soap anymore.


John: "Merry Christmas best friend, I have a present for you!"

Joe: "Oh my... you got me... Soap! Oh this is wonderful, can't get enough soap!"

John: "yeah this is a limited edition soap, it's autographed by Michael Phelps so when you wash yourself with it you can breathe underwater when you take a bath."

Joe: "Does it also give me flying powers if I jump off a building?"

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I spat out my tea all over my keyboard when I saw the ostrich pillow




And dude the underwater speakers are SO COOL, I wanted to get a pair.



I hope the spitting was figurative.

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I kind of like the ostrich pillow. I could use one of those, I think... I don't care so much about looking like an idiot. :P


My brothers' mum sometimes gives really crappy presents. This year, the bag from her contains a really huge flat one, and I hope to God it contains either lots of chocolate or a jigsaw puzzle and not something silly and pointless that we'll have nowhere to put. :P

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I think the rudest gift that anyone has given me was a worn shirt with threadbare spots that smelled of detergent. I mean he was my secret santa at the office. And he kept on pointing out the fact that it was Burberry. I seriously don't care. It smelled like cheap detergent that he rushed to take off his drier and have it wrapped in time for the secret santa outing.


Oh, I forgot to mention, he was our senior V.P for International Relations, to which by common knowledge, was that he was earning a lot, is single, and collects yachts as a hobby. And yet he couldn't give a fck as to what to give that Christmas for the secret santa event. I would have been VERY happy even if I got a $5 Starbucks coupon, or a cheap-ass bloody keychain since I love collecting keychains.


The shirt is now happily a dust rug that's sitting on top of my shelf. At least I found some good use for it. ;-)

Edited by Henry_Henry2012
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I think the rudest gift that anyone has given me was a worn shirt that smelled of detergent. I mean he was my secret santa at the office. And he kept on pointing out the fact that it was Burberry. I seriously don't care. It smelled like cheap detergent that he rushed to take off his drier and have it wrapped in time for the secret santa outing.


Hahahha wow that is really douchey. 

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