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A legal deposition is a serious matter.  It is fully equivalent to testifying in court.  The deponent (the person testifying, Justin Beiber in this case) is giving sworn testimony.  Or is he just being a jerk?  You decide.



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I remove my former opinions. I was too mesmerized by his behavior to pay attention to the time stamp jumps that Graeme has so smartly pointed out. I couldn't make it through two-minutes, let alone four-and-one-half hours of it, so judgement reserved.

Edited by Ron
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I was watching the timestamp. That's one heavily edited video clip. It's not in sequential order, with the time jumping backwards and forwards. I also noticed that the timestamp covers more than three hours of time.


So, this six minute video is an edit of over three hours of questioning by a hostile lawyer? Sorry, it's obviously been done to put the person in question into a bad light. If I'm to express an opinion, I'd need to see the entire video, not some edited highlights.

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Odd - I have given depositions both as a litigant and as an "expert" witness, though how expert I was on the subject remains to be seen. Not once did I, or anyone else present, jerk the lawyers chains that way. Doesn't the twit realize there is a court reporter sitting right there and every word out of his mouth becomes public record? I am sure Graeme is right and just the worst bits were made public this way, but still he should have had more respect for the courts.

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life's just too short for this...

post me an update after he's been banged up with the sex-starved muscle guy covered in mean looking tats :lol:

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Odd - I have given depositions both as a litigant and as an "expert" witness, though how expert I was on the subject remains to be seen. Not once did I, or anyone else present, jerk the lawyers chains that way. Doesn't the twit realize there is a court reporter sitting right there and every word out of his mouth becomes public record? I am sure Graeme is right and just the worst bits were made public this way, but still he should have had more respect for the courts.

This is six minutes out of what appears to be more than four hours of video evidence. The last minute of the video appears to be an early part of the deposition, where he's giving answers. That timestamp is at 11:33. The video starts at 14:58 with the off-screen questioner asking if he remembers something from earlier that today and Justin saying no. The earliest timestamp I saw was 10:49 -- more than four hours earlier. I think it's reasonable to not remember something earlier when in the middle of several hours of video testimony.


This is not a fair video. He might be a jerk, but you can't use this video as evidence. The video includes Justin refusing to answer questions about an (ex?) girlfriend, with his lawyer objecting to the questioning. Why? If he's allowed to not answer the question (as per his lawyer's complaints), then why is his refusal to answer those question part of this six and a half minute extract? It has been clearly edited to present him in the worst possible light. If anything, if that's all they can come up with after hours of video evidence, I think it shows that most of the time he probably wasn't a jerk.


Oh, and the YouTube clip is titled Justin Bieber Deposition (Full Video). Can someone explain to me how this is the "full video" of his deposition?


I personally don't listen to his music and I don't follow his exploits, but I don't think I've ever seen a more blatant smear attempt in my life. If anything, this makes me feel sympathy for the guy.

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life's just too short for this...

post me an update after he's been banged up with the sex-starved muscle guy covered in mean looking tats :lol:


On this point we are in total agreement ! :D:yes:

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what are they asking about and really why are they asking.... as in does this have relevance to anything... :no:


i predict after this cerculates through the net for a while, the voices calling for Bieber to be tossed out of the U.S. is going to skyrocket.

life's just too short for this...

post me an update after he's been banged up with the sex-starved muscle guy covered in mean looking tats :lol:

agreed... we'd see a totally different young man after that :evil:

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I was watching the timestamp. That's one heavily edited video clip. It's not in sequential order, with the time jumping backwards and forwards. I also noticed that the timestamp covers more than three hours of time.


So, this six minute video is an edit of over three hours of questioning by a hostile lawyer? Sorry, it's obviously been done to put the person in question into a bad light. If I'm to express an opinion, I'd need to see the entire video, not some edited highlights.



This is six minutes out of what appears to be more than four hours of video evidence. The last minute of the video appears to be an early part of the deposition, where he's giving answers. That timestamp is at 11:33. The video starts at 14:58 with the off-screen questioner asking if he remembers something from earlier that today and Justin saying no. The earliest timestamp I saw was 10:49 -- more than four hours earlier. I think it's reasonable to not remember something earlier when in the middle of several hours of video testimony.


This is not a fair video. He might be a jerk, but you can't use this video as evidence. The video includes Justin refusing to answer questions about an (ex?) girlfriend, with his lawyer objecting to the questioning. Why? If he's allowed to not answer the question (as per his lawyer's complaints), then why is his refusal to answer those question part of this six and a half minute extract? It has been clearly edited to present him in the worst possible light. If anything, if that's all they can come up with after hours of video evidence, I think it shows that most of the time he probably wasn't a jerk.


Oh, and the YouTube clip is titled Justin Bieber Deposition (Full Video). Can someone explain to me how this is the "full video" of his deposition?


I personally don't listen to his music and I don't follow his exploits, but I don't think I've ever seen a more blatant smear attempt in my life. If anything, this makes me feel sympathy for the guy.


Beiber was being deposed in the lawsuit where his bodyguard allegedly beat up a photographer.  The full deposition lasted 4½ hours.  TMZ released four separate videos of what they probably thought was the most interesting parts.  The "full video" is the four clips combined in one.  You can see the individual clips here.


The six minutes may be unfair to Beiber or the other four hours, twenty-four minutes may be very routine and boring.  Would we think any more of him if we watched the whole thing?

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Beiber was being deposed in the lawsuit where his bodyguard allegedly beat up a photographer.  The full deposition lasted 4½ hours.  TMZ released four separate videos of what they probably thought was the most interesting parts.  The "full video" is the four clips combined in one.  You can see the individual clips here.


The six minutes may be unfair to Beiber or the other four hours, twenty-four minutes may be very routine and boring.  Would we think any more of him if we watched the whole thing?

Or, to put it another way, TMZ released what they thought would be best for their business. They're not a charity -- they make their money by trying to publish something that will attract a lot of interest. Do they have any reason to post things that would put Justin Bieber in a good light? Do they have any reason to post things that would put Justin Bieber in a bad light?


To answer my own questions, I would say that the answers are No and Yes, respectively.


It's quite possible that he's a jerk throughout the whole four and a half hours. To only show six and a half minutes, though, and not even in chronological order, makes me cynical.

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It's quite possible that he's a jerk throughout the whole four and a half hours. To only show six and a half minutes, though, and not even in chronological order, makes me cynical.


I have to agree with everything Graeme has said on this matter and the comment that "life is too short" to be concerned about any of this.

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Yeah, he's probably a little jerk, though probably not as much of one as that smear-job suggests.


And I can take or leave his music...


But all that notwithstanding, I gotta say I like his face, and he has one of the best-looking asses around. :lol:


(Did I say that out loud?)


He's certainly bared it and semi-bared it often enough for everyone to know what it looks like.

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*shrugs* He's an asshole, but what guy wasn't when they were 19?



But all that notwithstanding, I gotta say I like his face, and he has one of the best-looking asses around. :lol:


   His face is still too effeminate for me. I think Austin Mahone will be much better-looking when he's 19.


   I think as someone said, the problem with Justin Bieber is that he tries to dress in thug wear, and it doesn't look good on a twink. He'd look so much better in Burberry and the like.


    As for the actual deposition, I was kinda with Justin at the end with, "Is this a deposition or an interview? I'm confused."

Edited by methodwriter85
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I guess I'm looking at it a little different. Everything he took objection to HIS lawyers took objection to. When they ask for relevance for the questions, the person asking the question could not give any. Isn't that the whole reason to have a lawyer there on your behalf when being deposed, to point out where the person asking the questions over stepping their bounds and just on a fishing trip.


Personally I agree with Justin's comments about it being 60 Minutes, Katy Couric and the other jabs at the in my opinion, very pushy lawyer who can't seem to justify his reasons to not only a lawyer (Justin's) and Justin himself.


I agree 100% with Graeme. This has been heavily edited by TMZ for their profit. Nothing else. It they were actually trying to show the legal process AND that Bieber was a jerk, they would have released the entire 4 hours. Not their pre-selected clips. To say that they are only giving a 'glimpse' of this would be akin to saying what is printed in the Supermarket tabloids is the truth :facepalm:


I think I would have just told the lawyer to F off and say that I will be willing to answer questions in a court room with a prosecution and defense lawyer present and a judge to rule what is admissible or not. Not to give some dimwit lawyer the right to ask stupid questions.

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The media built this kid up and it is destroying him. He's nothing but a toy.


He went from being the sweet little kid to the teen age smart ass that needs to pull up his pants.


This edited deposition that jumps around is intended to make him look bad.


Grill me like that for four and a half hours and... they'll never find your body.

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The media built this kid up and it is destroying him. He's nothing but a toy.


I feel kinda bad for him, he never had a hope in hell of being anything other than a puppet. Just goes to prove, yet again, that being able to breed does not qualify you to be a parent and or decent human being. His parents take the majority blame in this whole debacle he unfortunately has to call his life.

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I agree with everyone who's critical of the way this has been cut down and obviously highlighted the worst parts. However, quite apart from the way he's questioning the lawyer, and we can debate whether he's right or wrong there until the cows come home (don't forget that Justin's lawyer is also paid to make him look less bad), look at his body language. Look at his posture, the way he looks around, his facial expression. They all say, 'I don't give a shit about this.' He's not taking this seriously at all. It's not about what he's saying, it's how he's saying it. Most of us were done with that kind of body language when we were fifteen. He's taking this whole thing no more seriously than he would his mum telling him to clean his room. 


Yes, the lawyer questioning him is hostile, but you would be too if you were trying to get answers out of a kid who is so obviously telling you with his entire body that he has no fucks left to give. I'd be willing to bet that he displayed that kind of body language throughout the entire deposition, and in anyone older than 17, and especially in this kind of situation, that's the mark of a sociopath. 


He's looking into the camera. He thinks he's on TV.

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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