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Is there a film that brings tears to your eyes?


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Old Yeller, The Champ (1979), Marley & Me, Radio, The Pursuit of Happyness, A Walk to Remember, The Lion King, E.T., Toy Story 3, Field of Dreams, Forrest Gump, John Q...too many to name them all! When I was a teenager, movies would never make me cry. I guess I'm getting more emotionally sensitive as I get older because it doesn't take much to get me all teary-eyed!  :,( Don't even get me started on "The Walking Dead". No, it's not a film, but I've cried at least once in every season so far!

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There are so many. Here is the short version of one of them.



There are some real tear jerkers in these ten films.



After all the above sadness, at least one of the following should bring back a smile.


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To me it's more specific scenes in films rather than the whole film which come to mind.

  1. The final scene in Brokeback Mountain when the camera focus on the postcard and the shirt. :,(
  2. The goodbye scene with Frodo in Grey Haven in The Return of the King. :,(  
  3. The almost final moment in the Swedish Astrid Lindgreen based Brødrene Løvehjerte ('I see the light'). :,(

(Puppilull will know what I mean with no 3. If you ever want to read or watch The Brothers Lionheart don't read the list of book-film differences on Wiki, since it has major spoilers.)


Oh, and the ET scene is a classic for me too, Graeme.

Edited by Timothy M.
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I can count on my fingers the films that don't make me cry, and that includes children's animation and slapstick comedies. Actual sad movies send me into a funk that can last weeks. It's something about the immediacy of the screen. It's a bit of a social handicap  :rolleyes:

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Hell some commercials get me all blubbery.. :P




The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Titanic, War Horse (only naming this one, because I watched it recently and remember crying two or three times), The Land Before Time made me cry as a child.. and pretty much every movie that is meant to attempt to make people cry.. I usually cry. I rarely have an untoward/out of left field emotion towards a movie.


But! When Peeta was choking the shit out of Katniss during the end of Mocking Jay 1, I nearly lost it laughing... that face she made.. my lord. And Ol' Yeller, I didn't cry during, because it scared the hell out of me.. I still refuse to watch that movie.. lol. 

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To me it's more specific scenes in films rather than the whole film which come to mind.


  • The final scene in Brokeback Mountain when the camera focus on the postcard and the shirt. :,(
  • The goodbye scene with Frodo in Grey Haven in The Return of the King. :,(  
  • The almost final moment in the Swedish Astrid Lindgreen based Brødrene Løvehjerte ('I see the light'). :,(
(Puppilull will know what I mean with no 3. If you ever want to read or watch The Brothers Lionheart don't read the list of book-film differences on Wiki, since it has major spoilers.)


Oh, and the ET scene is a classic for me too, Graeme.

Oh, Brothers Lionheart! I don't even have to wait for the final scene. I start crying my eyes out at the first bar of the opening credits... It's like a Pavlovian response. I cry at commercials sometimes if I'm in that mood, but with this movie, mood doesn't matter.


Another movie that made me totally ugly-cry is La vita e bella. That second half just had me bawling. Not pretty at all.

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Oh, Brothers Lionheart! I don't even have to wait for the final scene. I start crying my eyes out at the first bar of the opening credits... It's like a Pavlovian response. I cry at commercials sometimes if I'm in that mood, but with this movie, mood doesn't matter.


:heart:  :heart:  :evil:  :gikkle:

:thankyou:  Glad my fellow Scandinavian agrees on this one.

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The best quote ever is also from Brothers Lionheart:


"Det finns saker man måste göra, även om det är farligt. Annars är man ingen människa utan bara en liten lort”


There are things you have to do, even if it's dangerous. Otherwise, you aren't a human, only a piece of filth.


Not quite sure of the translation, but it sums up the need for everyone to show curage. Not just designated "heroes".

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The final scene in "Dead Poets Society" when the students climb onto their desks and say "o Captain, my Captain" :,(  :)


Oh fuck, why did you have to remind me of that? :no:  the whole thing after the office scene with the father had my guts in knots and my throat choked up.



And the worst part was I could understand why he took that way out and I wanted to tell his parents "Serves you right!" Except his father was too stupid and narrowminded to ever admit it was his fault.



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Usually when there is the swell of music and deep undercurrent of meaning.  The first one I can remember was the end of Jesus Christ Superstar.  The lyric free packing up and going home hit real hard when I was a kid.  A huge one for me is Amadeus.  I cry repeatedly through it, but the end always pushes me over the edge:  the death, the burial... and then the cut to the priest with his head hung in tears and Salieri laughing:  "Your... merciful god..."  I could start blubbering now.  :,(  

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I have two recommendations that I haven't seen listed: 

1.  The Yearling 

2.  The Bridge to Terabithia.  


If you aren't familiar with them, I'm sure you can look them up. 

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I watched two such movies yesterday..back to back. They are The Notebook and Bridges of Madison County. I was a blubbering mess after the first and ten times worse after the second. What was I thinking?!? Hmm

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"Raise Your Voice" does it to me.  It just brings back too many memories.  In fact, when it first came out, my best friend made me promise her that I wouldn't watch it alone because she felt like parts of it would hit too close to home and I wouldn't be able to handle it.... I listened to her, for once, and was glad I did, because she was right.

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There are a ton of them, however I remember the first. "Legends of the Fall". The hardships that family had to ensure. I was on an airplane while watching it. The guy sitting next to me thought it was sweet that I was willing to show my emotions so willingly. Led to a pretty wild night... Lol



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Saving Private Ryan

Just about every scene in that film punched me in the gut. Nothing gets me going more than when I see our Men in Service laying it down for us. My family has lost too many to war. It really brings up so many emotions and Saving Private Ryan was and is possibly the greatest war film ever made. It is a one nightmare after another. Its just....awful.


American Sniper


I was so shocked by the end. I didn't know that had happened...and after all he went through! Also a lot of his devestating experiences he had when he was doing his job. Just gut wrenching!

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