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Well, with the Crampton/Shulter family pissed off with you - murder is entirely possible!


except when they were planning to kill JJ's coach for molesting him, Will had a huge moral crisis after the guy died, and he told the others that they couldn't do this sort of thing any more.

So I doubt there will be any murders going on, unless JP can get Will to agree. And Will usually wants to see his victims suffer remorse and make amends, before he evetually forgives them. In any case, I think he'll say that JJ should be the one to decide what sort of revenge he wants.

In addition, ME doesn't deserve to be killed - she did her best to warn JJ, and why wouldn't she want to break up him and Alex? Lady Di hated Camilla. :lol: We only think it's bad, because we're on JJ side, and we know she's evil. (I don't care about Alex.)

Plus it's boring to use the same solution again, I have faith in Mark being able to come up wth something much better.

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Posted (edited)

ME doesn't deserve to be killed - she did her best to warn JJ, and why wouldn't she want to break up him and Alex? Lady Di hated Camilla. :lol: We only think it's bad, because we're on JJ side, and we know she's evil. (I don't care about Alex.)

Plus it's boring to use the same solution again, I have faith in Mark being able to come up wth something much better.

That was very diplomatic of you, Tim. Except for the part where you came perilously close to calling Mark boring. :gikkle:

Edited by impunity
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3) Alex should fire his staff in London. They obviously were not paying attention when all the paparazzi showed up. How do you not notice all those people standing outside your front lawn?


3. There are a number of reasons. Maybe the staff is too busy and overworked to pay attention to things like that? Or maybe they don't like Alex all that much? Or maybe His Grace only employes myopic people. :-)


Interesting. I simply assumed Alex had given strict orders to his staff that no one should disturb him in his bedroom (to avoid them barging in on him and JJ), and this misfired - plus they didn't think to call him either.

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I would think even the strictest "Do Not Disturb" order would and SHOULD be violated if there is an emergency of some sort. Had his father or the baby taken ill they certainly would have ignored the order. I sort of think a yard full of paparazzi would qualify for the "Tell Me" column.


Alex probably should have had some contingency plan for security.


More importantly, though, we now know how Mark weighs in on the poached salmon issue. :thumbdown:  :rolleyes:

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"do not disturb me"...


Yeah so when the fire alarm is going off in the hotel or apt complex, do you ignore it? (Actual personal story: a fire alarm was going off for 20 minutes at this "high end apartment" in San Jose and most of the residents were outside. SOME residents/dumbassess were still inside calling MY office to complain about the fire alarm going off. NO ONE called 911 or the fire department yet!)


A fleet of police cars pull up in front of your high school. Do you wait for the principal to get off the phone or do you tell him to get off the phone and take care of this? (Actual story: 2 police detectives in 2 marked city police cars showed up to "talk to" / arrest me. 8 more cars and 2 motorcycle cops showed up wondering WTF. Principal STILL personally talked to the detectives first and personally wrote the note pulling me out of class... And in hindsight, that should of been the clue to me...)


Several news vans park in front of your house. You can hear the people on the street from your window. And you STILL open the drapes? No, You don't so that's Alex's fuck-up. (Actual story: Nor do you tell the press off by telling them to fuck off! Get your attorney to tell them off!)


Yeah. Sometimes in an emergency, you are supposed to drop what you are doing and take care of this. Like SOMEONE in the Duke's condo should of.

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Several news vans park in front of your house. You can hear the people on the street from your window. And you STILL open the drapes? No, You don't so that's Alex's fuck-up.


Yeah. Sometimes in an emergency, you are supposed to drop what you are doing and take care of this. Like SOMEONE in the Duke's condo should of.


LOL, I loved this. You're absolutely right. Perhaps the staff had faith in Alex not being stupid enough to stand naked in front of the window with his lover. But even so they should still have warned him. Maybe they liked the drama - or they were busy reading the paper. :rofl:

I'm sure Mark likes all of this ranting we're doing. ;)

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"do not disturb me"...


Yeah so when the fire alarm is going off in the hotel or apt complex, do you ignore it? (Actual personal story: a fire alarm was going off for 20 minutes at this "high end apartment" in San Jose and most of the residents were outside. SOME residents/dumbassess were still inside calling MY office to complain about the fire alarm going off. NO ONE called 911 or the fire department yet!)


A fleet of police cars pull up in front of your high school. Do you wait for the principal to get off the phone or do you tell him to get off the phone and take care of this? (Actual story: 2 police detectives in 2 marked city police cars showed up to "talk to" / arrest me. 8 more cars and 2 motorcycle cops showed up wondering WTF. Principal STILL personally talked to the detectives first and personally wrote the note pulling me out of class... And in hindsight, that should of been the clue to me...)


Several news vans park in front of your house. You can hear the people on the street from your window. And you STILL open the drapes? No, You don't so that's Alex's fuck-up. (Actual story: Nor do you tell the press off by telling them to fuck off! Get your attorney to tell them off!)


Yeah. Sometimes in an emergency, you are supposed to drop what you are doing and take care of this. Like SOMEONE in the Duke's condo should of.



Seriously, you've been hinting at this for so many years now but what the hell did you do that this happened to you? I mean, it's been like 30 years now you'd think you could basically say it. My strongest guess has been that you hacked into a computer security system when you were a teenager and were accused of being a spy with Communist sympathies. (As this was the Cold War Era.)

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Perhaps the staff had faith in Alex not being stupid enough to stand naked in front of the window with his lover. But even so they should still have warned him. Maybe they liked the drama - or they were busy reading the paper. :rofl:


What they should have done is call the police. Nothing like a few well-placed truncheons to clear a lawn.


But mainly I use this as a "Bad Example" on how not to live your high school life. 


Damn I feel boring now. High school was pretty much about school for me.   :huh:

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Damn I feel boring now. High school was pretty much about school for me.   :huh:

Me too. Now I feel like I missed out on being arrested :( The worst I did was keep a joint in my locker :huh:

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I didn't even manage that. :no:

I guess there's still time for us to go crazy and get arrested, if we really apply ourselves :huh:

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Posted (edited)

I guess there's still time for us to go crazy and get arrested, if we really apply ourselves :huh:

Yes there is.


Just remember, in some states, first time offenders and minors could of gotten away with a lot and still manage to get a clean record. Even those with a public defender managed to get a plea deal and get probation, a small fine and community service and then have the judge/referee dismiss all other charges and vacate the one you admitted to. And that's before your juvenile record gets sealed.


I knew someone in my high school who was a convicted car thief and he did spend some time in Juvie. Not because he stole one car. But because it was the third time he got caught and perhaps the bag of weed he had on him didn't help his cause. Still managed to get his record sealed when he turned 18. And he got an "A" in auto shop!


As an adult, I'm told it's not as "easy" so no, I wouldn't recommend it.


Me too. Now I feel like I missed out on being arrested :( The worst I did was keep a joint in my locker :huh:

I could probably write a story about how hot it was getting patted down and cuffed by this rookie officer. :) Edited by mmike1969
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Yes there is.



I could probably write a story about how hot it was getting patted down and cuffed by this rookie officer. :)

Stop making it sound so damn appealing :P

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I guess there's still time for us to go crazy and get arrested, if we really apply ourselves :huh:


Sadly, I think that window of opportunity may have closed. :/ At least until I retire. :lol:

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Sadly, I think that window of opportunity may have closed. :/ At least until I retire. :lol:

I'm retired so I have a clear field :huh: ... I think I'm too pretty to go to jail :rolleyes:

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Posted (edited)

I think I'm too pretty to go to jail :rolleyes:


Well, you are quite lovely in your photo. ;)


We should probably let these nice people get back to ranting about Alex and ME now. :rolleyes:

Edited by impunity
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1) Alex needs to explain to his staff what emergencies mean.

2) JJ should know not to stand naked by a window.

3) ME needs to die. Even if she's not responsible for this.

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Posted (edited)

1) Alex needs to explain to his staff what emergencies mean.  :yes::rolleyes: 

2) JJ should know not to stand naked by a window.   Yep :facepalm:

3) ME needs to die. Even if she's not responsible for this.   :blink:  :o

Edited by Timothy M.
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1) Alex needs to explain to his staff what emergencies mean.

2) JJ should know not to stand naked by a window.

3) ME needs to die. Even if she's not responsible for this.


I think ME has taken the Bitty spot in the CAP saga. And we all know what happened to Bitty.


I did think that JJ would have never have had sex with an unlocked door because he's that paranoid about being found out or seen having pre-marital sex, but Mark found a loophole.

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It wasn't someone's computer security system. It was the Phone companies and their inability to block a computer from mass dialing to figure out 6/9 digit dialing codes (War dialing).  I just happen to have written a software code that did this and gave it to anyone who asked. Unfortunately, one was the local police sting board.  (Software to do this was NOT illegal at the time.  Sharing the codes that worked IS!)


Sharing stolen credit card numbers was also frowned upon. Did you know the 3 digit code on the back was only a recent thing? The separating carbon paper to 2 different sections was because of all the problems everyone else was having with people going through the trash for intact carbons?  And did you know people STILL did not verify each and every single credit card charge until well into the 90's? Yeah, some retailers did NOT verify the name or exp date either.  They also got stuck with the fake charge because of that.


Describing to people how a black box (prevents the calling person from being billed), red box (Dime and Quarter tone generator), and blue box (2600 megahertz) worked was not exactly illegal.  Posting specific diagrams of circuit boards so you can make your own is. 


Got my dads auto insurance company attention when I mentioned how to bypass the early "security" features in the cars made in the 80's and I probably should not of mentioned how to jimmy the door locks w/o breaking them.  No I didn't steal a car.  I just told people HOW to steal a car. 


But mainly I use this as a "Bad Example" on how not to live your high school life. 


This is awesome! 


Bad boys can be hot.  :o

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Yeah. Sometimes in an emergency, you are supposed to drop what you are doing and take care of this. Like SOMEONE in the Duke's condo should of.


Duke's have townhouses and flats, not condos :)


But mainly I use this as a "Bad Example" on how not to live your high school life. 


We thought were bad boys egging cars on PCH. :)


- - - - - - - - - - - - -


A comment was made in a review, "JJ may bitch but Will just leaves a trail of good deeds. Both hurting, both being dumped, still Will thinks about others not himself."


It is true that Will does some nice things, but it is very easy to be generous when you have so much money no matter how much you spend you still have more. It is a bit harder when you give of personal things, like your time (and no, not once a year at Thanksgiving) or when the giving is painful, either financially or emotionally.


Pat Tillman was someone who could have made generous donations to the USO, but chose a very different path and committment. Beyond just giving up his NFL career, Pat could have easily gone to OCS, but instead enlisted as a grunt. That is being committed.

Edited by PrivateTim
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It is true that Will does some nice things, but it is very easy to be generous when you have so much money no matter how much you spend you still have more. It is a bit harder when you give of personal things, like your time (and no, not once a year at Thanksgiving) or when the giving is painful, either financially or emotionally.


If you had said Brad instead of Will, this would have been the perfect description of how Brad is behaving to his Family.


And I was impressed with the implied compliment to Will, who has just spent several days being with JJ in NY, rather than chasing down Zach.

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