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Oh my, I did not want to get up this morning.  But here i am.


Silence is a big thing for me but it is often difficult to find living in a city. A few times in my life i've been somewhere without sounds of traffic and other people, but not many. I can still feel those moments if i haul them out of the mire of my memories. So i was happily surprised to have this post on my browser's home page this morning. A very interesting article on silence, and what happens: This Is Your Brain on Silence


I hope you read it, when you have a quiet moment.

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9 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

Oh my, I did not want to get up this morning.  But here i am.


Silence is a big thing for me but it is often difficult to find living in a city. A few times in my life i've been somewhere without sounds of traffic and other people, but not many. I can still feel those moments if i haul them out of the mire of my memories. So i was happily surprised to have this post on my browser's home page this morning. A very interesting article on silence, and what happens: This Is Your Brain on Silence


I hope you read it, when you have a quiet moment.


Good morning, tim! Thanks for the article, I will read it soon. :) 

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Good morning, all.. 


21 hours ago, Thorn Wilde said:


Happy birthday to the kid! :)❤️ 


20 hours ago, BHopper2 said:

Morning, Agent D.

Happy Birthday to the kid.

Lol... The kid thanks you.  



New stories out... pocketed for lunchtime reading..we’ll see how far I get.. 


Off to get ready and caffeinated... 

Have a great day! 

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ritzy Audio pronunciation

adjective | RIT-see  
being, characteristic of, or befitting a snob : snobbish
impressively or ostentatiously fancy or stylish : fashionable, posh



César Ritz (1850-1918) earned worldwide renown for the luxurious hotels bearing his name in London and Paris. (The Ritz-Carlton hotel company is a contemporary descendant of these enterprises.) Although they were by no means the first to cater to high-end clients, Ritz's hotels quickly earned reputations as symbols of opulence. F. Scott Fitzgerald, a writer who often focused on the fashionably wealthy, titled one of his short stories "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz," and the phrase "to put on the ritz" means "to indulge in ostentatious display." The adjective ritzy, describing either something fancy or stylish, or the haughty attitudes of the wealthy elite, first checked into the English language in 1920.




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27 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

ritzy Audio pronunciation

adjective | RIT-see  
being, characteristic of, or befitting a snob : snobbish
impressively or ostentatiously fancy or stylish : fashionable, posh



César Ritz (1850-1918) earned worldwide renown for the luxurious hotels bearing his name in London and Paris. (The Ritz-Carlton hotel company is a contemporary descendant of these enterprises.) Although they were by no means the first to cater to high-end clients, Ritz's hotels quickly earned reputations as symbols of opulence. F. Scott Fitzgerald, a writer who often focused on the fashionably wealthy, titled one of his short stories "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz," and the phrase "to put on the ritz" means "to indulge in ostentatious display." The adjective ritzy, describing either something fancy or stylish, or the haughty attitudes of the wealthy elite, first checked into the English language in 1920.



If you're blue and you don't know where to go to

Why don't you go where fashion sits?

Putting on the ritz

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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Coffee has been drunk, saw Mom this morning. She made me put Gay Authors on her Tablet, again, so she can read all the stories here.

I got a date with a textbook, so I will c-ya y'all later.

I'll be in and out... like bad sex.

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7 minutes ago, BHopper2 said:

Coffee has been drunk, saw Mom this morning. She made me put Gay Authors on her Tablet, again, so she can read all the stories here.

I got a date with a textbook, so I will c-ya y'all later.

I'll be in and out... like bad sex.


So nice that your mum's interested! :) 


1 minute ago, CassieQ said:

I would eat hot coals before I let my mom read any of my stuff on here, lol.  


Yeeeaah, I don't think my mum would care for it much, either. I mean, everything I write has smut in it. Maybe Storms. I might let her read that, cause it doesn't really have smut in it. Or Meetings on a Bus.

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21 minutes ago, BHopper2 said:

Coffee has been drunk, saw Mom this morning. She made me put Gay Authors on her Tablet, again, so she can read all the stories here.

I got a date with a textbook, so I will c-ya y'all later.

I'll be in and out... like bad sex.

drinking more coffee

at the low vision specialist with Phil

they'll help him get qualified for some state programs at his work through the Texas Workforce Commission

fingers crossed!

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10 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Yeeeaah, I don't think my mum would care for it much, either. I mean, everything I write has smut in it. Maybe Storms. I might let her read that, cause it doesn't really have smut in it. Or Meetings on a Bus.

I had a falling out when my mom didn't want to read my very first complete novel, which was a perfectly innocent story with a female protagonist who got abducted by aliens and given magic healing powers.  I wouldn't let her read anything for years until she said that she wanted to read something I had written recently.  I hmmed and hawwed and finally gave her Statuary which was the closest to non-sex I could find.  I was devastated when she told me that she just didn't like reading about gay couples instead of straight couples (this was after I came out to her).  I told her I got it, but did she like the story itself?  About the haunted statue and all of that?  She wouldn't get off the damn gay thing, so I just threw my hands up in frustration and decided that she is not seeing another thing I ever wrote.  

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11 minutes ago, CassieQ said:

I would eat hot coals before I let my mom read any of my stuff on here, lol.  


9 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Yeeeaah, I don't think my mum would care for it much, either. I mean, everything I write has smut in it. Maybe Storms. I might let her read that, cause it doesn't really have smut in it. Or Meetings on a Bus.


I'll admit, I was a little apprehensive. She doesn't want an account, just wanted to read.


10 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

So nice that your mum's interested! :) 

She's always been supportive of me. Took dad about a month to come around, and as others here know, his side of the family disowned me.

I talk to her about the stories I'm writing all the time. But as far as I know, she hasn't read any of the final publishings. She's read scene and stuff.

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2 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

drinking more coffee

at the low vision specialist with Phil

they'll help him get qualified for some state programs at his work through the Texas Workforce Commission

fingers crossed!

Good luck to Phil, hugs, and prayers.

Have a great day, miss molly.

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My brother reads mine and even though he says it's a little "weird" to read about dude sex, he enjoy a seeing what I've done.  


Then again he isn't much interested in reading hetero sex scenes either lol. He says it's just weird to read about sex.  I think he is broken lol 

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3 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:


i love this word!

2 hours ago, Thorn Wilde said:


If you're blue and you don't know where to go to

Why don't you go where fashion sits?

Putting on the ritz

i always hear this version:


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1 hour ago, Thorn Wilde said:


So nice that your mum's interested! :) 



Yeeeaah, I don't think my mum would care for it much, either. I mean, everything I write has smut in it. Maybe Storms. I might let her read that, cause it doesn't really have smut in it. Or Meetings on a Bus.

You think mums dont like or read smut? Haha  they do...

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55 minutes ago, CassieQ said:

I had a falling out when my mom didn't want to read my very first complete novel, which was a perfectly innocent story with a female protagonist who got abducted by aliens and given magic healing powers.  I wouldn't let her read anything for years until she said that she wanted to read something I had written recently.  I hmmed and hawwed and finally gave her Statuary which was the closest to non-sex I could find.  I was devastated when she told me that she just didn't like reading about gay couples instead of straight couples (this was after I came out to her).  I told her I got it, but did she like the story itself?  About the haunted statue and all of that?  She wouldn't get off the damn gay thing, so I just threw my hands up in frustration and decided that she is not seeing another thing I ever wrote.  


That really sucks. Gay doesn't bother my mum at all. Her best friend when she was in her teens came out as gay at 15, and she never judged him, or anyone else who's come out as LGBTQ+ to her... except maybe me. Cause it's fine as long as it's other people's kids, I guess. :rolleyes:


7 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

You think mums dont like or read smut? Haha  they do...


Oh, I'm sure she does. I just don't think she'd want to read smut that's written by her own child. :P 

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