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15 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

Quotes and Sayings: A Meaningful Life is not being rich..


Have a good day.

Tim, you know that's why I love you, right?  Not the way Michael loves you, but... AHHHH!!! This is getting awkward.

On 7/11/2020 at 5:19 PM, kbois said:

Wow, it's been a long day. But a mostly good one. Was out the door by 630 this morning for a Tallahassee run. Younger son has been cooped up since March, only getting out occasionally so he wanted to go stay with his older brother for a week. When I  asked him how he was getting there he just gave me that look. The one that every parent has seen a gazillion times. So off we went. 4.5 hours up, did lunch takeout with the two boys and my older son's girlfriend. Then 4.5 hours home with a pit stop to pick up my mom. 

My idiot brother tells me that mom wants to go to church. I said they're closed. He said no they're not. I said um I'm still not taking her. 

Who TF would take their 89 year old mother into a church in a state that has one of the highest infection rates in the country?? And no signs of slowing down?

Before Covid I  took my mom to church almost every freaking weekend for the past 4 years, since my dad died. I don't even believe in god. Yet I did this for my mom, no other reason. I sincerely doubt that I'm going to hell for not taking her, and if I do, well, I'll be driving the express bus picking up some friends along the way, whiskey in one hand and a blunt in the other! Let me know if you need a lift. 

Speaking of whiskey, I found this pretty interesting. Reasons why whiskey is good for you


So other than dealing with one idiot brother and one thunderstorm on the way home, today was a happy day. I love seeing my older boy. I miss his face. 

I need some whiskey. 

I am not sure about all ten benefits of whiskey are true, but I'll take a shot anyways.  LOL

I am not very religious, but I take my mom to church all the time also.  But even her church started to do virtual gathering over the Internet, and it's strange seeing my mom using iPad and talking to her church friends (my mom isn't really a high tech person), but I set it up so she can do it.

Anyways, let your brother know why it's a bad idea, though they may not listen, but just let them know you care about them out of health concern.

Anyways....  You know alcohol cools your body temperature?  It's true!  But I think ice cream works, too.  Hmm..., rum and raisins is one of my favorite flavors.

12 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

We are always hardest on ourselves. We forgive nearly everyone anything, but not us.

Ain't that the truth.  But don't feel too bad when we're hard on ourselves, because we want to be better, which is why we're hard on ourselves to begin with.  Nothing wrong with it, but must let it go... let it go....  Okay, I am singing....  Sorry....

2 hours ago, rickproehl said:

Excuse me Good Sirs and DiC friends.

just wanted to stop in and say ‘hi’

still battling this sinus infection. working with Doctor and switching my meds. feeling better now listening to my body and sleeping, resting and drinking plenty of fluids. 

How are things with you?

I hope you got recovered soon! 

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14 hours ago, kbois said:

Good morning everyone!

I hope I didn't miss anybody in my morning greetings. If I did, please let me know. 

I have one last person, who I'll get to in minute. I wanted to do these morning greetings for a few reasons, most of all because there seems to be so much bad news and negativity out there. I found myself waking up in a shitty mood more often than not. I'm not a morning person to begin with, so it's already hard to get into a good mood. What I discovered was that by saying something positive first thing, it effectively forced me to get into a good frame of mind which set the tone for the day. When I say first thing I mean that my alarm went off at 6am, I'd hit snooze and instead of closing my eyes again, I'd open this page and start typing. Not easy for a person whose first words in the morning are usually growls. I discovered that I started having more good days than bad. The bad days were getting a little out of control. The past year and half has been really rough, especially the past 8 or 9 months. I had been coping ok due in part to the group therapy my husband an I were going to after we found out our younger son had been molested by my brother in law when he was only 4 or 5. He's 18 now and other than calling me out on being a shitty parent and not trusting me and his dad, he's doing alright. I worry about him though. Life is not going to be easy for him. This whole thing did a number on me and I'm still dealing with it. As a parent I had one job. Protect my child. I failed. So yeah, once Covid halted therapy I was ok for about a month and then I found myself with emotions flying out of control. So I needed to do something to help bring them back under control and maybe make someone else feel good about themselves too, hence the daily morning greetings. I hope you all enjoyed them. 

So for the last one, I saved it for the hardest person.

@kbois, most days I don't like you very much. However, when I look down deep inside I see someone who has an inner strength she never knew she had. It takes a strong person to face hard situations and not break into a million pieces. You still have a long way to go, there might not be a million pieces, but there are a lot of cracks, and chips that have fallen. You'll figure it out. Eventually. 

I hope you have a good day!

Thanks @Mikiesboy @MichaelS36 @mollyhousemouse @Reader1810 @chris191070 @Wayne Gray @rickproehl @Brayon @MacGreg @Ashi @Fae Briona @Kitt @Starrynight22 for coming along for the ride. I hope you all have a good day too!

Well..., it sounds like your son has forgiven you!  I hope he gradually learned how to bounce on a trampoline, and be happy.  From your other post, I thought he's a character.  LOL.  I gave my parents look also, like... "I'm been gay all these years and you don't know, and when I finally said it, you feel hurt," look.  Wait, not that look?  Okay, let's try again, "I've told you a billion times, I don't do drug, and before you ask, I play safe, not that I have a boyfriend yet," look.  Wait, not that look either?  Okay, I give up.

But here, yes, let's start the day with a smile!  Good morning and good evening everyone.

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9 minutes ago, Ashi said:

Well..., it sounds like your son has forgiven you!  I hope he gradually learned how to bounce on a trampoline, and be happy.  From your other post, I thought he's a character.  LOL.  I gave my parents look also, like... "I'm been gay all these years and you don't know, and when I finally said it, you feel hurt," look.  Wait, not that look?  Okay, let's try again, "I've told you a billion times, I don't do drug, and before you ask, I play safe, not that I have a boyfriend yet," look.  Wait, not that look either?  Okay, I give up.

But here, yes, let's start the day with a smile!  Good morning and good evening everyone.

Thanks for making me smile Ashi!

My son is a character most days. He still has bad days, but he now has tools and support to help him. 

The "look"? It's that one one and only 'please Mom, I'll love you forever if I get my way". Hence 700+ miles, roughly ten hours of driving. My back is still jacked up. 

My first job was at a Carvel ice cream store. I can still remember the smell of the flavoring for rum raisin. I don't like raisins. But the rum ice cream was really good. 

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3 minutes ago, kbois said:

Thanks for making me smile Ashi!

My son is a character most days. He still has bad days, but he now has tools and support to help him. 

The "look"? It's that one one and only 'please Mom, I'll love you forever if I get my way". Hence 700+ miles, roughly ten hours of driving. My back is still jacked up. 

My first job was at a Carvel ice cream store. I can still remember the smell of the flavoring for rum raisin. I don't like raisins. But the rum ice cream was really good. 

Awww!!!!  Your son is sweeter than a smiling flower!  ;-)

He's 18!  Of course he wants to drive.  When I was feeling not happy, I'd drive hundreds of miles myself also, and sometimes I get to see some beautiful scenes and I'd feel life is too beautiful to let go.  I remember I drove to my brother's place in LA which is not 700+ miles but 550 miles from San Jose.  I took my mom to San Diego Zoo, which is probably 700 miles I think.  Yes, I can get grumpy after a while, especially I felt I drove her this long to a zoo and then she said she didn't like animals, but you know the relationship between mom and her gay son is just... weird! 

I sometimes say to people, "You think men don't have periods?"  It's a miracle people don't ask me if I am gay sometimes.

I love ice cream shops.  I remember one of the first stories I wrote I inserted a part where the MC went to eat Ice Cream at Thrifty's (which was a California drugstore back in the 90's before it got gobbled up by Rite Aid).  And another thing I do a lot when I go to Pier 39 in San Francisco: I'd get a scoop of ice cream when I am feeling down, or feeling extra happy, or just want to enjoy myself.  You have to remember I am a Taurus.  I am the kind who thinks it's cheaper to buy the whole bucket than a scoop of ice cream in a tourist trap.  If I don't mind buying a scoop of ice cream on waffle cone....  LOL

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1 hour ago, mollyhousemouse said:

wow! can't believe how fast today is going!

hope it's been a good one for you

we have excessive heat warnings, so no walks today 😒 and no open doors or windows with the shades open

back to work, see all y'all later

Yay.  That always makes me happy when a day goes woosh!  When I was a supervisor in retailing, I always told my co-workers, "Don't count time.  Keep smiling at customers and they'll smile at you," and that way the day really go by very fast.  When I watched Edge of Seventeen (not Woody Harrelson movie of the same name), the lesbian boss Angie, played by Lea DeLaria, told the new hire gang that they'll have the best time of their life after all prior words to scare them off about food service, I was like, she was so cool!  LOL. I hope I was that boss to some people's Summer jobs.  It's sort of a sad movie, but was that movie great!!!

Edited by Ashi
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2 hours ago, mollyhousemouse said:

wow! can't believe how fast today is going!

hope it's been a good one for you

we have excessive heat warnings, so no walks today 😒 and no open doors or windows with the shades open

back to work, see all y'all later

Congrats on getting back to work molly!

I feel ya with the heat going on. Even waiting until dark, my dogs look at me like I'm nuts when I go to walk them. 

I'm glad you had a good day, mine was really great. It was nice for a change.

Edited by kbois
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