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Here is a recent pic of me (taken about 2 minutes ago actually...because I just found the photo taking thingy on my super cheap webcam)



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Martin 0:)



EDIT: And the reason my eyes look a tiny weird is due to a mix of two of the bulbs going in my room and the fact that I am attempting to look awake :P

Edited by clumber
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I moved a few weeks ago, and my beloved Nikon was at the bottom of some unknown moving box. So earlier today when I finally unpacked it, I decided to take pictures... One turned out semi-decent! I was just about to shower when I took this picture, so don't judge my nasty pre-showered hair, lol. :ph34r:


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Edited by Pai-chan
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I moved a few weeks ago, and my beloved Nikon was at the bottom of some unknown moving box. So earlier today when I finally unpacked it, I decided to take pictures... One turned out semi-decent! I was just about to shower when I took this picture, so don't judge my nasty pre-showered hair, lol. :ph34r:


Posted Image

Cute ... are ya going to show us the after shower look? :D:lol::P

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Cute ... are ya going to show us the after shower look? :D:lol::P

lmao, I think I better not. I got lazy and just drew a comb through my hair and called it a day. :lol:


you mean the "in shower" look :P

:*) Dirty. :lol:


Check your hormones boys. :P



Now, that's a neat hair color really... is it your natural hair color or have you had it dyed recently? It could be the lighting..

It's my natural hair color. But it's been looking more colorful(as in it goes from brown to almost black as in the picture) lately, much darker than it usually does. But the lighting doesn't hurt either. :P Bathroom lighting ftw!


I don't really like my original hair color since it's like a mix of puke, green and brown. x_x I usually dye it darker. But I've been to lazy to do that in a few months now. It's sort of gotten naturally darker, so I don't bother to dye it now. It doesn't make a lot of difference anyway.

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lmao, I think I better not. I got lazy and just drew a comb through my hair and called it a day. :lol:



:*) Dirty. :lol:



It's my natural hair color. But it's been looking more colorful(as in it goes from brown to almost black as in the picture) lately, much darker than it usually does. But the lighting doesn't hurt either. :P Bathroom lighting ftw!


I don't really like my original hair color since it's like a mix of puke, green and brown. x_x I usually dye it darker. But I've been to lazy to do that in a few months now. It's sort of gotten naturally darker, so I don't bother to dye it now. It doesn't make a lot of difference anyway.

B) .......Nice pic, and the hair looks great they way it is. Bathroom lighting?? :lol:

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It's my natural hair color. But it's been looking more colorful(as in it goes from brown to almost black as in the picture) lately, much darker than it usually does. But the lighting doesn't hurt either. :P Bathroom lighting ftw!


I don't really like my original hair color since it's like a mix of puke, green and brown. x_x I usually dye it darker. But I've been to lazy to do that in a few months now. It's sort of gotten naturally darker, so I don't bother to dye it now. It doesn't make a lot of difference anyway.

Is Puke a color? :blink::ph34r:


I read a story about hair changing color. The character dyed it lighter to the summer color when it was the winter.

I guess the character thought it made him sexier during the mating ritual. :lol::P


How's the move going? It helps build the muscles too and plenty of endorphins

Edited by hh5
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B) .......Nice pic, and the hair looks great they way it is. Bathroom lighting?? :lol:

Ah, yes, bathroom lighting. The most soft and forgiving lighting there is! I love it so! :wub:


Is Puke a color? :blink::ph34r:


I read a story about hair changing color. The character dyed it lighter to the summer color when it was the winter.

I guess the character thought it made him sexier during the mating ritual. :lol::P


How's the move going? It helps build the muscles too and plenty of endorphins

I just imagine if someone puked at someone's brown hair, it would end up looking like my hair color. Minus the chunks of food. Ew.


The move is pretty much done! One box left to unpack. I'm saving it for an occasion when I'm either incredibly bored or in dire need for something at the bottom of the box.

Edited by Pai-chan
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It's my natural hair color. But it's been looking more colorful (as in it goes from brown to almost black as in the picture) lately, much darker than it usually does...I usually dye it darker. But I've been to lazy to do that in a few months now. It's sort of gotten naturally darker, so I don't bother to dye it now. It doesn't make a lot of difference anyway.

Your hair appears dark brown on my monitor. Natural or not it is a good color. Reminds me of my youthful hair color; it's just dark gray now. :(


Don't change your hair color...it's perfect. Same advice I gave Robbie (See here). Unfortunately, Robbie has removed his picture. Here's another: Posted Image

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Your hair appears dark brown on my monitor. Natural or not it is a good color. Reminds me of my youthful hair color; it's just dark gray now. :(


Don't change your hair color...it's perfect. Same advice I gave Robbie (See here). Unfortunately, Robbie has removed his picture. Here's another:

Of course, Robbie is planning to dye his hair

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I think it's about time for one of my random drive-bys to GA, huh? :P


So yeah...well, my pic's in my profile but that does kinda kill the resolution so....howzabout this?



u looks like Doogie Howser!!!

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Unfortunately, Robbie has removed his picture.

I did?


Of course, Robbie is planning to dye his hair

Don't make me mail you anthrax.


lol thats exactly what i was gonna post.


im oddly proud of being a "dork".

Because we're the nice cross-roads between non-dorks (boring people like Eric) and uber-dorks (pocket-protector wielders like Doc). We're the ones who still enjoy arcade games!
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Heres me and my boyfriend on Halloween. I was a "Hot Secretary" and was (obviously) a "Pirate".


This may or may not work...


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B) ................Hey Kanaye, you look great and your bf...well he looks like a Pirate!! Beware!! :lol:

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Not Only are you Jack Frost... LOL Frost i always think of Merry's "Frost" from Laurell K Hamilton's Merry Gentry.. Now you got the Fish on your arm.. Is it a Salmon by any chance because then i can call you "Rhys" lol

I did incorporate snowflakes to reflect my nickname Jack Frost and my love for winter and icy windows. But you gotta know my other nickname is also Poisson. I choose both often. :P


Is it a salmon? I dunno... Of no particular species. Just a fish. :P


So adding snowflakes and a fish mix up my two nicknames very well. :D


But why Rhys? o_o

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