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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. The Best Circle of Hell

    Demons have evil built right into the core of their being, but that shouldn't means they can't fall in love

    Collected the stories of demons in the Inner Circle of Hell, and their interesting, destructive, blood-laden, lust-fuelled forays into the worlds of the 'verse as they search for ways to fill eternity.

  2. Viking Valentine

    A sudden romance between a Dane and a lonely Brit, who has ESP or whatever you want to call Patrick's ability to sense the innermost feelings and wants of people he talks to. The supernatural really takes off in the short stories, which feature an angel and an imp.

  3. E-P-I-C

  4. Oakfield

  5. Stephen and Lewis

  6. Worth the Struggle

  7. W.A.R.

  8. The Albert Cummings Mysteries

    His stories go from the bizarre to the transcendent. Detective Albert Cummings’ cases were anything but ordinary. Some of these stories are compiled here in this volume.

  9. Out-Numbered

    Two tales about Dracula. Only not quite as you might imagine them...

  10. New Beginnings

    Now alone after the death of his mother, a stranger arrives unexpectedly which changes his life forever.

  11. The Trial

  12. Camp Echo

    Aeriol and Max share an apartment, a relationship, and their friends. Jules always seems to be there. Mayaan, Nadia and her brother Alex interweave into the complex matrix. Geoffrey is Max’s confidant, but he's not always there. Sex, drugs, and spirituality float around in the cauldron that is the life of these twenty somethings. People flow in and out of their lives, but no one is left untouched. They all need to discover who they are, the 'good' have their defects, and the 'not so good' have their merits. Life is complicated... Camp Echo is not a place, it's a state of mind!

  13. Devon

    Devon is an Architect student, who is suddenly thrown into the public eye after his stolen plans appear as part of a building development.

  14. The Moon Series

    A series about werewolves, vampires, and other species seeking their mates.

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    Rich Boy

    A series focusing on the rich son of a family of dark magic practitioners. He cuts his own path through life not as dark as his father wanted, but certainly not of the light.

  15. Tales From the Sauna

  16. Bye, Brother

  17. Hubris

    Side-pieces to the Nemesis books, about minor and supporting characters.

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    New York Anthology Stories

    New York is known for its elite public high schools. Entrance is by exam, with the very top students vying for a place in Stuyvesant High School, located on the Hudson just steps from the World Trade Center. The New York Anthology Stories tie in with Altimexis' New York World and are based on the same characters. However, the stories stand on their own and do not require familiarity with the other stories, although it is hoped the reader will read them too. The Anthology stories are theme-based and part of the GA Anthologies. Although the characters are exceptionally smart, when it comes to love, they are just as clueless as anyone else.

  18. Fire Prompts

    The unlikely friendship between a firefighter and a fire extinguisher which has some unexpected abilities and quirks.

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