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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. The Fragmented

  2. Guardian Force

  3. Sparkle

    A historical vampire anthology, with each part telling the story of a different main character until they fight the ultimate evil together. I stole part of this summary from @Hudson Bartholomew 's critique.

  4. Marco

  5. KIAO Series

    A sci-fi series about different species coming together to help one another through tough situations.

  6. Emi's NaPoWriMo

  7. MetaWolf

  8. Tales of the Underground

  9. Admirer

  10. GA Prompts

  11. The Life Series

  12. Christmas at Famous-Barr

  13. The Lust Series

    A series about Unicorns and Nightmares living in an alternate universe connected to the human world.

  14. The Line

  15. Hot and cold

  16. Ink Boys

  17. I & C

  18. Not The Sun

  19. Less is More

  20. Unnamed

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