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Cards on the Table - 27. Chapter 27 Strategy

Planning a few moves ahead.

Cards on the Table



Chapter 27



Michael woke to a crashing sound, and leapt out of bed without thinking. His left knee objected at the same time Kendall grabbed his arm and kept him upright.

“You okay?” Kendall whispered in the darkness.

“Yeah, I think so… I heard something break in the living room. I think Lanny must be moving around now.”

“I heard it too. There should be some light on out there, but it’s pitch black. Here’s your cane. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. Let’s go see what our ‘guest’ is up to.”

The sight that greeted them when they flicked on the overhead light to illuminate the darkened area was almost amusing. Lanny Dixon was sitting on the floor rubbing his head, with the remaining, previously-lit floor lamp lying beside him, the glass shade and bulb smashed to pieces.

“What the hell happened, Lanny?” Michael’s voice came out soft so as not to freak out the big man.

Lanny’s eyes were blinking in an attempt to see in the suddenly-bright light, the bleariness of them evident. He looked like shit. As he slowly focused on the two men standing before him, Michael noticed a red mark on the corner of his forehead. The coffee table was askew so it wasn’t hard to put two and two together.

“I don’t know,” he rasped out. “What the hell am I doing here? Is this your place?” His eyes now somewhat adjusted, he stared at them both. “How in fuck did I end up here?” When he started to get up, Kendall reacted.

“Don’t move till I get this glass cleaned up. Don’t need you bleeding all over the place.” At Kendall’s words, Lanny sat back down with a groan, holding his head.

“Are you all right?” Michael asked, knowing full well that Lanny must be experiencing a massive hangover.

“I don’t feel too good. I think I’m going to be sick,” beads of sweat had broken out on Lanny’s face and his color seemed to change in an instant. Kendall, moving with unbelievable speed, had the bucket from under the sink in front of the white-as-a-sheet man in no time at all. It was a good job too, because the heaving began, and both men backed away, struggling to control the roiling in their own stomachs, at the sounds of retching coming from Lanny. After what seemed an eternity, Lanny pulled his head away from the bucket, breathing heavily as he sought to settle his stomach back down. Kendall took that time to sweep the glass out of the way, grimacing at the smell of puke.

Kendall gave him a couple of minutes before asking if he was done. Lanny’s eyes focused on him, and he nodded sheepishly. “Sorry about the lamp... and the throwing up.” Kendall just nodded. With a leery look at the pail, he picked it up carefully, and headed to the bathroom. Michael, seated on one of the stools, surveyed Lanny with a detached look, and waited, not giving away the burning curiosity that was making him antsy beneath the surface. Finally, Lanny met Michael’s gaze, leaning backwards against the base of the couch.

“What the fuck did I do that I ended up here?” Simple and direct question, but Michael delayed answering.

“I think you hit your head when you fell. On the coffee table? Are you okay?” Michael showing some concern looked to have the man bewildered. This must feel like enemy territory for him.

“I wasn’t very steady on my feet when I stood up, and I stumbled. It’s fine. I’ve suffered way more damage playing hockey.” He at least had the decency to blush at the irony of what he’d said, and who he had said it to. He looked at Michael speculatively, as if he was waiting for some sort of payback. He let him squirm. “Michael, I just want you to know…,” he didn’t get to finish as Michael cut him off.

“You pissed on my truck?”


“You asked what you did to end up here. You pissed on my truck.”

Lanny groaned, and buried his head in his hands. “Shit. Oh fuck, why do I do these things?”

What Michael heard loud and clear was despair, but he wasn't finished. “That’s not all, Dixon.” When he had Lanny’s attention again, he lowered the boom. “You admitted, in front of four witnesses, including another cop, that you were the one who defaced my truck with that hate message. Do you know what that means?” Michael’s stare was unwavering.

Lanny shook his head, a look of resigned fear on his face that he tried unsuccessfully to cover up. “I’m not sure, but I figure I’m in big trouble. Now’s your chance to punish for what I did to you. It’s not like I don’t have it coming.”

“This isn’t about payback, asshole. You’re guilty of two incidences of a hate crime against me. That’s what you’re in trouble for, man. Don’t you get that?!” Michael felt the support of Kendall as he appeared at his side. “It’s none of your fucking business who I choose to love. Your bigoted, hateful ass belongs in jail for what you did.” Michael had started to shake from the rage that came out of nowhere. He struggled to get a grip on his emotions. “You asked why you do these things. You fucking tell me. Why do you, Lanny? What have I ever done to you?” Michael’s rage was abating, thanks to Kendall's calming presence, but his questioning look was hard as steel, and Lanny visibly quailed under the force of it. He appeared to shrink into himself, and Michael saw shame on his face before he dropped his head to his chest.

“Just put me in jail,” he mumbled. “I deserve whatever I get. I’ve lost pretty much everything anyway,” his head stayed down after that. Michael looked over at Kendall and received a subtle shrug.

This was the beaten man he’d witnessed last night, and what remained of his rage was being overcome by compassion, as he remembered the pain that had emanated from this same guy while he laid on the snow-covered parking lot. “Is this about the baby, Lanny?”

Lanny’s head shot up at Michael’s query, dismay showing on his face as the realization hit him there was more to last night than pissing on Michael’s truck. “I told you, didn’t I?” It was a statement as much as a question.

“You told me some of it, before you passed out cold. The question is, why?”

“What exactly did I tell you?” He was able to meet Michael’s eyes again, a need to know what he'd disclosed in his drunken state was written on his face.

“That Candy planned it… and I was the father.” Michael held Lanny’s gaze in a trap, weighing his reaction.

“Well, that’s the gist of it, then.”

“Why did you tell me? Is that why you came here in the first place?”

“I’m not really sure,” he faltered, “maybe because you had a right to the truth, and because that bitch didn't want you to know. She plays games with people’s lives like we don’t mean shit… and I wanted to get back at her… and I wanted to talk to you because… I resented that my baby turned out to be your baby. Maybe I wanted you to hurt like I did, and I wanted to be the one to tell you. It’s your baby but she doesn’t want you anywhere near it now that she knows you’re a fag… sorry… that you’re gay.”

Lanny looked downward at that admission. “I don’t remember pissing on your truck, but I remember going to your door and seeing you all happy… and that pissed me off… that you were happy and I wasn’t. I’m pretty sure I was leaving to go back home. I don’t remember much after that except for yours and that other cop’s face. I don’t recall any conversation though. Look, Michael, I’m a born fuck-up, and I’m not making any excuses, but while I have the chance, I want to say I’m sorry for the knee on knee hit. I know I’ve pushed the lines before, but I never went that far. It was dirty pool, and I have no friends left because of it. Everybody hates me.”

Lanny looked forlorn in that moment, and Michael found himself softening as Lanny continued. “Like I said, no excuses, but I let that bitch get inside my head. She kept bugging me to ‘be a man’ and make you pay. I thought she really loved me, and I loved her, but it was all a lie. She hated you, and to be honest, I did too. She told me you dumped her for Kendall… and dumb fuck that I am, I thought I was defending her honor… only, you can’t defend what isn’t there.” He wasn’t looking at anyone when he said that. Something that sounded like a solitary sob, escaped his lips before he closed them tight.

A quiet settled over the living room as they all got lost in thought. Michael stared into the darkness outside the big window, lit here and there by the parking lot lights. More and more Christmas lights were making their appearance on the balconies across the way. “Why do you hate that I’m gay, Lanny?” Michael couldn’t care less how Lanny felt, but he was curious. He had a decision to make. Kendall looked only slightly less startled at the question than Lanny did.

“That’s the thing; I don’t hate that you’re gay… I hate that you’re fucking perfect.”

“You could have fooled me. You wrote faggot on my truck, and you called me faggot three or four times last night. You come across as a dyed-in-the-wool homophobic prick, and you’re always saying shit like that. And there’s nothing perfect about me, so don’t say it has to do with something that stupid.” Michael glanced at Kendall, who raised his eyebrows, and gave Michael a look that confused him.

“I swear to you, I’m not really down on gays. I say that shit to get under your skin, and don’t tell me that everyone doesn’t think you’re perfect cause they do. You’re always the best at anything you do, Aceto. Anyway, I’m done with spouting that shit. I took it too far this time and now I’m going to have to pay the price.” Lanny looked ready to accept his fate.

Lanny managed to stand his unsteady ass up, as Michael and Kendall watched him. “I want to thank both of you for letting me stay here last night. I don’t know why you did, but thanks.” He looked embarrassed. “So how is this going to work? Is another cop coming here to arrest me, or can I head home and shower first?”

“Lanny, sit the hell back down. It’s not yet five o’clock in the morning and I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with you yet.”


“There’s stuff we need to know… about Candy and the baby. Are you gonna help us?”

“Help you? Help you what?” he looked from Michael to an observing Kendall.

“I’ll answer your questions after you answer mine. Last night, you told me Candy had to go to the hospital because of pain… was it because of the baby?”

Wincing, obviously at the memory the question stirred in him, Michael witnessed the man come to a decision right before his eyes. “They did an ultrasound and the baby was fine. That’s when I found out the baby wasn’t mine… that it couldn’t be.” A brief flicker of grief crossed his face, and his body jerked involuntarily. “The doctor said she had indigestion, and her blood sugar was a little low. She told Candy to take a different kind of vitamin or something.” He stared at Michael open-faced with no real expression.

“Did Candy tell you the baby was mine?”

“No, we had a big fight, and she said it had to have been this one night stand she had… that it wasn’t you.”

“So then why do you think it’s mine?”

Lanny rubbed his face before answering. “I knew she was lying… I could tell, but it was my friend, Janine, who confirmed it. She’s been friends with Candy since high school, or even before. She told me all about Candy setting her sights on you, and she said Candy knew it would take a baby to get someone like you to settle down. She considered you a prize.” He looked at Kendall, “Boy, she was barking up the wrong tree with that one,” he said while smiling, but neither man joined him. “Anyway, when I faced her with it on Sunday, she denied it, and said that if I spread that lie around to anyone, including you, she’d tell people stuff about me.” His color escalated from white to beet red.

“Like what?”

“Just stuff.” Lanny’s reluctance made the cop in Michael push harder.

“Does she have something on you, Lanny?”

The man actually looked aghast. “Fuck, no! She said… she said she would spread rumors like I was lousy in bed, and that she thought I was gay.”

A snort escaped from Kendall. He’d been silent as this all played out, but clearly, the irony didn’t escape him. Michael shot him a quick smile before turning his attention back to Lanny. “How did you get involved with her in the first place, man?”

“Why do you want to know all this stuff, anyway, Michael?” It was Lanny’s turn to be inquisitive, and his natural inclination to be resentful was showing itself in his tone.

“I’m a cop, and I need to know the whole story before we go after Candy.”

“You’re going after her?! What for? Are you going to charge her with something?” Lanny looked completely thrown, any resentment gone.

“We’re going after custody, if it turns out it’s my biological child… partial custody at the very least.” The determination in Michael’s face was clear as Kendall took Michael’s hand, displaying their united front. “So, will you answer my question, please?”

“What question? Oh yeah, okay, well, I wish you luck against that piece of work,” he warned. “I was at Janine’s when she came over, after you dumped her for Kendall.” That made Michael roll his eyes, but he said nothing as he waited for Lanny to continue. “She recognized me right away from being on the same hockey team as you two… that was before you switched teams. I mean hockey teams,” he said with a chuckle to the unappreciative pair. “Anyway, sorry... she was fucking pissed at you… and Kendall. She said you had to be a fag… because Kendell made you cry and shit. She said it looked like you were having a lover’s quarrel. Then she said she’d made a big mistake with you, and now she had to find a real man.”

Michael got exasperated. “That’s fucking ridiculous. Kendall and I didn’t get together till after you wrecked my knee. Where the fuck did she get that from, not that I really give a crap. She just couldn’t handle rejection,” Michael was fuming.

Lanny blushed again. “I may have helped her with that,” he looked guiltily at Michael.

“What the fuck does that mean?” he demanded.

“Well,I kind of told her that everyone knew you two had a thing for each other, and you’d been doing each other for years.”

“You are such a fucking asshole, Dixon.”

“You’re right… I am, but I wasn’t wrong after all, was I… at least, about having a thing for one another?” He let a cocky little grin slip onto his face.

Michael let himself see the humor in it, and gave a chuckle. Kendall joined him. “No, you weren’t.” Imagine that… sharing a laugh with his nemesis.

“Anyway, I won’t give you all the gory details, but she latched onto me, and like a fool, I fell for it. Janine warned me to be careful, but I didn’t listen. It was Candy that brought up engagement, and the next thing I knew, I proposed, even though I knew it was too soon. I did kind of wonder about that, but I thought I was a really lucky guy to get someone who looked like her. Plus, she hated your guts. Now I know she just wanted me for a baby daddy… but then I found out it wasn’t mine…,” he trailed off.

It was strange for Lanny to be confiding in him and Kendall, and the awkwardness of it showed on the big man's face. Michael gave him a moment. The man looked worn right out, and Michael figured he’d probably been on a binge for days. “Do you know what her plans are now?”

“I only know what Janine’s told me. She plans on having the baby, and giving it up for adoption, and then going back up north to her family. That’s supposed to be a secret, too. Her father is some big-shot minister, and he’s on a town council or something like that.”

Michael and Kendall exchanged meaningful looks at that information. “So, she’s not going to have an abortion… you’re sure of that?”

“Janine is. Candy wouldn’t tell me anything. But I do know she doesn’t agree with abortion. She says it’s a sin against God to destroy what he creates… she said stuff like that a few times. She thinks being gay is a sin against God, too. Otherwise, she would have used the baby to get you to marry her. The way she feels about fags… shit, sorry… the way she feels about gay people, she’s not going to want you to have any kind of custody… that, I am sure of.” He had the decency to look embarrassed by his slip-up. “I think you need to talk to Janine, though. Honest to God, guys… I went along with her, and I admit I agreed with her when she said that stuff, but I don’t really think that way. There’s some gay people, well, lesbians, in my family, and I really don’t give a shit. It’s their life.” His face looked surprisingly earnest, like it truly mattered that they believe him.

“I forgive you.”

Lanny stared at Michael in confusion. “What?”

“I forgive you, Lanny. You apologized for the hit on my knee, and I forgive you.” Michael looked over at Kendall, and he just nodded, showing that he understood.

“Um, wow, thanks, Michael.” Lanny looked floored, “I never expected you would ever… that… that means a lot to me,” he choked out. “I just hope everyone else can forgive me someday. It was a real dick move, and I still can’t believe I did it.” He closed his eyes for a minute, and took a deep breath, and all was quiet again. “But I’m still getting charged, right?” He opened his eyes to see Michael looking towards the window again. He slowly shifted his eyes back to Lanny.

“That depends on you. The ball’s in your court.” Michael waited for the question to come.

“What do you mean, the ball is in my court? I’m not asking you to let me off the hook. I know what I did, and what I deserve. I’m glad you forgive me for being a jerk on the ice, but I don’t want your fucking pity. I’m not afraid to take my lumps.”

It sounded like Lanny wanted to get punished, and Michael wasn't surprised when Kendall spoke up for the first time since the talking began. His annoyance had probably reached its limit. “A criminal record is more than just taking your lumps, you idiot, so stop throwing your typical Lanny bravado around, for fuck’s sake. You think going to jail will make up for some of the shit you pulled, but it won’t. You almost came across like a real person there, for a few minutes." Kendall shook his head in disgust. "Listen to what Michael has to say. If it was anyone else you’d have spent the night in jail, and you’d be needing a really good, really expensive lawyer. Christ, Lanny, if Michael offers you any kind of way out, just shut up and take it. You want your friends back you say you’ve lost… well, here’s your reality check… stop being such a dick, and think about how the things you say and do affect the people around you. What about Janine? Don’t you care about what you’d be putting her through? How would she feel if you face charges? How much would she worry about you?” Kendall had said his piece, and settled back down on his seat, pinning Lanny with his steady gaze.

Lanny was rocked by Kendall’s outburst, and was at a loss for words, but Michael knew Kendall's speech had struck home. He looked over at Michael.

“What he said,” was Michael’s response to Lanny’s deer-in-the-headlights look.

Lanny seemed to give himself a mental shake. “Easier said than done, I guess,” he admitted ruefully. “I guess I have being a dick down to a fine art. Thanks for setting me straight, Kendall. You’re right… I wasn’t thinking about anyone else. That’s what I do.” He appeared enlightened by the thought, as if a light bulb had turned on in his head. “What gives you the idea Janine would worry about me, though?” Lanny looked sceptical.

“What, are you blind? That’s a no-brainer, Dixon. The girl seemed pretty worried when she called your phone twice last night. And when Michael talked to her the second time she called, she sure sounded worried. She even asked Michael to give you a chance, and she really stuck up for you, like she really cared about you. Go figure,” he joked, and then he sighed, getting serious. “For her sake at least, you need to get your shit together.” Lanny was definitely taken aback at Kendall’s revelation.

“Which brings me back to what I meant when I said the ball’s in your court.” Michael jumped in. “You need to get over yourself, quit the fucking binge drinking, and get back to work before you lose your job. Yeah, Janine told us about you drinking and not showing up for work, but she did it because she was pleading your case. And, you gotta be on our side in this thing with Candy. No going behind our back or anything. That’s what you have to do to keep me from pressing charges.” Michael softened his voice to that of a friend, and spoke again. “I know Candy fucked you up, but in the end she probably did you a favor. Don’t let her keep screwing with you. You have to move past this because she’s just not worth it. I know it hurts, but you’re lucky you found out about the baby now rather than later.”

Lanny nodded his head in a kind of reluctant agreement. Obviously, he didn’t need to think about any of what Michael proposed. “I hope you guys beat the conniving bitch at her own game, and I promise you I will be on your side if you need me, and she won’t hear anything from me. I think I can save my job. My boss is pissed, but we’ve got a huge order to fabricate on a deadline, and I’m their best welder. If I head in early today, my boss will be happy as shit. Thanks for giving me this chance, Michael, and trust me, I’m done with all this heavy drinking. I’m tired of feeling like a dog’s dinner. I don’t know why you guys would even care what happens to me, but I’m not going to take it for granted. And Kendall, I’m gonna try to stop being a dick. Thanks for the motivational speech,” he said with a smirk, but it wasn’t a typical smartass Lanny Dixon one. There was no attitude this time.

“Okay, Lanny, get the fuck outta here. You stink. You go into work smelling like that, and they will fire you.” Michael’s smirk, too, had no animosity attached. He watched Lanny tug on his coat and boots and head out the door. “Lanny… call Janine and let her know you’re okay, and tell her we’ll be calling her soon, okay?”

Lanny turned around with a genuine smile on his still-haggard face, and answered, “Will do,” before pulling the door closed behind him. There were no awkward goodbyes.

“Do you think we could ever be friends with that guy, Babe?” Michael reached out, and Kendall came to him. “He really surprised me a few times.”

“I think we already started the process, but like you said, the ball’s in his court. You know, I don’t think he’s as dumb as I thought he was. He was actually listening, and I always thought he didn’t know how to do that.” Kendall was being serious. “How are you feeling?” He looked like he was studying his partner’s face.

“Relieved... I feel so fucking relieved.”

“Me, too. There’s still a baby… our baby,” he grinned at Michael, and there was joy in it.

Michael grinned back,” And she doesn’t believe in abortion, so it looks like our baby is safe.” The happiness on Michael’s face was matched by the happiness on Kendall’s. “We just need to do this right. Lanny’s right about one thing.”

“Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. We need to talk to Janine. She knows a lot about Candy that could possibly help us, and she should be happy with what you did for Lanny. I am too, Michael. I think you did the right thing in giving him a chance. I wouldn’t have felt good about making his life a worse mess than it already is, and I really hated the guy.”

“Do you still hate him, Babe?”

“No, I don’t think so. I feel kind of bad for him. We’ve known him a long time, and he’s always been annoying, but until he went gunning for you on the ice, I always considered him a teammate… a jerk, for sure, but a teammate.”

“That’s exactly how I feel. You don’t just give up on teammates if you can help it. Hockey 101. Right?”

“Right, but he is on his last chance with me, even though he did us a huge favor." Kendall pulled Michael closer still, and whispered in his ear, “You’re my family now, and nobody gets to hurt my family. And that goes for Candy, too. Maybe she doesn’t want this baby, but we do, and you and me being gay doesn’t give her the right to keep us from him or her. I say, nothing less than full custody. That’s what we shoot for. Deal?”

“Deal. Nothing less than full custody. We need to try. Thank you for being the best partner I could have ever asked for. I will never take you for granted.”

“Damn right, you won’t,” Kendall whispered again into his partner’s ear, triggering goose bumps and little shivers before his lips found Michael’s. The kiss ended with a suggestion. “Let’s go snuggle for half an hour, before I have to get ready for work.”

“Okay, but only if we’re naked this time,” Michael insisted with a pout. Kendall rolled his eyes as he pulled his shirt off and stepped out of his shorts. Michael quickly did the same.

“Happy now?”

“You bet. I love it when my sexy man is naked. You know, I’m not the least bit tired.”

“God help me,” Kendall groaned… but there was a smile on his face.

"Babe, what did you mean when you said Lanny did us a huge favor?"

"Think about it, Ace. If he hadn't have told Candy we were 'doing' each other, she might have gotten over her anger, and tried to continue on with her plan. Things could have turned out a lot differently for us," Kendall looked pointedly at his partner.

"No way. It was fate. I would never have ended up with her, no matter what. I knew the difference between her telling me she loved me, and you telling me you loved me. It turned out exactly the way it was supposed to. You and I were meant to be, and I don't have any doubts, at all," he convinced Kendall with the sincerity and love oozing from him.

"You're right, Sunshine. Fate... I like that... it did turn out the way it was supposed to, and I don't have any doubts either. We were meant to be. Let's go to bed."

"Now you're talking."

Thanks to my Editor, Timothy M, and all those who support this story
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

The conversation with Lanny gives me some hope that maybe M & K may be successful at going after full custody. It's not going to be a pretty fight and I think that Candy is going to be mean and angry, but the glimmer of hope is there.


I feel badly for Lanny. I get the impression that he didn't have a lot of real friends. I hope what K said opens his eyes to the fact that Janine cares about him. I still think he's an ass, but he seems like he's taking the first tentative steps to changing his attitude. Hopefully it will stick.

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On 06/09/2015 09:12 AM, LitLover said:

The conversation with Lanny gives me some hope that maybe M & K may be successful at going after full custody. It's not going to be a pretty fight and I think that Candy is going to be mean and angry, but the glimmer of hope is there.


I feel badly for Lanny. I get the impression that he didn't have a lot of real friends. I hope what K said opens his eyes to the fact that Janine cares about him. I still think he's an ass, but he seems like he's taking the first tentative steps to changing his attitude. Hopefully it will stick.

Thanks for the great review, Lit. This is really only the beginning... next step... Janine. No matter what happens, I think you're right. it won't be pretty. I know Michael says it's fate, but I still think Lanny did them an unintentional favor, by running interference while K and M worked things out. I'm glad you feel bad for Lanny. I think it's interesting that Kendall now thinks he is smarter than K thought. At least he was honest about his shortcomings and owned up to his mistakes. To have Michael and Kendall even talking to him at all, must mean a lot to Lanny, after the things he did to them. But he is still an unknown quantity... cheers...

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Looks like Lanny is not the grunting Neanderthal we thought he was. I think we all know guys like Lanny - all bluster and posturing - but are some of the most insecure people you could meet. He had the misfortune of falling for someone who is the poster girl for the Northern Pikes' - "She ain't pretty she just looks that way". Hope he makes the most of his luck that Michael and Kendall have forgiven him and didn't have him arrested.


I was lucky - my son's mother gave me full custody without any fuss - but Michael and Kendall are going to have a battle ahead of them. Candy wanting to give the baby up for adoption should help their cause.

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Not much to add, G-Man, except that I am also glad that Lanny might turn out to be reformed. I had my doubts until they told him about Janine's concern for him, and that he should call her. He already values her as a friend, and knowing that she cares may just drive Candy's poison out of his system.
I think I see some leverage with her regarding custody--tell her self-important minister father what she's done unless she agrees to give up her rights completely in favor of M and K.
Hope glimmers ahead for Lanny and the baby. More please!

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So Lanny is still a dick but may be redeemable... he is obviously quite insecure and Candy hooked onto that and made him do stupid things, he knew he did stupid things which does make it worse but a small glimmer of hope is there. As M said, the ball is in his court. Let's hope he heard what K had to say about Janine and the rest of it.
I know she is the villain of the piece but Candy is just plain evil ugly. Nasty bit of goods.
Full custody, bring it on, I'm sure the minister's daughter will not want it know that she set this all up. I sense an ugly fight nevertheless.

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Sooo happy to see this chapter had posted...and it is as usual, beautifully done with all the right ingredients...caring, mystery, sexy, sensuous, compassion...just everything that an awesome love story should possess!! Thanks again for sharing! :worship:

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On 06/09/2015 12:43 PM, EagleIsaac said:

Looks like Lanny is not the grunting Neanderthal we thought he was. I think we all know guys like Lanny - all bluster and posturing - but are some of the most insecure people you could meet. He had the misfortune of falling for someone who is the poster girl for the Northern Pikes' - "She ain't pretty she just looks that way". Hope he makes the most of his luck that Michael and Kendall have forgiven him and didn't have him arrested.


I was lucky - my son's mother gave me full custody without any fuss - but Michael and Kendall are going to have a battle ahead of them. Candy wanting to give the baby up for adoption should help their cause.

Thanks, Eagle for always supporting this story. You are very perceptive about Lanny, and his insecurity... jealousy or envy of a person, like Lanny was for Michael, can be an ugly thing. Their insecurity starts the cycle. It causes them to be obnoxious, and say and do things antagonistic, in an effort to balance the scales in their mind... and in essence the cut off their nose to spite their face. It ends up that no one wants to be around them, and that just feeds the insecurity. When Lanny drops that BS bravado, we see that there is hope for the guy. He would do well to nurture a friendship with the guys he envies, rather than alienate them, You're right... I know someone like Lanny too. I don't like to paint people as completely evil, but Candy is like an rotten onion... the more layers you peel, the more you see that rot... cheers...

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On 06/09/2015 02:52 PM, ColumbusGuy said:

Not much to add, G-Man, except that I am also glad that Lanny might turn out to be reformed. I had my doubts until they told him about Janine's concern for him, and that he should call her. He already values her as a friend, and knowing that she cares may just drive Candy's poison out of his system.

I think I see some leverage with her regarding custody--tell her self-important minister father what she's done unless she agrees to give up her rights completely in favor of M and K.

Hope glimmers ahead for Lanny and the baby. More please!

Thank you, CG. It's like Lanny has been traveling through a dark tunnel, but thanks to a little compassion, and positive reinforcement, he is starting to see the light at the end of it. Let's hope he keeps heading for that light. As far as Candy, I think the kind of person she is...is often arrogant in their actions. When you are arrogant, you underestimate the people around you... we'll see if she's done that. Michael is a cop, as is Kendall, in essence...and she'd do well to remember that. I so appreciate your support, my friend...Cheers...

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On 06/09/2015 02:52 PM, ColumbusGuy said:

Not much to add, G-Man, except that I am also glad that Lanny might turn out to be reformed. I had my doubts until they told him about Janine's concern for him, and that he should call her. He already values her as a friend, and knowing that she cares may just drive Candy's poison out of his system.

I think I see some leverage with her regarding custody--tell her self-important minister father what she's done unless she agrees to give up her rights completely in favor of M and K.

Hope glimmers ahead for Lanny and the baby. More please!

Thank you, CG. It's like Lanny has been traveling through a dark tunnel, but thanks to a little compassion, and positive reinforcement, he is starting to see the light at the end of it. Let's hope he keeps heading for that light. As far as Candy, I think the kind of person she is...is often arrogant in their actions. When you are arrogant, you underestimate the people around you... we'll see if she's done that. Michael is a cop, as is Kendall, in essence...and she'd do well to remember that. I so appreciate your support, my friend...Cheers...

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On 06/09/2015 03:53 PM, Bucket1 said:

So Lanny is still a dick but may be redeemable... he is obviously quite insecure and Candy hooked onto that and made him do stupid things, he knew he did stupid things which does make it worse but a small glimmer of hope is there. As M said, the ball is in his court. Let's hope he heard what K had to say about Janine and the rest of it.

I know she is the villain of the piece but Candy is just plain evil ugly. Nasty bit of goods.

Full custody, bring it on, I'm sure the minister's daughter will not want it know that she set this all up. I sense an ugly fight nevertheless.

Candy is a manipulator... there are issues to come to light. I like to see people redeemed, but a user like Candy is too far gone in my mind. She treated Lanny as both a weapon and a shield... until she no longer needed him. Compared to her, Lanny is an angel :) . The goodness of K and M is astonishing sometimes... even though they are using Lanny to help them get info on the dark one, they are still open to him being a friend. Hockey 101...you don't throw away a teammate, and their willingness to forgive just makes them stronger as individuals ans as a couple. They look at each other, and see themselves reflected back. That kind of in sync-ness is a joy to write about... they were meant to be...Cheers and thank you for a great review...Cheers...

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On 06/10/2015 05:30 AM, Onim said:

Sooo happy to see this chapter had posted...and it is as usual, beautifully done with all the right ingredients...caring, mystery, sexy, sensuous, compassion...just everything that an awesome love story should possess!! Thanks again for sharing! :worship:

Thank you, Onim. Your review has made my day. Thank you for the continued support and the nice words. As a writer, it's a challenge to make every chapter provide what a reader looks for... What you said here is validating my efforts, and that is priceless to me... Cheers...

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I bet most of your readers go directly to a new chapter from Notifications or from the New Updates list. I know I do, but today I took time to look at the Chapter List again and once more admire the interplay between Titles, Chapter Description and Content. I love the subtle word play and the hints in the one line chapter descriptions - and I'm totally envious, because I want to do something similar in my stories, but I can't. Try as I might I cannot come up with anything remotely close to your awesome titles and one-liners. :worship: I heartily recommend everyone else to check them out.
As to the chapter itself I have one comment: Michael (and Kendall) know better than to do anything bordering blackmail (or is it exhortion?). But this is where Janine comes in handy. After Michael has told Candy he will fight her for custody if she doesn't let him have access to the child, Janine can point out that Candy risks publicity if she refuses him. "And what would your dad think of you if all this comes out in the open?" :evil::)

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On 06/10/2015 04:54 PM, Timothy M. said:

I bet most of your readers go directly to a new chapter from Notifications or from the New Updates list. I know I do, but today I took time to look at the Chapter List again and once more admire the interplay between Titles, Chapter Description and Content. I love the subtle word play and the hints in the one line chapter descriptions - and I'm totally envious, because I want to do something similar in my stories, but I can't. Try as I might I cannot come up with anything remotely close to your awesome titles and one-liners. :worship: I heartily recommend everyone else to check them out.

As to the chapter itself I have one comment: Michael (and Kendall) know better than to do anything bordering blackmail (or is it exhortion?). But this is where Janine comes in handy. After Michael has told Candy he will fight her for custody if she doesn't let him have access to the child, Janine can point out that Candy risks publicity if she refuses him. "And what would your dad think of you if all this comes out in the open?" :evil::)

Thanks, Tim. I very much appreciate that. It's only after the chapter is finished that I look for and decide on a title and chapter note. With regards to the story, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, but you're right that M and K would never do anything illegal. We'll find out if Janine can be any help in the next chapter :) . Thanks for the great review, Tim... cheers...

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Actually, despite the fact he's been a real prick, I'm liking Lanny. He comes across as direct, honest (when sober), and certainly seems open enough to change. Will they all end up friends? Who knows?
Lots of drama in this chapter...but progress isn't always easy. Another fine piece!

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On 07/02/2015 01:06 PM, Robert Rex said:

Actually, despite the fact he's been a real prick, I'm liking Lanny. He comes across as direct, honest (when sober), and certainly seems open enough to change. Will they all end up friends? Who knows?

Lots of drama in this chapter...but progress isn't always easy. Another fine piece!

Thanks, Rex. I loved being able to show Lanny in a different light. In real life, I tend not to think of people as write-offs, and I don't think Lanny really is. He has a whole backstory in my head, and he has some resentment for a shitty life he's had. I'm pleased you and others are liking him and seeing some good there. Thanks again for coming back to the story. Your support means a lot. Cheers... Gary...

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Men!! Or should I say most singles (and a few married's) - a pretty face and a few ego inflating words and they think they're in love. The amount of times my friends and I have had to shake some sense into one of our group over a new, but bad, love interest.
Only once were we unsuccessful :( that friend was last seen on the streets of another town and was strung out o drugs.


The boys are lucky to have each other and now a baby on the way. I hope they get everything they hope for :heart: and everything that they deserve :yes:


Onward :read:

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On 07/27/2015 06:42 AM, Caz Pedroso said:

Men!! Or should I say most singles (and a few married's) - a pretty face and a few ego inflating words and they think they're in love. The amount of times my friends and I have had to shake some sense into one of our group over a new, but bad, love interest.

Only once were we unsuccessful :( that friend was last seen on the streets of another town and was strung out o drugs.


The boys are lucky to have each other and now a baby on the way. I hope they get everything they hope for :heart: and everything that they deserve :yes:


Onward :read:

You are completely right about men, but it applies to some women too :) . I'm hoping the same thing you are. Thanks, Caz... cheers... Gary...

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There´s so much goodness in Kendall and Michael that is was bound to rub off on Lanny, too. :*) It won't happen with Candy though, there will be a fight over the baby. Even if Candy don't want the baby, I can's see her giving it to Michael. :/ Let's see what'll happen :read:

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On 10/25/2015 03:09 AM, Suvitar said:

There´s so much goodness in Kendall and Michael that is was bound to rub off on Lanny, too. :*) It won't happen with Candy though, there will be a fight over the baby. Even if Candy don't want the baby, I can's see her giving it to Michael. :/ Let's see what'll happen :read:

Lanny has possibilities, and if anyone can bring them out, it's Michael and Kendall. Candy is another story all together. She is not a nice person, and the boys are in for a challenge... thanks and cheers, Suvitar... Gary...

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So Lanny is or maybe a decent guy under all his tough guy outsides.
I don't begrudge people their kids but I never wanted them myself. Guess that makes me look at things differently.
But I guess if I was Michael, I'd want my kid too. Well hopefuly the evil Candy won't end up being too evil.
Still have more to read,



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On 10/27/2015 07:39 AM, Mikiesboy said:

So Lanny is or maybe a decent guy under all his tough guy outsides.

I don't begrudge people their kids but I never wanted them myself. Guess that makes me look at things differently.

But I guess if I was Michael, I'd want my kid too. Well hopefuly the evil Candy won't end up being too evil.

Still have more to read,



Lanny, in my head, has a terrible back story. If he's treated decently, he has some potential. He's not used to people caring. Michael and Kendall both want this child. Children have always been part of the eventual plan. Candy... well, she's not a nice person. Thanks for the review, tim... I appreciate it... cheers... Gary...

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Wow, that was quite an amazing chapter, dealing with Lanny. Great stuff! And I do think that Lanny is going to end up a friend. Janine too. Looking forward to the work ahead to see how they tackle Candace and what her reaction will be. She’s as tricky as a 10-foot snake so it won’t be easy dealing with her. But I know you will have had a good plan on how they do that. Love your creativity in this story. It is as good as your characterization.

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On 01/11/2016 02:18 AM, Jaro_423 said:

Wow, that was quite an amazing chapter, dealing with Lanny. Great stuff! And I do think that Lanny is going to end up a friend. Janine too. Looking forward to the work ahead to see how they tackle Candace and what her reaction will be. She’s as tricky as a 10-foot snake so it won’t be easy dealing with her. But I know you will have had a good plan on how they do that. Love your creativity in this story. It is as good as your characterization.

Glad you liked it, Jaro! Such kind words again. I think you're the first to comment on my creativity... that is just awesome for me to hear. The guys know pretty much what they need to now, and they have Lanny as an unlikely but sincere ally. KenMik will see to his rehabilitation if he does his part. Candy really is a horriblr piece of work, and in the next chapter... well, you'll see lol... Thank you so much for this, Jaro... Cheers... Gary...

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I loved to watch Michael and Kendall putting the screws to Lanny. We do get to see perhaps a bit of light in Lanny's rather dark soul. But there is hope for his redemption.

I cant bring myself to say Candace, that would make her seem like a normal person which she sure isn't. Candy how do I hate thee let me count the ways.

And I want to thank you for your kind comments on my Comments lol I love this part.

And that you take your time to do this, I for one thank you!

Another awesome chapter and you rock me with your dialogue:worship::thankyou:


Edited by Albert1434
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Hey, Albert. There was a lot at stake here, with a baby involved, but even beyond that, Michael and Kendall have an inherent goodness that is intensified as a couple. Their kindness and consideration for Lanny, while difficult to fathom, is not unexpected. Giving the man a break shows who they are as people. It's an example for Lanny to absorb, if he chooses to. I understand the guy, and I did from the beginning. We'll get to see more of him in the next chapters. Now, as for 'how do I hate thee' Candy. She is a tricky, tricky girl. They've had a glimpse of what she's capable of... now let's see how they handle her... it can't be an easy road, but maybe they now have an ally or two :) . I'm glad you like my comments on my comments :) ... I love getting them... they really do make my day... especially since Morningstar is over. When I get one from you, I usually reread the chapter then and there, and it takes me back to the time I wrote it. Thank you for that... it really is enjoyable and rewarding for me... cheers, my friend... Gary....

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