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Circumnavigation (99 +7) Christmas at the Farm

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and now, a very special Christmas chapter, Christmas at the Farm, is up. Posted Image


Posted Image Posted Image


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to one and all, and Happy New Year!Posted Image


Merry Christmas to all,and to all a good night.

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Hahahaha Posted Image another "Non" cliffhanger Posted Image


Posted Image

Of course it's a non cliffhanger! I never use cliffhangers, and this is a Christmas chapter. :) I'm feeling so christmasy, no doubt aided by the fact I got back from a Christmas party a short while ago.


I've always wanted to post a Christmas chapter on Christmas, but due to my glaring inability to estimate the number of chapters, I never could. I abandoned any hope of doing so with Circumnavigation, but them, a few eeeks ago, I was almost at this chapter, so I started looking at the calendar. I saw that I could do it, and so, my most christmasy chapter ever posted on late Christmas Eve. (Arizona time). This and the preceding chapter, Click, are just about double length, a Christmas present from me. :)


Merry Christmas, everyone! Posted Image

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When I first finished this chapter, I immediately thought of this video. It summed up my thoughts entirely?



Two weeks!!! Tick toc tic toc(from croc of a different world). My Merry Christmas to All is slightly compromised. Argh. Pax to All.


How about this scenario to keep ourselves breathing for two weeks. Henry manages to knock Bridget into the pond. The customs people tagging Trevor grab the annoying uninvited table guest and Shane barely manages to keep Trevor from opening the garlic press. The scene fades as Trevor and Shane walk hand in hand into the sunset. Merry Christmas C James and many thanks.


I sincerely apologize for the two week's delay. That was not planned, and I had hoped to avoid any such delays. I had a business trip in early December, plus had to get my home and vehicles ready for winter, and had a surge at work, all of which whacked my writing time. I committed to a weekly posting schedule when I began this tale, but I'm not a fast writer, so keeping up the pace is only possible when all goes well. Also, these last two chapters were double-sized. I did try cutting them to make more chapters, but I wasn't happy with the result.


Anyway, my apologies to one and all for the delay, and I'll do my absolute best to avoid any further delays for the remaining chapters of the story.


I expect we'll survive the hiatus somewhow CJ. Perhaps we'll wander off and find a better story though - I guess that's a risk you'll just have to take.


In the meantime, thanks for a great chapter - lots of progress with Trevor and the family. You better have some brilliant scheme for rescuing Henry and getting rid of Basingstoke though. I like Ret2ak's version - not a cliff-hanger in sight so I assume you like it too.


Have a great Christmas and New Year and many thanks for all your writing this year,



Posted Image .................I knew Trevor would be re-united with his beloved garlic crusher. Posted Image I had feared for Henry before, but I didn't expect him to play so sloppy and dangerous, I'll miss the character. Gonzales has to be on high alert and knowing that Henry is in danger, I doubt he will be taken by surprise by one of Bridget's goons. Mr. B's x-mas present to Trevor was a nice touch, Posted Image but I'm surprised he chose to meet them face to face.


Great chapter, I think this story is winding down fast, I predict 5 chapters left. Thanks CJ and have a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year


Did the goat factor in the international date line when trying to synchronize Christmases? I've seen others question the goat's counting ability, though he did mention AZ time zone...hmnn...


Thanks for the Christmas present CJ! And yes, CJ for Cliffhanger King!


Henry is alligator chow.

Bridget is feeling the heat.

Gonzales is in a dither.

Lisa and Joel still don't quite appreciate what Trevor has been through or how they really made his life harder.

Shane is along for the ride and,

B'stoke is in the building with a two week hiatus promised.







:) C James for King of the Evil Cliffhanger


When I first finished this chapter, I immediately thought of this video. It summed up my thoughts entirely?



But but but... It's a Christmas chapter......

How about this scenario to keep ourselves breathing for two weeks. Henry manages to knock Bridget into the pond. The customs people tagging Trevor grab the annoying uninvited table guest and Shane barely manages to keep Trevor from opening the garlic press. The scene fades as Trevor and Shane walk hand in hand into the sunset. Merry Christmas C James and many thanks.


Ret2Ak has a great idea: Come up with ideas as to how any conundrums are resolved. One thing to bear in mind; I always foreshadow. :)

I expect we'll survive the hiatus somewhow CJ. Perhaps we'll wander off and find a better story though - I guess that's a risk you'll just have to take.


In the meantime, thanks for a great chapter - lots of progress with Trevor and the family. You better have some brilliant scheme for rescuing Henry and getting rid of Basingstoke though. I like Ret2ak's version - not a cliff-hanger in sight so I assume you like it too.


Have a great Christmas and New Year and many thanks for all your writing this year,



Yep, not a cliffhanger in sight! I'll explain why at the end of this post.

Some posters take all the fun out of it, don't they CJ. Happy Holiday one and all!

Posted Image


Hi Emoe! I'm shocked... absolutly shocked, that some have made allegations that there is a cliffhanger in the chapter. Don't they know it's Christmas? Where is their Christmas spirit? Do they have any idea how hard it waqs to find a pic of an alligator in a Santa hat for the chapter?


Posted Image .................I knew Trevor would be re-united with his beloved garlic crusher. Posted Image I had feared for Henry before, but I didn't expect him to play so sloppy and dangerous, I'll miss the character. Gonzales has to be on high alert and knowing that Henry is in danger, I doubt he will be taken by surprise by one of Bridget's goons. Mr. B's x-mas present to Trevor was a nice touch, Posted Image but I'm surprised he chose to meet them face to face.


Great chapter, I think this story is winding down fast, I predict 5 chapters left. Thanks CJ and have a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year


Yes, it's a happy and heartwarming reuinion between Trevor and his garlic crusher! Maybe Basingstoke was just being nice? Or, maybe it was due to the three guys looking alike; he needs to know whose head to send Sanchez. I think the "He was just in the Christmas spirit" theory is a good one. :)


Are you assuming that Henry is dead? Why? Last we saw of him, he's still in the wheelbarrow, mostly.


Did the goat factor in the international date line when trying to synchronize Christmases? I've seen others question the goat's counting ability, though he did mention AZ time zone...hmnn...


Thanks for the Christmas present CJ! And yes, CJ for Cliffhanger King!


Christmas day in Australia comes before Christmas day in Florida, so we saw Christmas on the farm in Australia, then later, Christmas at the (alligator) farm (the name harks back to the Breakfast at the Farm title a couple of chapters ago) in Florida. Then, we see Trevor and the gang, and the garlic crusher, on what is Dec 26th in Australia. :)


As a rule, I try to keep the timelines synchronized within a few hours. Of course, my inability to count has caused a few goofs in that regard, grom time to time. :)


And, ack, cliffhanger king!?!?! But there is not cliffhanger! It's a Christmas chapter!!!


Henry is alligator chow.

Bridget is feeling the heat.

Gonzales is in a dither.

Lisa and Joel still don't quite appreciate what Trevor has been through or how they really made his life harder.

Shane is along for the ride and,

B'stoke is in the building with a two week hiatus promised.


Posted Image C James for King of the Evil Cliffhanger


But but but.... there isn't any cliffhanger!!


Henry? Bear in mind that there might possibly be some confusion. The fear is that there are allegators below, right? Well, what's the definition of an allegator?






Definition of ALLEGATOR




: one that alleges



So, a person making an allegation is thus an allegator. So, Henry may well be dangling over a pond full of people who are elleging things... much as some in this thread are alleging that I use cliffhangers. Therefor, we can say that this thread is full of allegators.


So, is Henry in any danger? Last we see of him, he's still mostly in the wheelbarrow.


Also, we know its risky to swim alone, but he wouldn't be alone if he goes for a swim.


Is Bridget feeling the heat? Yes. She's facing the destruction of all she holds dear (her large and diverse operation). But, is Bridget's potential loss of her buisness a cliffy? I don't think so. She's tough, she can handle the worst case scenario she's facing: a life of wealth and luxury, exiled to some troptical paradise.


Gonzalez in a dither? Maybe he'll warm up in the next chapter.


Lisa and Joel... Good point, but stuff like that can take a day or so to sink in. And they still don't know it was their talking in the guesthouse that almost got Trevor dead, twice. They suspect her phone line, not the bugs.


Basingstoke? Maybe he's just in a gift giving mood. 'Tis the season, after all.


Wheelbarrows get sideways tipsy when heavily loaded with concrete mix. I hope Henry thinks of that and gets shifty.

  • Site Moderator

Posted Image .................I knew Trevor would be re-united with his beloved garlic crusher. Posted Image I had feared for Henry before, but I didn't expect him to play so sloppy and dangerous, I'll miss the character. Gonzales has to be on high alert and knowing that Henry is in danger, I doubt he will be taken by surprise by one of Bridget's goons. Mr. B's x-mas present to Trevor was a nice touch, Posted Image but I'm surprised he chose to meet them face to face.


Great chapter, I think this story is winding down fast, I predict 5 chapters left. Thanks CJ and have a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year


The thing about Basingstoke approaching the four, is now he knows exactly which one of the guys is Trevor and won't mistake which head to send to Sanchez.
  • Site Administrator

First off:


Merry Christmas CJames


Thank you so very much for the Christmas pressie. It was nice to have the two double length chapters in a row, so all our cliffhangers are condensed to two weeks instead or four :D


I figured the double meaning of Breakfast at the Farm after you got us on the Meeting at the Farm. So figured both scenes would entail.


I am a bit confused though after Henry's supposed death. This time we did not have him visually feeling the teeth clamping down on him and tearing limb by limb off. I too have a feeling that Henry is still alive.


For all of you that are now thinking that CJ won't expend a supposed unsung hero, a secondary character, a person his readers have come to love and appreciated every single thing they have done. I only say one thing.....Gunther.


Rest in Peace. CJ killed him personally and I'm still in a state of mourning.Posted Image


Is Henry alive? Is he dead? (yes, this is cliffhanger #1)


:music: :music: CJ for King of Evil Cliffhangers :music: :music:

Next we did have Basingstoke under cover as a reported who somehow got some information ( or lucky on ebay) and is presenting himself as a reporter with Trevor's beloved garlic crusher. Hmm, the person who has been hired to kill Trevor and has decided that the other 3 are merely collateral damage and will help his 'sense of professionalism' have just sat done to dinner together. Being Christmas and not Easter, I hope it is not their Last Supper.


So the goat in his wisdom, decides to give us a beautiful Christmas present. But then decides to end it with a massive Cliffhanger. CJ, I equate to this, I was give a satellite radio a few years back as a Christmas present, but I had to go out and buy the subscription for the first year for it to work. I suppose you give toys and games to kids for presents, but don't give them any batteries to go with them :P


Either way, here is example #2 of why CJ is eligible for:


:music: :music: CJ for King of Evil Cliffhangers :music: :music:


Yet I am a better man. Let me wish you, your team, your readers, your family and everyone in contact with you to have a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year!!!!!




No earthshattering theories of how Henry escapes (assuming that he does...), but I have to profess a strong optimism that he will escape -- because I still want him to get toether with Gonzalez, and not just for drinks! I do like the idea of him leveraging the precarious balance of the wheelbarrow and perhaps assisting Billy into the alligator pond instead of himself. That would be too easy of an end for Bridget, howver, and would still leave Sanchez and B'stoke without an end that would tie obviously into hers (not that I have any doubts that CJ could construct an ending that would connect them all).


None of these musings seem to connect to the foreshadowing that CJ mentions, except maybe the twisting balance of the wheelbarrow. The other point is that I still don't know what the plan is for killing Trevor without raising even more suspicions. So perhaps for the moment he really IS going to "be" a reporter and string the 4 along until everything is fitting together. Killing them all there in the restaurant does not fit the elegant though intricate simplicity of CJ's plots.


At least we have more time to think about what might happen, right?


Happy New Year! ¡Feliz Añon Nuevo! Bonne Année! Ein guten Rutsch! All the best in 2012!


No earthshattering theories of how Henry escapes (assuming that he does...), but I have to profess a strong optimism that he will escape -- because I still want him to get toether with Gonzalez, and not just for drinks! I do like the idea of him leveraging the precarious balance of the wheelbarrow and perhaps assisting Billy into the alligator pond instead of himself. That would be too easy of an end for Bridget, howver, and would still leave Sanchez and B'stoke without an end that would tie obviously into hers (not that I have any doubts that CJ could construct an ending that would connect them all).


None of these musings seem to connect to the foreshadowing that CJ mentions, except maybe the twisting balance of the wheelbarrow. The other point is that I still don't know what the plan is for killing Trevor without raising even more suspicions. So perhaps for the moment he really IS going to "be" a reporter and string the 4 along until everything is fitting together. Killing them all there in the restaurant does not fit the elegant though intricate simplicity of CJ's plots.


At least we have more time to think about what might happen, right?


Happy New Year! ¡Feliz Añon Nuevo! Bonne Année! Ein guten Rutsch! All the best in 2012!



Posted Image ........... I suppose there is a 'possibility' that Henry escapes death by turning the wheel barrow, using its momentum and as a momentary shield for himself while a wild frantic dunked Billy attracts the crocs. Henry is able to make his way from the carnage and escape, while Bridget assumes all is done and leaves the farm. It is 'possible' Henry escapes and is somehow able to warn Gonzales of Bridget's plan, anything is possible!! Posted Image


Mr. B is a bit too cocky in his hunt for Trevor, and 'really' using the 'old' reporter method tried and lost with Kline? I wouldn't be surprised if one of the four is not at this moment texting Greg about the 'reporter' to which Greg informs the local constable. Mr. B has no credentials as a reporter, has been seen and passed himself off as a security businessman. Recently in the vicinity of the Atlantis, so if he does not plan to take the 4 of them away at gunpoint from the sandwich shop, he has made a mistake in revealing himself so early.


Yep, anything is possible!!! Posted Image

  • Site Moderator

It will be interesting to see if the return of the garlic crusher triggers a panic attack.


The thing about Basingstoke approaching the four, is now he knows exactly which one of the guys is Trevor and won't mistake which head to send to Sanchez.


See? That's one less complication in the story. Posted Image

First off:


Merry Christmas CJames


Thank you so very much for the Christmas pressie. It was nice to have the two double length chapters in a row, so all our cliffhangers are condensed to two weeks instead or four http://www.gayauthor...ult/biggrin.png



You're very welcome! I did want to give extra for the Christmas chapter and the one before. It was Christmas, after all. Posted Image


I figured the double meaning of Breakfast at the Farm after you got us on the Meeting at the Farm. So figured both scenes would entail.


I am a bit confused though after Henry's supposed death. This time we did not have him visually feeling the teeth clamping down on him and tearing limb by limb off. I too have a feeling that Henry is still alive


Henry is indeed still alive!

The last we saw of him, he was still in the wheelbarrow. So, though he still has some, ah, concerns below, he's very much alive. He may not remain so, but as of the end of the chapter, he's alive. (and thus, not a cliffhanger!)


For all of you that are now thinking that CJ won't expend a supposed unsung hero, a secondary character, a person his readers have come to love and appreciated every single thing they have done. I only say one thing.....Gunther.


Rest in Peace. CJ killed him personally and I'm still in a state of mourning.https://www.gayauthors.org/forums//public/style_emoticons/default/aleric-cry.gif

What?!!?!?! I did not kill him! Jerry's hitman did! The same goes for Henry; it's Bridget, not me, who is intent on turning Henry into aligator chow. And BTW, Henry is one of my favorite characters. So too was Jim, the big biker, in LTMP and Changing Lanes. I was very upset when he was cruelly gunned down just moments after being told he was going to become a father, and then his wife died first... But that was Jerry's doing, not mine!!!!

Next we did have Basingstoke under cover as a reported who somehow got some information ( or lucky on ebay) and is presenting himself as a reporter with Trevor's beloved garlic crusher.

I'll clear that up in the next chapter, but we saw Barney trying to sell it, than having cash, and we also saw Basingstoke place an order to buy something that was for sale in Melbourne. :-)


Hmm, the person who has been hired to kill Trevor and has decided that the other 3 are merely collateral damage and will help his 'sense of professionalism' have just sat done to dinner together. Being Christmas and not Easter, I hope it is not their Last Supper.

Maybe Basingstoke was just in the holiday spirit?


So the goat in his wisdom, decides to give us a beautiful Christmas present. But then decides to end it with a massive Cliffhanger. CJ, I equate to this, I was give a satellite radio a few years back as a Christmas present, but I had to go out and buy the subscription for the first year for it to work. I suppose you give toys and games to kids for presents, but don't give them any batteries to go with them

Cliffhanger? But there's no cliffhanger! We ended the chapter with a heartwarming gift and joyous reunion (Trevor and his beloved garlic crusher). And, um, you're supposed to include batteries with a gift that takes takes them? I seriously never knew that...


I'm wishing you a HAppy New YEar, even though you're trying to frame me! :P


No earthshattering theories of how Henry escapes (assuming that he does...), but I have to profess a strong optimism that he will escape -- because I still want him to get toether with Gonzalez, and not just for drinks! I do like the idea of him leveraging the precarious balance of the wheelbarrow and perhaps assisting Billy into the alligator pond instead of himself. That would be too easy of an end for Bridget, howver, and would still leave Sanchez and B'stoke without an end that would tie obviously into hers (not that I have any doubts that CJ could construct an ending that would connect them all).


None of these musings seem to connect to the foreshadowing that CJ mentions, except maybe the twisting balance of the wheelbarrow. The other point is that I still don't know what the plan is for killing Trevor without raising even more suspicions. So perhaps for the moment he really IS going to "be" a reporter and string the 4 along until everything is fitting together. Killing them all there in the restaurant does not fit the elegant though intricate simplicity of CJ's plots.


At least we have more time to think about what might happen, right?


Happy New Year! ¡Feliz Añon Nuevo! Bonne Année! Ein guten Rutsch! All the best in 2012!


Basingstoke has a problem; Trevor is somewhat famous now, so if he dies via foul play there would be a huge investigation (especially with something as notorious as a beheading), which is something BAsingstoke does not want. Therefor, he has to be careful how he does it. :)


Maybe it would help those speculating if I released the name of the coming chapter? It's "Gasoline." :)




Huh? But.. there's no evil at all here, it was just a happy Christmas chapter. Posted Image

I suppose there is a 'possibility' that Henry escapes death by turning the wheel barrow, using its momentum and as a momentary shield for himself while a wild frantic dunked Billy attracts the crocs. Henry is able to make his way from the carnage and escape, while Bridget assumes all is done and leaves the farm. It is 'possible' Henry escapes and is somehow able to warn Gonzales of Bridget's plan, anything is possible!!


Mr. B is a bit too cocky in his hunt for Trevor, and 'really' using the 'old' reporter method tried and lost with Kline? I wouldn't be surprised if one of the four is not at this moment texting Greg about the 'reporter' to which Greg informs the local constable. Mr. B has no credentials as a reporter, has been seen and passed himself off as a security businessman. Recently in the vicinity of the Atlantis, so if he does not plan to take the 4 of them away at gunpoint from the sandwich shop, he has made a mistake in revealing himself so early.


Yep, anything is possible!!!


Basingstoke has been shown to be both fond of, and good at, subtle disguises, so I doubt he's too worried that his description will get back to Carnarvon. :)

Posted Image


The GREAT thing about living in AUstralia is not only the Christmas come first IT ALSO COMES BACK FASTER!!!! :-)


Now back to the question at hand..... Bugger Basingstoke (It only works in Australian - it's rather rude in North American),

The issue raise above re people who raise issues are "allegators... Only works in Miami, in Australia we have crocodiles, so it sort of misses...... (and as we know the world starts and probably revolves around Australia)


And the Cliffhanger Crown... as my sons would say Nah Der (not sure what it means, but it's said often), CJ the crown is yours, & yours alone...... so just suck it up! (and keep on writing!!!!


Love to all


The GREAT thing about living in AUstralia is not only the Christmas come first IT ALSO COMES BACK FASTER!!!! :-)


Now back to the question at hand..... Bugger Basingstoke (It only works in Australian - it's rather rude in North American),

The issue raise above re people who raise issues are "allegators... Only works in Miami, in Australia we have crocodiles, so it sort of misses...... (and as we know the world starts and probably revolves around Australia)


And the Cliffhanger Crown... as my sons would say Nah Der (not sure what it means, but it's said often), CJ the crown is yours, & yours alone...... so just suck it up! (and keep on writing!!!!


Love to all


But perhaps Basingstoke was just being nice, and wanted to make certain that Trevor got his garlic crusher back? :)


Canuk... I'm shocked! Not you too? Please don't listen to Wildone and his minions... Surely you know that I would never, ever use a cliffhanger!?!?!


I think Wildone is out to frame me with the award... and he's misleading people!


Can't we all, in the spirit of the holidays and as a New YEar's resolution, just all just agree to do the right thing and blame Wildone? I think it would be for the best. :)

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Just so everyone in this forum knows, nominations open up this weekend. I'll be posting the topic in the Lounge late Saturday.
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Another aspect of the Carnarvon area - at the moment a wildfire is threatening farms and homesteads in the Carnarvon shire. The main North-West Highway was cut off and an area of approximately 400,000 acres has been burnt out.

The town itself is okay.

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