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  • Valkyrie

    Write, Write, Write!

    By Valkyrie

    The deadline for the 2024 anthology is just about two weeks away, which is not too late to submit a story to the proof team!  Here are a few tips about participating in the anthology: Stories can be as short as 1,000 words The link to the theme can be tangential - it doesn't have to hit us over the head.  So, keep that in mind if the theme isn't speaking to you.  Participating in the anthology is a great way to get new readers.  A lot of people read all the anthology stories, so i
    • 1 comment

Prompt 860 and Prompt 861

Wow, February is really being harsh in the United States. Winter storms are ripping through the states and poor Texas is a mess. Just hoping everyone survives. In the mean time, I'm going to try and lure you into writing with some prompts. Prompt 860 - Creative Tag - List of words Use the following in a story - a broken mask, a flat tire, an old street sign, a blanket, and a credit card. Prompt 861 - Creative Tag - First Line The door creaked open revealing the bloo


comicfan in Prompts

Anthology Entry Revisited: Accused

Upcoming Anthology Due: April 1, 2021 Top Themes On the Road Forbidden Pot Luck Themes But Wait; There’s More     -     Through a Glass Darkly     -     Of Gods and Monsters     -     It Takes All Kinds     -     Darkness Falls Boys of the Hills     -     You Wouldn’t Understand     -     On the Beach     -     Great Balls of Fire     -     Laughter, the Best Medicine

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

The Summer Job (A Preview)

Phillip is 16 and new in town with his first job: working for the Y. With no friends and his Dad stuck in London (or was that Hong Kong or Singapore?), he resolves to make a few. One of the new fiends older brother Andy is known to be a real asshole and, he wants to have a talk to Phillip.    


JamesSavik in preview

Productivity Feels...Weird

I've had a love-hate relationship with the word, 'productivity.' With my occupation, it is highly encouraged to be as productive as possible, but it feels strange to see myself being the only one performing. My shift ended several hours ago, but I still can't shake my distaste for how few cares my fellow coworkers give. Seeing how the pandemic is still going on, and a lot of people are finally understanding the lasting power it can hold on human life, workers are feeling fatigued. My fellow stoc


astone2292 in Blogs

February Classic Author Feature: Heritage Heretic by Lugh

February means love, romance, sex... um, the unintended consequences of that sometimes? Okay, I admit I love stories that include the educational field since I work in it and like to see different authors take on the world I live in. This story, on the surface, seems like a simple day in the life of a couple of HS seniors...  Length: 4,348 Description: 2010 Spring Anthology Michael Thomas George, known as Trey by his friends, has to participate in his high school’s annual spring


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 7 - Feb. 13)

Well it's forty below And I don't give a *bleep* Got a heater in my truck And I'm off to the rodeo Now if you don't know this song, you can Youtube it or Google it, but don't have the sound up if little ears might be around   It seems I'm stuck in a perpetual groundhog day were everyday since Monday we have been in a extreme winter warning (sustained temperatures of -40)  Luckily by Monday we will creep closer to 0 or 32 depending on your temperature scale you are using. The thing i


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Character Diversity

When I was growing up, I can distinctly remember LOVING the old school martial arts flicks that they used to show on Channel 66 in Chicago on Sundays! "Incredible Kung Fu Mission", "Five Deadly Venoms", "Drunken Master"! A good Shaw Brothers original? They never failed to excite me and have me locked in to the point where, by the time it was over, I'd be fighting my own pillows and trying to kick couch cushions across the room with my non-existent skills as a five or six year old Kung Fu warrior


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt 858 and Prompt 859

Hello and welcome to another Friday. We are so close to Valentine's Day so they are coloring this week's prompts. Get ready and see what they are offering. Prompt 858 - Creative Tag - First Line "Why do I have to dress up?" Prompt 859 - Creative Tag - Roses It had been a bad storm and you were up all night. Dragging yourself out to go to work and you find a multicolored rose on your doorstep. When you get to work you find another on your desk. As your day goes on yo


comicfan in Prompts

Horrible Writing Advice

Horrible writing advice... Heroes wear white. They ride on high white horses and have shiny plot armor. They are, of course, interesting because who wants to read about a bum, right? Heroes should be flawless role models because seeing them overcome their petty human experience is just plain boring. Villains wear black. Their horses don't really like them. They don't get shiny plot armor because the writers guild demands it! They aren't very interesting because they're just plain old e

Anthology Entry Revisited: Mates Come First

Upcoming Anthology Due: April 1, 2021 Top Themes On the Road Forbidden Pot Luck Themes But Wait; There’s More     -     Through a Glass Darkly     -     Of Gods and Monsters     -     It Takes All Kinds     -     Darkness Falls Boys of the Hills     -     You Wouldn’t Understand     -     On the Beach     -     Great Balls of Fire     -     Laughter, the Best Medicine Ozark Rumors     -     The

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

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