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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 9 - Feb. 15)

    By wildone

    Well I'm a silly boy   I was enjoying a nice cool evening to fall asleep to , and was sawing a log or two, when I woke up in shock! Shock I say   You ever wake up and realize you were supposed to do something and you forgot to? Usually for me it is a work thing and then I think to myself that there isn't much I can do about it until the morning and roll over and fall asleep again .  Just note that happened tonight and to show my dedication to everyone and GA, I got up, jump in my

Did you read these classic Anthologies?

We hope you had a great Christmas!  As we march closer to the end of 2017, did you get the chance to read our previous holiday anthologies?  Our 2004 Christmas Anthology: https://www.gayauthors.org/stories/browse/category/7-2004-anthology-christmas/   Our 2006 Winter Anthology Blizzard Theme: https://www.gayauthors.org/stories/browse/category/11-winter-blizzard/   Our 2015 Secret Santa Short Story contest:   https://www.gayauthors.or


Myr in Anthologies

Improve & Encourage #8: Puppy Love

I hope you all enjoyed the last Improve & Encourage feature, because it's time for another one. These features are meant to both provide feedback to authors and, similar to story reviews, point out stories that readers might not otherwise have found. It's similar to a review, in that the person doing the critique tells you what they liked about the story, but it differs in that they also provide constructive criticism. Each author signed up to participate, and sign up's are still open!  Thes

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Critique

Tech Tuesday - 2017 Year in Review

There seems to be an unwritten rule out there for websites and publications everywhere that the last week of the year is the time to do a year in review wrap-up sort of post.  This is the one for Gay Authors. 2017.  What a year!  This was the year we jumped 50 versions of software to finally break free of the 3.4 version of the forum software and break into the world of 4.1 and then 4.2 versions of the software.  We've had hundreds of Stories archive software updates in the same timeframe a


Myr in Technology Archive

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec 17 - Dec 23)

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!  I hope you have all had a great week!  Just a reminder that you still have another month to read Christmas stories to participate in next months CSR Discussion day. You can read more about the December and January CSR here. Now, since I'm running late with the wrap up, let's get to it!     Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology: Summer - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #634 & #635

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 634 – Creative Tag – The Romance Cover Model He is the man who has graced a hundred romance novels. His long hair, broad chest, and sheer masculinity has captured the imagination of hundreds of readers. You h

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ghosts of Christmases Past

As we head into the final days before Christmas 2017, it might be a great time to take a break from the hectic holiday season and reread some of our anthologies from Christmases Past. Our 2004 Christmas Anthology: https://www.gayauthors.org/stories/browse/category/7-2004-anthology-christmas/   Our 2006 Winter Anthology Blizzard Theme: https://www.gayauthors.org/stories/browse/category/11-winter-blizzard/   Our 2015 Secret Santa Short Story Contest:


Myr in Anthologies

December Classic Author Excerpt: Tyler by Vlista

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring Vlista's teen drama, Tyler? Make sure you check it out and download your copy of the signature graphic at the bottom if you want to share your love for the story. Or, if you haven't read the story before or checked it out yet, enjoy this excerpt below!    Cia said:  Vlista's stories can be quite graphic and dark, but Tyler is more about the life after the worst a teen has faced than the negative experiences that shaped him. I really like the s


Cia in Classic Feature

Tech Tuesday - Chapter Text Controls

One of the most important aspects to our Stories software is allowing members to make the reading window fit their need for reading.  Whether that is to adjust the text size, the contrast, the indents or the width of the text window.  Here are the controls:   Text size should be obvious here.  The green highlight, as shown here, means that the current text is larger than the default text.  If you have no highlight, then you have default text size.  If you have A- highlighted, then


Myr in Technology Archive

December Classic Author Feature: Tyler by Vlista

This month I picked a Classic Author story to feature that might make for some difficult reading, but the hope inside the story is what I like to focus on. As one of the older stories on the site, you might have missed it before, but I hope everyone will enjoy Vlista's teen drama, Tyler!      Length: 86,934   Description: Tyler’s a foster kid, after being abused by his parents and mistreated in foster care he’s angry with the world and all but given up on finding t


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec 10 - Dec 16)

I hope everyone has had a great week so far!  If you haven't already done so, please check out Myr's announcement about the Birthday Policy Change. If you find yourself feeling like you're going in circles, and that you can't seem to get 100% complete, check to see if you've selected a favorite genre! Trust me, that kept me at 67% until I realized what I didn't do!  Now, let's see what happened this week!     Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology: Summer - Due April 15th,

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #632 & #633

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.       Prompt 632 – Creative Tag – Snow Job You’ve rented a cabin up in the mountains to get away for a while. You barely settle in on your first night when a horrible storm hits, burying the area in over a f

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Tip: Keep in Mind

When deciding what to post for today, I took a look through some of the things I have in reserve. I found a writing tip sent in a while ago and when I took a look back, I realized I'd never used it in a blog!  So, without further ado, here's "Things to Keep In Mind" by craftingmom!   Things I constantly keep in mind as a writer by Craftingmom       1.  The Opening needs to grab the attention of the reader and be interesting enough to hold it.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Tech Tuesday - Premium Content and Gift Cards

Greetings everyone!  It occurred to me that since this is the gift-giving season, we should share with you that GA does have a built-in Gift Card system that you can use to gift Premium Content (or credit for eBooks).     But first, let me get to the why Premium?   Everyone who has been on the Internet for awhile and is familiar with the other story sites like Gay Authors knows that there are basically 4 business options out there: A private or small group that covers


Myr in Technology Archive

Featured Story: Christmas at Famous-Barr

Well, we're at the start of another week and, to finish off the year, we are going to look at a story written by AC Benus called "Christmas at Famous-Barr". If you like what Timothy M has to say in the review, why not go check out the story and leave the author a review! Also, if you've read a story you've enjoyed lately, and would like to see it featured in the GA News Blog, simply shoot me a PM and send me a review. I'm always looking for reviews.   Christmas at Famous-Barr AC B

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec 3 - Dec 9)

I hope everyone has had a great week. It's been a very busy week here on Gay Authors, so it's time to take a look back. Unsure if you missed any of this weeks blogs? Or did you miss any of the updates from our site's promoted authors? Now's your chance to find out!!!     Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15t

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Launching Gay Authors Articles

Welcome, everyone!  Starting early in 2018, we will be posting weekly articles by Comicality and other authors every Saturday morning.  I wanted to get this kicked off so between now and then we'll be posting links to previous Writing Tips, which can currently be found in our Stories Archive in the Non-Fiction -> Writing Tips category. Please be sure to check them out.  Read and review! The three for this week are from Lugh:    


Myr in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts # 630 & #631

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.       Prompt 630 – First Line Tag – First Line “When did I get so old?” Prompt 631 – Creative Tag – The Card It is your birthday and no one remembers. You go home and as you prepare to make dinner you no

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ask An Author 2.0 - #2

Welcome back to the new Ask An Author 2.0. Just a quick note that @Carlos Hazday has agreed to take over the Ask An Author feature, so please send your questions to him. I've already sent him the questions and answers that were sent to me. Now, I'll turn it over to Carlos. Renee has to be one of the busiest members on GA, so I’m stepping in and trying to help her a bit by taking on the Ask an Author monthly feature. I’ll remind you the questions come from you, not me or the staff. If there

Tech Tuesday - Letter and IM/Texting Formatting.

As I mentioned last week, it is my plan to post short feature highlights as well as other tech-related items here each Tuesday.  This week it is about our Letter format and IM/texting formatting. This feature is available across the site, and the buttons are displayed in desktop/laptop-sized windows and tablet-sized windows.  The buttons are not in the mobile browser due to space limitations.   There are two ways you can use this feature: You can type everything you wa


Myr in Technology Archive

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