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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Prompt 766 and 767

It is finally Friday. So my turn to offer up a little inspiration to you.   Prompt 766 - Creative Tag - First Line The ring sparkled in the moonlight as he stared intently at it, trying to find the words he desperately wanted to speak. Prompt 767 - Creative Tag - Gifts In an age where magic is barely exists, there is a village where everyone is born with some sort of magic. However, there is small little orphaned boy with mismatched eyes who seems to have many


comicfan in Prompts

Classic Author Excerpt: Dare by Mellicat

So one of the major aspects of Mellicat's story, Dare, is family. We're all born into a family even if we don't know them, or we lose them, in one way or the other. The adults and children and relationships we see and know or wish we had are how we model our own future selves in our minds. And that shapes who we become and the choices we make in our entire life... for good or ill. In Dare, the choices the characters make are based on the men in their lives and the roles they all grew into. In so


Cia in Classic Feature

Classic Author Feature: Dare by Mellicat

Can you believe over half the year has passed and we are closer to out of the twenty-teens and into the twenty twenties than before? The future is coming fast, years passing, and before we know it, the twilight of the year will be here! And that can be true in stories too, you start and don't even realize you're reading faster and faster, desperate to know if the character will be able to find that happy ever after. In this short story by Mellicat, you can't help but be sucked in to the sense of


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 7 - Jul. -13)

So I was down at the Stampede tonight to about 12:30 am  and I met this nice couple from Australia. I asked if they knew @Graeme, but surprisingly they did not   They decided to come over here for their winter and our summer  When I asked them where they were from, they said Wagga Wagga, NSW . I thought to myself, self, why does Australia have such funny names? Then I thought it my be Aboriginal names, and who am it to judge? Here in the Great White North, we have Moosejaw, and here's a tongue t


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 764 and Prompt 765

Hello. Sorry everyone, sort of an issue on my end but finally getting the prompts out. As the saying goes, better late than never. Hopefully, one will catch your fancy. Prompt 764 - Creative Tag - First Line The tears were still falling as he grasped the doorframe watching the dark figure disappear into the rain. Prompt 765 - Creative Tag - List of words Use the following words in a story - a boat, a statue, a flock of seagulls,  a rain coat, and a blue blanket.


comicfan in Prompts

Members Make a Difference!

If you receive GA's monthly newsletter, you know we’re looking for feedback from YOU! Now’s the time to share your thoughts on site features and potential future changes. *Let’s be constructive and give ideas on what will help encourage new membership and activity among current members, not just what you don’t like, please!!* Forum Moves and Shake Ups There have been changes to the forums. Some forums were moved or removed with their content moving to new places, some Clubs remov


Cia in News Archive

Featured Story: Between the Tension

Enjoy not only this great review by Timothy M, but also on the story Between the Tension by @Hudson Bartholomew Between the Tension Hudson Bartholomew Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 100,760 The first story of this two-book series contains some of the best erotic scenes I’ve had the pleasure of reading on GA. Maybe that’s not surprising when the two main characters make money by doing porn. But the story also has a beautiful sad romance between an outgoing,


wildone in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 31 - Jul. 6)

There is a lot to be said about being regular. Especially when you reach the age of 50, being regular is just more comfortable way of life  So what the heck am i talking about ? Well this week here at the GA Blog, we had a regular week  M-W-F posting of the ole standbys. I am not saying that a variety of new items and mixing things up is a bad thing, far from it. Change is the necessity of life. So it is always nice to be regular again   On Monday, Cia presented us with a new CSR Featu


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 762 and Prompt 763

Oh, after a long break... I'm back! Hopefully, everyone read and enjoyed the anthology. Time now to flex your mind, look at the prompts, and perchance write a little something. Here are this week's offerings. Prompt 762 - Creative Tag - First Line "You're early," stated Death as they set their newspaper down and turned to face me. Prompt 763 - Creative Tag - Celebration Last night you went out to celebrate with friends. You remember drinking, eating, and a set of be


comicfan in Prompts

Forum Consolidation and Club Clean Up

As part of keeping up with changing times, we have done a consolidation of forums and clubs and have removed stuff that was not getting enough use.  This will hopefully consolidate our active content into less places as well as making the "Fluid View" of the the forums more useful. The changes we've made: Clubs o    Closed Fanfiction Club and moved topics to Writer's Circle - Specialized Fiction Forum o    Closed Sci-Fi Writers Club and moved topics to Writer's Circle -


Myr in Technology Archive

Ask an Author 2.0 #21

Ask an Author 2.0 #21 Twenty-one! At last. Somebody wanna get me a cocktail? @northie has a knack for delivering the unexpected. Ghosts in her most recent anthology offering, the travails of old age frequently, or I understand horror in other works. I don’t do scary flicks or stories so no comments from me on those. The point is she buckles trends and offers tales unlike what most GA authors do. You should give one or two of them a look. What weighs you down the most in your writi

CSR Feature: Love is Blind by Nick Brady

Happy July! Can you believe the year is halfway over already? We've featured a lot of stories over the year, but here's one more you might not have read yet... Love is Blind! This story, inspired by a figure from the author's past, was also helped along by several other GA members. That's just what the site is here for! I can't wait to hear what @Nick Brady has to say in his interview this month, which will be on the last Monday of the month, July 29th.    Love is Blind by Nick Brady

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 23 - Jun. 29)

I've had enough rain in the past week to float an ark, or at least consider to build one So If did build my ark, who should I bring two of? Who would you bring on it if you could choose anyone? After all this is an open invitation to all of you, plus one, to come on the GA cruise of a lifetime Enough of this silliness Steve, get onto the wrap up 😠 Oh, you are so not invited onto my ark!!! Meanwhile..... On Monday, Cia had a really engaging set of questions and audience pa


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

2019 Spring Anthology Wrapup

Well, that's it for the spring anthology!  We had a lot of great stories and we hope that everyone enjoyed them. Make sure to thank the authors by leaving a comment and/or review!  So, let's take a final look at all the stories.       Twin Stars Cia   Reminiscing About the Future Altimexis   Voyageur Parker Owens   Himmelszelt (Canopy of Heaven) Aditus   Finding Joy AC Benus     Perseverance Valkyrie  

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

CSR Discussion Day: Exit to Redemption by Valkyrie

Well, the end is near! The end of June, that is! Did you check out this simple short story... or is it as simple as it seemed? Exit to Redemption introduced readers to characters who could be the driver in the next car, the man in the next office, or the jerk at the next table disturbing your dinner. Learning about Valkyrie is a lot more simple than the choices and changes faced by the characters in her story! Check out my interview with her and then share your thoughts about that or her story i

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun.16 - Jun. 22)

Belated Winter Solstice for our friends down south and a Happy Summer Solstice for those of us in the North Except it is like the whole world is mixed up, we had snow an hour west of the city here, and so did multiple places across the states too! Some up to 2 feet, or 61cm Well no matter if it is snowing, raining, or sunny, you can always count on GA to be here with a ton of new reading and happenings going on. On Monday Cia brought us the Classic Author Feature of the Month who is


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Classic Author Excerpt: Pilots by David McLeod

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring David McLeod's story, Pilots? This novella-length contemporary story has such a wide variety of characters and short stories within the storyline that you are learning new things about them all the time, which is a great way of catching the readers' interest when the theme is a newly started community GSA. Of course, it won't go smooth for them because when in life--or fiction--does that happen when such a varied group comes together? Case in point....


Cia in Classic Feature

Classic Author Feature: Pilots by David McLeod

Happy June and Pride Month! One of the big themes this month is always coming out, or being out and proud, or just being out and not having to be afraid. A big part of that in many places is the GSA, because it's not always easy. Pilots takes a look at how that might play out in a wider setting than just a high school or college, and there's a real cast of characters to get to know in each chapter who will draw you in. Check out this older story if you haven't read it before!   


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun.9 - Jun. 15)

Well this turned out to be a very interesting week here at the GA News Blog. It wasn't planned this way, but it just worked out that 3 of the 4 entries were like the 4 of the planets lining up with the sun. In this case, the sun is Tim aka @Mikiesboy Monday, Renee shared with us a great review written up by @Cole Matthews: Then, this is where things started to fall in place! Tuesday, Graeme announced our newest Signature Author, @Mikiesboy: Jump ahead a couple of days, and Renee


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Spring Anthology: In the Stars & Snapped *Set 3* - NOW LIVE

Hey All! Sorry about the lack of anthologies last week, but it's a new week and time for a new set for your reading enjoyment. We'll get right into them! And if you missed any of the first two sets, I've included the links below! In The Stars & Snapped Set 1 Set 2     Reminiscing About the Future Altimexis       Where There is a Will Timothy M.   Blackmail in the Night northie   Gone Fishing Headstall

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

GA's Newest Signature Author: Mikiesboy

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Tim (Mikiesboy) as GA's newest Signature Author! Tim has been a member of GA for almost four years and was first promoted to Promising in May of 2017. Since joining, Tim has been a prolific author and poet, with almost 400,000 words posted, including novels, novella, short stories, poetry, and non-fiction stories about his own life including how Tim met and married his husband, Michael. If you want to check out that story and the rest of Ti


Graeme in News Archive

Featured Story: Levko

Sorry for the lateness of this review (but not too late). I hope you all enjoy this review of Levko by @Mikiesboy Levko mikiesboy Reviewer: Cole Matthews Status: Complete Word Count: 7,166 Short stories can convey as much of a impact as a novel if done well. In fact, sometimes they can even do it better. Think of Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery or Edgar Allan Poe’s A Telltale Heart, gripping tales that are quite brief.  Within the confines of a few words, the writer
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