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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

September Signature Feature: In the Shadow of the Dragon by JamesSavik

Well... if you read this story, it has it all. Action, drama, heroes you love to see be heroic even if they don't see it, villains you love to hate, twists you don't see coming, and so much more. Written a decade or so ago, it hits even recent events in eerie ways, but I think you're all okay to read it. Please enjoy this month's feature, and make sure you leave likes, comments, and reviews!  Length: 80,099 Description: Five Colorado teens face the horrors of nuclear and biologic


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 10 - Sept. 16)

Hey 😀 Hey 😊 Okay I now I have got my Heartstopper Season 2 out of me 😜 It is time for me use the oft not used word of remiss, which I would be guilty of if I didn’t remind y’all, or is it ya’ll, that you have 2 WEEKS TO GET YOUR LEAP OF FAITH ANTHOLOGY ENTRY IN!!! See the directions below. Now that that PSA is done, let’s look at what happened at the GA News Blog this past week Monday, everyone’s favourite day of the week. It was even better to wake up to the Review Tea


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Geek Chic

Geek Chic Now, I have to tell you all...I have always had a real soft spot in my heart for a boy who is a little bit of a geek. Hehehe, always have, always will. I mean, I love intelligence, I love a shy guy, and I love to laugh...so that’s like hitting the jackpot to me. They can just be soooo sweet sometimes, and I think they can be extremely fun to write as well. So have some mercy on me. I think that one of the elements of ‘geek chic’ that has always stood out to me is the fact that


Comicality in Writing Tips

Last Minute Prompts

I am the Queen of Procrastination.  I tend to work best under pressure; sometimes I need a deadline in order to get anything accomplished.  Sometimes I leave things to the last minute because I have no choice.  I have so much on my plate, I need to prioritize what needs to be done first.  Kind of like a triage of my schedule.  I do this at work all the time, since I am the only person currently in my department (not from lack of trying to get more help, but that's a completely different topic).


Valkyrie in Prompts

It's Not too Late!

Thank you to all who have submitted stories for the Leap of Faith anthology so far!  Keep 'em comin'! There's still time to get a story written and sent to the anthology Proof Team.  Remember that stories can have a tangential link to the theme; they don't need to hit us over the head with it.  I will be spending this weekend working on my story   Now get writing! 😁    


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Action/Adventure Genre In Depth

We are starting a new feature to do deeper dives into the most read stories in each sub-genre of our primary genres. Sub-genres of action/adventure tend to focus on actively moving the plot along and less on character and other elements usually in a fun/mystery sort of way.  Typically there is a MacGuffin, a plot object, that the characters are trying to get or prevent others from getting. Sub-genres: Action Fiction, Adventure, Disaster, Martial Arts, Nautical , Spy, Spy-Fi, Super


Myr in Genre Deep Dives

Featured Stories: Inked and Beach Bottles by Carlos Hazaday

Wow! Did you notice the title? Instead of story, it is stories this month  Timothy did two great reviews from Carlos this month. Although Timothy will most likely blatantly deny it, I'm sure this is my birthday present since it is coming up  Enjoy!     Inked by Carlos Hazday Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 9,824 Writing a blog review, which features on 9/11, would tempt me to review Mark Arbor’s CAP story 9/11. But I already did that back in 2017. I


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 03 - Sept. 09)

Did you put away your whites? I boxed up my white jeans, my white joggers, my white cargos, my white shorts, my white undies, my white socks, my white shirts (dress, polo, t, and others), my white sneakers, and white jackets and even my white belt .  Now what am I talking about ? When I was growing up, the saying was you could not wear white after Labour Day. Where that came from, I have no clue. But being the fashionista that I am, I don't do any of it . Sort of a rebel with a cause .


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

David and Goliath

David And Goliath A few weeks back, I briefly mentioned the difference between being more brazen and direct with the content of your stories, and the subtle grace of tenderly sliding it past your audience...along with developing the natural instincts to know which is which. Well, here we are now. This time around we’ll be talking about when it’s best to just be straightforward and bluntly say what you need to say, and when that’s the best plan of action for certain parts of your fiction, whe


Comicality in Writing Tips

Going to the Fair!

We love fairs.  State fairs, county fairs, Renaissance Fairs, little neighborhood fetes, and any other get-togethers that feature foods on a stick, or a turkey bone, deep-fried, that make you a little queasy when you sit on swirling, spinning, acrobatic carnival rides and offer something fleeting and fun.  Fairs offer face painting, the biggest pig, high stepping marching bands, and blinding lights mixed with colors and music that overwhelm.  All these are things that provide a backdrop for an s

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Author Guess Who #16 Reveal!

Alrighty, I gave y'all two weeks to put your guesses in. Did you leave a guess in the interview's comment section? Were you right? Let's find out!  This author... has 59 stories logged. This author... is a Gay Authors admin. This author... is...  Graeme 59 Stories / 1,902,957 Words  Check out these awesome stories they wrote! • • • • • Who got it right? Leave your celebratory comments down below! If you enjoyed this blog game and want to join in on the fun,


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Ask An Author 3.0 #32

I have a list of things I'm great at. You know, for self-motivation purposes. Right at the tippy-top of the paper, in bold letters, "Totally forgetting important things." Silly me, forgot today was the first Wednesday of the month. Good thing my special guest today needs no introduction! Y'all know and love him. Let's see what kind of questions we got for @Headstall! • • • • • Boundaries Headstall 4 Chapters, 16,640 Words,    With this story and others of yours having


astone2292 in Author Interviews

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