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I don't believe in soul mates. I think that people think just about anyone is their soulmate at the time, but really they might not even life the person all that much.

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Pffft, DUH Dumbledore is alive. See what had happened was ole Snapey had a conflict of interests there, and he and Dumbleydore did that reading minds thing so Dumbledore would know to fake his own death when Snape said a different spell from the one he actually cast, thereby making it look like he killed Dumbledore when in fact he didn't. Snape would also be the only person who could get away with this because he's the most skilled legilimens/occlumens we know of so far excluding ole Voldy, and it's hinted that he's better than him at it.


Bam, I win. Oh, and Voldy's gonna die. That ho ain't gonna kill my man, I'll stab her with a toofpick.


Oh and um... I think foot fetishes are weird. No offense, but that's just strange, okay? I can understand appreciating the look of the male body everywhere, I really can. I think seeing a guy who takes care of himself in socks/barefoot has a certain eroticism to it. The same type of eroticism is there when I take a close look at a man's hands and other features. However, that eroticism is definitely lost when someone starts huffing a sock. Ick.

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haha... eh.. Everyone knows Harry Potter will die in the last book... come on now just breathe and prepare yourself for that to happen.



Also, foot fetishes... hmm... don't knock it until you try it... lol... kidding. :blink:



I don't believe in soulmates, love is made and not lucked into. So yes, soulmates are people that you can see yourself spending the rest of your life with and really it doesn't have to be at the romantic level. My friends are my, "soulmates" lol.



Now let's see.. I haven't read too many posts so I don't even know what's gone on? hmm.. (sorry I had to look back to see the rules) I'll do better from now on. 0:)


Let's see if I can give someone something to comment on... lol. I'm a morning person as I wake up early if I go to bed at night. So I woke up at 4 this morning, but there are so many things that annoy me in the morning. Like my neighbors chickens crowing at all hours of the morning. Also, I hate to hear a toilet flush in the morning.. haha. It's just.. "blah."


So yes, the best way to get a comment is to ask a question:


What are your pet peaves?



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Kevin, you're evil. I've retyped this post like three times because I feel guilty leaving the thread without saying something, but I'm so curious I can't not read it. The ratio is already 27:82, so I don't wanna make it worse. ~sigh~ Annoyance...


I don't wake up in the morning unless I have to or I've been sleeping for a long time. Lately I've been going to sleep sometime around five in the afternoon and waking up around one in the morning. It's a nice pattern, I'm liking it. I've been seeing parts of the day I normally don't, lol. The toilet flush thing... see I'm like that, too. So, I don't wanna flush the toilet... but I've been trained from birth that you never, ever, ever don't flush the toilet. But I know it's annoying! Thankfully, I now have my own bathroom so I avoid this terrible problem. :D


My pet peaves? .... someone ASKING me what they are!!!!!!! :P Whiny people that don't want to ever do anything about their problems, people who seek attention in the wrong ways, socially inept people, mean people, weak coffee, tea that's not sweet enough, socks that slip down too far when you walk, backpacks with one strap, textbooks you never use, and people who think they're too good to pick up a quarter that's on the ground. :)


Someone else's turn... oh yeah, I'm gonna go find a pair of non-slippy socks now and make myself presentable, cause I'ma go somewhere later and I wanna get outta here as quickly as humanly possible. :D

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I have so little Harry Potter knowledge I won't even read the posts since I don't get much. Saw the first movie when it was released in DVD. That's about it.


As far as foot fetish goes, it usually goes with body odors; being turned on by smelly feet seems less foreign to me than shoe fetish (being turned on by the sight of shoes). I've long since stopped judging other people's fantasies as weird. There are two categories when it comes to fantasies you don't share: those that make you laugh and those that make you puke. Were people in general more able to enact their fantasies (between consenting adults and all the usual stuff...) there would be less anxiety and tension in the world.


Who's Next? (and no one goes to pee on this concrete block, please)

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Me! Foot fetishes isn't weird but not my type. If someone is turned by someone socks or toes, it's their problem. I don't mind it.


What can I say more? The next person got quite a much to say. Soul mates, shooting stars, Harry Potter and foot fetishes...


By the way, those who are going to come to the 2nd page directly don't know what those who visit this thread have to post! So?



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Lol.. this is terrible. This will only come back and make me look nutty when I'm rambling on about what the last person has wrote, oh, BTW Ieshwar you gave me a lot to work with, thanks. :)


Let's see starting with Harry Potter - I already said that I thought Harry will be the character killed off in the final book, other authors were telling her not to, but I believe she will. if not Harry then Ron. One of the three "soulmates" in the book will die in the end. I actually haven't read the most recently released book... oops.. lol.



Shooting stars... hmm, when I was little I used to watch for them at night.



I'm staying away from the foot fetish topic this time. :P


Some more of my pet peaves is people clapping thier lips when they eat. Eating with their mouth open. I also don't like people who take a bite then take a drink of something right after... shew. Also, brats that won't stay in time-out no matter how much you count to get them back onto the couch.. haha. I believe I count to 5 a billion times a day, BUT, I won't have to do that for the rest of the summer. :)


It needs to rain here the grass is dying and I hate having to water my plants every day... lol. It'll be difficult making the back yard look pretty with yellow grass... Also, my veggies look terrible.. haha. I don't think anything is going to live if it doesn't rain soon. It is peaceful to garden and it's time consuming when I need a break from things.



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Gardening is a nice activity. Gardening at night allows you to wish at shooting stars. But makes using the hoe a bit more difficult, unless you have a magic touch. Not unlike apprentice wizards. (Kevin, you're responsible for this nonsense! :) )

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Gardening is fun. :2thumbs: I'm growing tomatoes and chili peppers right now. I tried growing papaya trees but some of the them died during the cold last winter. Along with that i have a full grown lemon, peach and grapefruit tree but that was already there when we bought the house.


What's growing in your yard?

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Until recently, we were growing lots of dust -- and quite successfully. We recently changed to mud, but it's drying out fast.


We had a magnificent garden when we moved in about 10 years ago. Sadly, a lot of it has died -- we've lost several trees over the years. Because we were both working, we couldn't spend time to water the garden (the previous owners were a retired couple) and now we're not allowed to because of water restrictions. It's the start of winter (1st June was the official start date here in Australia) and we're on heavy water restrictions!


We enjoy the garden, but we're not green thumbs. We get a gardener in once a month to look after the place. Come to think of it, I don't do a lot around the place -- I'm mechanically inept. About the only thing I think I'm competent with is low-pressure plumbing. I set up the rainwater collection system we use. My wife is more adapt than I. She bought me a cordless drill for my birthday one year, and she uses it ten times more than I do.


Am I the only mechanically inept person here?

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I doubt you're the only mechanically inept person here, Graeme; although I wouldn't describe myself that way. I don't really mess with tools all that often, but there's definitely a do-it-yourself streak in me. LOL, I use my cordless drill semi-often :P


I think people need more fiber in their diets!

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I noticed that it's been over two hours since the last post. Surely the novelty of this thread can't be over after only a day???


Diet is a dirty word for me. I need to diet, but I enjoy eating too much. And there are so many foods I like that aren't that healthy. Also, what's healthy for growing boys isn't always healthy for a middle-aged man, and guess who eats the leftovers in our house?


It is an especially dirty word today. I weighed myself this morning and, for the first time, I'm over 120kg. I need to do some more exercise.


What do people recommend as a good exercise for a time-challenged, motivation-challenged middle-aged man? And don't say sex....

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I noticed that it's been over two hours since the last post. Surely the novelty of this thread can't be over after only a day???


Diet is a dirty word for me. I need to diet, but I enjoy eating too much. And there are so many foods I like that aren't that healthy. Also, what's healthy for growing boys isn't always healthy for a middle-aged man, and guess who eats the leftovers in our house?


It is an especially dirty word today. I weighed myself this morning and, for the first time, I'm over 120kg. I need to do some more exercise.


What do people recommend as a good exercise for a time-challenged, motivation-challenged middle-aged man? And don't say sex....



SWIMMING!... lol. It's a great way to bond with your children as well as tiring them out. It's also a low impact way to burn calories, even less impacting than riding a bike which would be a second idea as riding a bike could be relaxing as well... lol. There are too many hills in my area to ride a bike... and I don't trust myself on just two wheels either.


Anyway, I'm a huge, huge, huge fan of independant films. All of my friends think I'm strange because of that little fact, but my favorite movie channel is the.. Independant Film Channel or IFC. I don't watch the twisted characters movies though... I'm not into psychotic rampaging killers though as they normally have accents similar to my neighbors.. haha... (a few personality tweaks as well) - Kidding.. my closest neighbor is a harmless old couple. I only have a fault with the old man because he refuses to come get his chickens off our property even if I do manage to become brave enough to catch one.. lol.


Bleh.. I wasn't going to respond to this, I was only curious, but I do want to be a good girl and try to accomplish the goals of this game. :)



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Guest evilangel

Well as far as Harry Potter goes, the only thing that i like are the movies. Haven't taken the time to actually go ahead and read the books. Probably should do that, but eh. To pose another thought into this thread i would like to ask: what would you do if you were stuck in a place that you didn't want to be but getting out of it would be to hard. Don't know if i stated that correctly. I really need to get some sleep... :boy:

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Guest evilangel

So it seems that i am more tired that i originally thought. AHHH i should have read the correct page, but i guess my previous post is stuck up there forever. soooooo, i am going to bed, hopefully.

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ARGH! I forgot the rules of this thread, and forgot if I enter I must reply. I was just curious.



"Whiny people that don't want to ever do anything about their problems, people who seek attention in the wrong ways, socially inept people, mean people, tea that's not sweet enough, socks that slip down too far when you walk, backpacks with one strap, textbooks you never use, and people who think they're too good to pick up a quarter that's on the ground."



I agree with all of these! haha some of these I thought was just a weird thing that only I would care enough to hate so much. I can't stress how much I hate socially inept people. My roommate falls under this category. Sigh.


I've always wanted to have that whole made-for-tv moment where you have a crush on this really hot, really mysterious, really opinionated guy. He acts like a jerk just to get your attention, and you hate that you like him. Then for some reason you guys are outside and fighting when it starts raining. In the middle of fighting, just when you think you're going to snap, you starting yelling at him when he kisses you. Dorky, but I think that's really cute. lol

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Hey, I take offense to the socially inept comments! I avoid socialising just because I know I'll say something stupid, if I say anything at all. When I say nothing I get the spotlight from someone who is curious as to why I am so quiet.



Wow, I just twitched... that was weird. The last time I twitched was when I was studying for ten hours straight for my engineering final...

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SWIMMING!... lol. It's a great way to bond with your children as well as tiring them out. It's also a low impact way to burn calories, even less impacting than riding a bike which would be a second idea as riding a bike could be relaxing as well... lol. There are too many hills in my area to ride a bike... and I don't trust myself on just two wheels either.

If only I didn't hate swimming. Playing in the swimming pool is fun, but swimming laps is boring. It's also Winter now, so I'd have to find an indoor heated pool. There's one about thirty minutes from here, which means adding an hour to any exercise time.... Does it sound like I'm trying to come up with excuses not to exercise? If not, I need to work harder....


ARGH! I forgot the rules of this thread, and forgot if I enter I must reply. I was just curious.

It's a trap :D I'm also curious about what people are posting, but that means I've got to post again....


I can't stress how much I hate socially inept people.


Hey, I take offense to the socially inept comments! I avoid socialising just because I know I'll say something stupid, if I say anything at all. When I say nothing I get the spotlight from someone who is curious as to why I am so quiet.

I used to be socially inept, so I appreciate what you're saying, Robbie. It's mainly because I'm largely introverted unless I'm in a comfortable environment. I also went to an all-boys school, was the nerd of the school, up to two years younger than everyone else in my class, and just generally didn't fit in. The age thing was the biggest factor -- I was bright, but less mature, and that didn't help. That meant I didn't get a decent chance to learn social skills.


I didn't really start to get socialised until I was in my mid to late twenties (you can thank my wife for that -- that's when I met her). I was told that early on in my second job they seriously considered getting rid of me -- I was too smart and was rubbing everyone's nose in the fact. I've learnt a bit of tact since then... at least I hope so.


Is there anyone else here who is introverted enough to be considered socially inept, or at least socially unskilled?

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I'm not too introverted. Being functional in a group depends also on the group. And your mood, too. I've always managed fairly well in socializing, though sometimes I do feel out of place. OK, I did my duty and posted something after coming curiously to see what had been added to the thread.

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I was really introveted and timid a few years ago. But soon, I gain confidence. Ok, when meeting new people, I'm not really at ease. But otherwise, it's okay. I can talk and converse. I know what to say and when. That's it, I think. What should I say more?


Should I add something? Ok, I got one? Would you like to re-name yourself? I mean, to change your name? If yes, which name would you like?


I really like my name- Suraj! I find it cool. It means Sun. Ok, I can say a lot on me and my name but don't want to bore you.



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Hmm.. I'm too extroverted for my own good really... lol.



A name that I would like to rename myself hmm... I love the names Cassidy and Scarlett or I'd rather just use Krista instead of Christina.. lol.




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Rawr... I think this goal is a lost cause, but for some reason I would hate to see it completely overlooked and since it's been a few hours I'll try to come up with a few ideas to keep this thingy going and hopefully get a few "wrong doers" who don't post after viewing to participate before the goal is completely a lost cause. :)



Lol, so yes, the names people would like to be changed to is a good one actually. I think there are a lot of hot names out there, but we really have no power over what we're named.. lol. It's not like we come out with it tatooed on our ass or anything. :P I would never legally name myself Krista though as it would be difficult for me to just drop Christina after I've carried it for going on 22 years of my life. :)



Anyway, so maybe doing a short round-robin story could entice some people into posting more? Just a thought. I'll not start it as I don't know if it's a good idea.. lol. With a one paragraph maximum or 10 lines of dialogue. :P




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I'm perfectly happy with my name. And, yes, Graeme is my real name. One name I really like is Justin, though not for me. I knew a Justin in a previous job and he was a really nice guy, plus I've read a couple of good stories with a lead character called Justin. For some reason, it's the name that first springs to mind when I'm thinking about <censored>.


That's an interesting idea, Krista! Let's see if I can start. Since I didn't know about this until I read the thread, this is going to be rough.


The auburn-haired young man stood at the station, watching a train depart. It had brought him part of the way towards his destination, but no further. The rest was up to him. After a heavy sigh, he flung the backpack over his shoulders and picked up the suitcase with the initials JTC. He had a long walk ahead of him, with an uncertain future at the end.
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The auburn-haired young man stood at the station, watching a train depart. It had brought him part of the way towards his destination, but no further. The rest was up to him. After a heavy sigh, he flung the backpack over his shoulders and picked up the suitcase with the initials JTC. He had a long walk ahead of him, with an uncertain future at the end.


Let's see here,



There had been a recent rain storm the birds just beginning to sing and stir again. His sneakers were sinking slightly in the mud as he continued his slow walk towards the small town. The world around him was cast in a sunless foggy haze in the early afternoon. It was cool out and no one was stirring around him reminding him just how lonely this trek could be.




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The auburn-haired young man stood at the station, watching a train depart. It had brought him part of the way towards his destination, but no further. The rest was up to him. After a heavy sigh, he flung the backpack over his shoulders and picked up the suitcase with the initials JTC. He had a long walk ahead of him, with an uncertain future at the end.
There had been a recent rain storm the birds just beginning to sing and stir again. His sneakers were sinking slightly in the mud as he continued his slow walk towards the small town. The world around him was cast in a sunless foggy haze in the early afternoon. It was cool out and no one was stirring around him reminding him just how lonely this trek could be.
The young man started to rehearse what he was going to say. "Hi, I'm Justin." He shook his head. "Mr. Leiberman? You don't know me, but my mother told me you're my father. My name is Justin." Justin pulled a face. That sound so fake that he thought he would be lucky not to have the door slammed in his face. "Mr. Leiberman. I believe you used to know my mother, Mary Coulson." Justin gave a wry smile. It wasn't good, but it was the best opening line he could think of.
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