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Irrational Fears, what are yours?

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Hmmmm.... my biggest fear is having another episode of grand maul seizures and this time not coming out of them (stasis seizure is what I think its called).


There's nothing scarier then being lost in your own mind able to see the world, but unable to interact with it. Or to be locked in your mind.



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I don't know if its irrational if it has happened before.


My old school sat on the front of a large track of woodland. They had paths marked for different distances from 1/2 to 5 miles. It was great for our cross country runners and those of us playing other sports were expected to run too.


One day after a smart remark I was asked to run the 2 mile track.


When I was coming around the back side, tired and winded, I ran right into an ambush. Four big rednecks that I had had run ins off and on for a couple of years were waiting for and we were a mile away from any teachers or coaches to break it up.


It was an ugly fight. It lasted more than a half hour. I was bound and determined not to go down but when I would hurt one of them, the others just traded off. There was just too damn many of them.


I ended it by picking up a pine log braining one of them and breaking it over another one. They were shocked that I'd take it that far and then I ran like hell to get away.


After it was over, all of us looked like we had been in a war. There was blood in my urine for a few days.


It's a nightmare I have from time to time. Sometimes I'll wake up in a cold sweat. Sometimes I fight in my sleep.


They asked me why I couldn't get along with people and couldn't understand why I'd give them the finger as an answer.

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  • 1 month later...


My most irrational fear though is being mistakenly pronounced dead and waking up buried in a coffin, for this reason my family knows that I am to be cremated when I die.



This is my number one fear! I have recurring nightmares about it.


Others are:


How I die - Dying doesn't scare me, its the way that I will die that does (eg. drowning, falling from a great height, suffocation, etc).


Clowns - I saw Stephen King's It when I was about 4/5 years old and they've scared the hell out me since. I once elbowed a clown in the family jewels because he snuck up on me at Chessington World of Adventures.


Heights - I can't even stand on the couch without getting dizzy.


Moths - I love butterflies but moths give me the heebie jeebies.


Spiders - I scream like a girl when I see one. Even money spiders.


Something hiding under my bed or in my wardrobe. I still check them before bed :*)


Losing a sense - I sometimes wake up at night and worry that I've gone blind.


The Dark - Not so much the dark itself, more what's in the dark that I can't see.



I am such a wuss! The scary thing is I can probably think of a few more

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Bees: I can't stand bees, I will go 20 miles out of my way to avoid them.


Bridges: I can't stand walking out onto the middle of a bridge, or an overpass, or anything similar. It's not a problem with heights, per say, I'm fine with airplanes and buildings and the like. It's bridges, overpasses, and the like that make my skin crawl. I am convinced it's going to fall out from under me.

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  • 2 months later...

The idea of cutting wrists freaks me out (though it isn't as bad as it used to be).

I have a slight fear of crowds. I'm not really the social type.



Erm... 'it isn't as bad as it used to be?'


I am utterly and rabidly claustrophobic. I can't even read about it or watch it on TV... eg caving, being stuck in a lift, buried alive etc. When I am in a confined space or a crowd I always have to be able to see my way out and have a clear path to the exit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

you say that you fear being burried alove and waking up in your coffin. Can't happen. Before they burry you unless they do so within 24 hours of your death, you have to be embalmed. If you are not dead at the time, then you will be once the fluid gets into your sustem almost immediately. they can not transport your body out of state without embalming it. Usually they can not even creamate it unless it is embalmed. It is a health hazzard.


Do what you want with your body after you are dead, but your fears are the stuff that stories are made of and not the suff of real life. However, nice story plot line. take care.


Louisiana Writer.


It is really hard to take your posts seriously when you can't spell: buried, alive, cremated, etc. Most lawyers and authors know to capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence.

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I hate riding up ski mountains in gondolas. Just the fact that its so small and cramped and you're so high up freaks me out. I used to outright refuse to get in one, but I eventually just sucked it up and rode in one. But I still avoid them as much as I can.

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  • Site Administrator

Umm, justified phobia: people...I hate to be touched, surrounded or talked to by people I don't know....


Unjustified phobia: stuff under the bed...I have a waterbed, there is no under the bed, but I still won't reach my hand down to the floor in the dark, lol.....

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Ok so this may sound a little odd coming from a gay man and I don't mean to offend anyone but... drag queens scare me. They're ok from a distance but up close they make me jumpy. Probably doesn't help that I got hit on by one recently at a gay bar... though in hindsight he may have been deliberately trying to freak me out coz I'm almost never picked as gay without telling someone and I was with a female friend. So yeah.. not sure if it's the makeup or the hair but I find them really intimidating for some reason.

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That's interesting. I wonder if it is linked with the fear of clowns... I mean in that the person is kind of 'behind a mask' Perhaps both fears are, in fact a fear of things that are other than what they seem... which when you get down to it isn't that irrational a fear at all.

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Well my top 3 would be:


1) Snakes- I get nightmares if I even see one in a magazine or on TV.


2) Water in my neck- I hate that and totally freak.


3) If someone invades my personal bubble- I go totally nuts if someone starts to touch me or even gets too close if I don't REALLY know them.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i have a fear of chalk. luckily my school has replaced most of the chalk boards with white boards but theres this one class that the teacher made students come up to the chalk board and do problems WITH CHALK! i hated that class and always sat in the back and kept to myself. chalk freaks me out

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1.) Low Heights - I can stand on a roof just fine, but put me on any type of ladder or stairs with no railings (or worse, stairs you can see through) and my legs shake.


2.) The scream mask - don't know why, but it really gives me the heeby jeebys.


3.) Ants - most other bugs are fine if i can see them, but ants really piss me off (i once fell asleep at the bus stop in Florida and woke to fire ants crawling all over my legs - ARGH)


4.) walking to my car alone at night - i can walk through central park by myself at night with barely a blink - but add a car into the element and i get shaky


5.) getting to the end of a brand new chapter of something i love (DOM, DAN, etc.) and knowing there isn't another chapter and i will have to wait - TRULY debilitating!

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4.) walking to my car alone at night - i can walk through central park by myself at night with barely a blink - but add a car into the element and i get shaky

I freak out getting out of my car at night and walking away from it. Sometimes i sit in it while it's parked for a while before I work up the courage.

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