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[DomLuka] What does Jude see in Quinn?

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I was reading the favorite lines and started wondering what Jude saw in Quinn. There was the obvious initial physical attraction, but is that all there is? Is Jude still caught in the endorphin rush of possibly getting a hot guy in bed, or does he see something in Quinn that Dom hasn't told us (or maybe doesn't know)?


I firmly believe that Quinn's OCD is a direct result of being in the closet. Quinn is totally out to Taylor and he let Taylor use his locker. He never would have let Brad or Marissa use it redardless of how close they were, and Taylor isn't really what Quinn considers a friend (although he is). I suspect once Quinn is out, the neurotic, obsessive kid will become the person that Jude sees.


Bah, just rambling


:king: Snow Dog the Domaholic Danderthal

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Jude see's Quinn as the person he really is, not just the crazy mixed up kid he is right now. Jude has gotten to know Quinn in a way no one else has. He also understands Quinn and what he is dealing with. Of course there is the obvious physical attraction, but I think it has gone beyond that and now he really cares about Quinn.



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Jude see's Quinn as the person he really is, not just the crazy mixed up kid he is right now. Jude has gotten to know Quinn in a way no one else has. He also understands Quinn and what he is dealing with. Of course there is the obvious physical attraction, but I think it has gone beyond that and now he really cares about Quinn.



Yea, but what is it? Even Dom hasn't really shown us that part of Quinn. Even several of the readers can hardly stand Quinn. It has to be more than feeling sorry for a hot looking guy, I don't think Jude is that shallow.


:king: Snow Dog the Domaholic Danderthal

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I think Jude sees a lot of Jude in Quinn. Although Dom hasn't given us much background on Jude, I'm betting that he went through a lot of the same confusion that Quinn's dealing with now. Even with the attraction factor, he wants to somehow make things easier for Quinn than they were for himself. Every time he tells Quinn 'There's nothing wrong with you' he's reminding himself of the same sentiment.



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What does Jude see in Quinn?


Yea, but what is it?


Over these last several months (days in story time), Jude has seen aspects of Quinn's personality that he finds attractive, not just physical attraction.


- Jude thought it was so 'cute' how Quinn was being polite when he first came up to talk to Trina.

- Jude saw how Quinn was a good sport and played that crazy football game with taylor and boys

- Jude thinks the whole cleanliness thing is cute too

- Jude likes how Quinn cares about Jude (by always putting out his cigarettes)


There are all kinds of things that Jude finds attractive in Quinn, including the physical attraction.


Jude certainly is doing the right thing by spending time with Quinn and getting to know him better. As we have seen as the story progresses, Jude finds more and more to like about Quinn. And remember, they have only gotten to about 2nd base, it's not like they are on the verge of marriage ( :off: unlike Rory and Luke).



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I firmly believe that Quinn's OCD is a direct result of being in the closet.  Quinn is totally out to Taylor and he let Taylor use his locker.  He never would have let Brad or Marissa use it redardless of how close they were, and Taylor isn't really what Quinn considers a friend (although he is).  I suspect once Quinn is out, the neurotic, obsessive kid will become the person that Jude sees.


I agree with this completely. Quinn's OCD helps him to keep himself structured and handle life 'normally'. It prevents him from dealing with any 'odd' feelings and emotions. As he becomes more comfortable with himself and his sexuality, the OCD will lessen. He won't have the need to keep everything so 'buttoned up'.




PS. How's that for psyco-babble?

Wow, somebody agrees with me :D:music:


:king: Snow Dog the Domaholic Danderthal

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I definitely would agree that Judd is more of a catch than Quinn, but Quinn isn't really so bad either. I mean he does seem to be a fairly nice person, reasonably intelligent, polite etc. Plus as Judd pointed out he's "real". He isn't really shallow or superficial. Besides in answering the question "what does Judd see in Quinn?" Another obvious question springs to mind "what does anyone see in anyone else?" I mean everyone's got their own flaws and good points. When choosing someone, rather for friendship or something more, you basically are guided by your instincts. There's just something about this person that you like. I think it's as simple as that. Judd like's SOMETHING about Quinn, and remember we're getting everything from Quinn's point of view. It's easy to see all the things Judd's got going for him, because Quinn keeps pointing them out. Perhaps if we were in Judd's head he'd be making little remarks about nice qualities Quinn has. (I still think Judd's a hotter and a better catch though)

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I've been thinking about this question, and it made me think what do I see in Quinn. Personally, as much as you can be attracted to some one through reading a fictional story 0:) , I am more attracted to Quinn than to Jude. I know that lots of you (judging by past comments) are more attracted to Jude, but I don't see it that way.


I think part of the reason for my attraction to Quinn could come from knowing him in much more detail than Jude, due to the story being told from Quinn's viewpoint with Quinn's feelings and thoughts. But at the same time, he is quite clearly (to me at least) a good person at heart, who can be kind and thoughtful, although he is often misguided and misled by his struggle with his sexuality.


I think that Jude can see this same quality about Quinn, and that has led to his mental and emotional attraction to Quinn, beyond the purely physical attraction.


At the same time, I think that a lot of attraction cannot be explained away, meaning there's no one, single, complete answer to the question! I know I find it hard to explain exactly why I find someone attractive. I just do.




Edited by fatboyfat
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I definitely would agree that Judd is more of a catch than Quinn, but Quinn isn't really so bad either.  I mean he does seem to be a fairly nice person, reasonably intelligent, polite etc.  Plus as Judd pointed out he's "real".  He isn't really shallow or superficial.  Besides in answering the question "what does Judd see in Quinn?"  Another obvious question springs to mind "what does anyone see in anyone else?"  I mean everyone's got their own flaws and good points.  When choosing someone, rather for friendship or something more, you basically are guided by your instincts.  There's just something about this person that you like.  I think it's as simple as that.  Judd like's SOMETHING about Quinn, and remember we're getting everything from Quinn's point of view.  It's easy to see all the things Judd's got going for him, because Quinn keeps pointing them out.  Perhaps if we were in Judd's head he'd be making little remarks about nice qualities Quinn has.  (I still think Judd's a hotter and a better catch though)



I'm with you 100%, FriendlyFace. It's all instinct at this point. Call it chemistry, call it whatever. Each of them "feels" good when around the other. It doen't need to be more complicated than that. They both have enough reasons, certainly Jude has, for writing the other off - but they haven't. They both make the time to understand the other. Why? Because they want to. They like the feeling and are willing to make allowances.


Besides, Betty designed things this way. Can you imagine people entering the initial stages of a relationship with just a checklist of personality traits and acceptable behaviours? Wouldn't work. No, we get all goo-goo, ga-ga for certain people - good judgement often gets suspended. Fortunately, though, that's just a 3 to 6 month thing - reality eventually sets in and we start noticing things that were there all the time. That's really when the relationship is tested. But without that initial all consuming "I'd die for you" stage, not many would make it. Some people spend a lifetime trying to hang on to the feeling - it's just that good - of course, few people actually achieve that, if any. I haven't been able to.


I'm really enjoying their relationship immensely. I loved it when Quinn, much earlier in the story and still in denial, said something like - I would be dealing with all this much better if only Jude would stop kissing me. So cute! :wub:



Conner :boy:

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I've been thinking about this question, and it made me think what do I see in Quinn. Personally, as much as you can be attracted to some one through reading a fictional story 0:) , I am more attracted to Quinn than to Jude. I know that lots of you (judging by past comments) are more attracted to Jude, but I don't see it that way.







Neil - you and JC (JoleChristopher) are going to get along just fine. Of course, JC does want Quinn for himself. :P



Conner :boy:

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haha, yeah. I agree. But part of me can't help but wonder what there is EXACTLY about Quinn that Jude feels is worth hanging around for. Yeah, maybe Jude doesn't exactly have much going on for him, but it feels like his entire relationship with Quinn has been all work.


I also can't help but think that the only reason the story has gotten anywhere is because he thought Quinn was cute. Luckily, Dom doesn't write unattractive characters often, otherwise this story may have been over for quite sometime.

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Just curious, are we not being a tad over the top calling Quinn OCD? I mean, sure he likes things tidy, but is that not just a little neurotic rather than a rather serious medical condition?


I think Dr. dkstories was the first to officially diagnose Quinn with OCD.


'You down with OCD? Yeah you know me!'

'Who's down with OCD? Every last Homie!'

-Naughty by Nature

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Well, I'm thinking that as much "drama" as Quinn has in his life and with dealing with his own self acceptance, Jude likes that Quinn is "real" as he stated in the story. Drama... yes, but also honesty, like when Quinn said, "Yeah, but the problem is that when I

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As I recall, in Superman, Death Valley property was supposed to become highly valuable


:king: Snow Dog the Domaholic Danderthal

(Free the Tree)

LOL I became highly valuable, too, but not for him.


Kitty 3.gif


Kitty...I know this is off topic as to why Jude likes Quinn (Viv expressed it so well, so no need to add to it)


but I have to say it: "You Go, Girl!!"



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