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Do newbies not read Dom Luka?


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Well, I just posted the topic of 'Missing Authors' and then this topic popped up. DomLuka was one author I mentioned in it. At least I have somewhat of an answer... No one appears to know.


Yes, folks, I used to be what you call 'a lurker' but I suppose since I've registered, I am now a 'newbie'. DomLuka stories are one of the first that I read when coming to the site and I have seriously been wanting a fix since I've finished the posted stories. Is what is posted the extent of the body of work? or is there more on another site somewhere?

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I was actually led here by another of our hosted authors who disappeared Ghostryder15.




I still haven't red anything of Dom's yet either **ducks from the heavy objects thrown by the outraged Domaholics**

I haven't read anything of Dom either, maybe it's time for that now :) Edited by slytherin
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I read, but i don't tend to forum comment on a story which is "dead" if you will. from what i've seen so far, story forums are active while the story is being posted, but not afterwards (though people still leave reviews).

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Well, I just posted the topic of 'Missing Authors' and then this topic popped up. DomLuka was one author I mentioned in it. At least I have somewhat of an answer... No one appears to know.


Yes, folks, I used to be what you call 'a lurker' but I suppose since I've registered, I am now a 'newbie'. DomLuka stories are one of the first that I read when coming to the site and I have seriously been wanting a fix since I've finished the posted stories. Is what is posted the extent of the body of work? or is there more on another site somewhere?


Hi Ron - what is posted here is everything that we're aware Dom has written and released.  I, like you, wish he'd come back as in my opinion, he is one of the best authors out there.  I'm not sure what happened - he's taken long breaks before so he may or may not come back.  I know that's not helpful but unfortunately realistic.

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Hi Ron - what is posted here is everything that we're aware Dom has written and released.  I, like you, wish he'd come back as in my opinion, he is one of the best authors out there.  I'm not sure what happened - he's taken long breaks before so he may or may not come back.  I know that's not helpful but unfortunately realistic.


Not only that, but Dom is/was a really nice guy.  But the stories he has posted here are some of the best around, and they're the reason I ended up here at GA.  I highly recommend that any of you who haven't read his stories, take a break and do so.  My personal favorite is The Ordinary Us, because I love his quirky characters, but the others are great as well. 

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B) .................... I personally liked the "Other Side of Me', it was different and a mystery, shrouded with more questions then answers. The unraveling of this story at the end still left me a bit speechless!

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I barely know who that is.


Check yourself Bang, before the Domaholics get their pitchforks. 


Maybe it is time for some Desert Dropping, I've not read it in years...

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And just how much can we read at one time?


 With the number of fantastic authors here and the amount of currently being posted great fiction that is tossed at us on a daily basis on the list to the left at sign in, you have to give us newbies a chance!


 We keep up with what our favorites are writing, catch new things in between from the latest updates list, and then, if time and our already overworked eyes allow, we start on the long long list of the other great authors around here.


Some of us even get caught up in the mystique and start writing ourselves, or as in cases like mine, begin editing to help support an author.


 God knows I am insecure enough about posting prompt responses, you people who put your thoughts and emotions to paper deserve all the love and support you can get!

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And just how much can we read at one time?


 With the number of fantastic authors here and the amount of currently being posted great fiction that is tossed at us on a daily basis on the list to the left at sign in, you have to give us newbies a chance!


 We keep up with what our favorites are writing, catch new things in between from the latest updates list, and then, if time and our already overworked eyes allow, we start on the long long list of the other great authors around here.


Some of us even get caught up in the mystique and start writing ourselves, or as in cases like mine, begin editing to help support an author.


 God knows I am insecure enough about posting prompt responses, you people who put your thoughts and emotions to paper deserve all the love and support you can get!


That's a good point, but think of Dom as one of the classics.   The GA equivalent of Ernest Hemingway or *insert your favorite literary giant*.   He's worth taking the time to read.  

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Total noob here - really want to read som Domluka, I hear he's really good...  Here comes the stoopid noob question:
Can I download his stuff as a complete work, rather than having to view it a chapter at a time?

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Yes - when you are in GA.Stories on the main story page (title at top, details, description, list of all of the chapters), right next to the author's name (and immediately below the story title), is a picture of a printer.  Click on the printer and you get the story as one long document.  This version is great to use, especially if you are about to lose internet connection (ie, boarding a plane).  A downside is for those that like leaving reviews/comments on chapters, you then have to go back to the chapter to do so.


Hope this helps

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Again- I need more likes per day!  Thanks Treb. I like to read in the car on long trips since my hubby's idea of conversation sounds like a conversation with Tim Allen at times. With the Nook that's great if i can tag a wifi when I need to load another chapter. Can't wait to try loading the story the way you suggested. Hope it works with the nook too!

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Haven't used a nook - can they also take a pdf?  If so, do the above on a computer, then pdf the file (easy if you're on a mac - on a pc, there are free versions of pdf writers, like cutepdf).  Then email the pdf to yourself (or however you transfer stuff to the nook

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lol  Its way easier than that - you tag the nook to the computer thru a usb port and save it there like an external drive.  You can bet i will be doing that before our next long drive!  And i am now half way through my first Dom Luka story. Everyone has been right so far. I wouldn't call him my favorite but he ranks in the top 5 - right behind Mark and Tucker, and Mann.


Now - all I need is more time to read and my new glasses!

Edited by Kitt
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Dom and his stories were the one that brought to GA. Although I was a lurker at that time, I did love his stories. Yeah. I was mostly a lurker up until last year. I'm one of those creepy blokes you randomly likes your story, hiding in the shadow of a laptop.


I wish Dom Luka would return. :-(

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Yes - when you are in GA.Stories on the main story page (title at top, details, description, list of all of the chapters), right next to the author's name (and immediately below the story title), is a picture of a printer.  Click on the printer and you get the story as one long document.  This version is great to use, especially if you are about to lose internet connection (ie, boarding a plane).  A downside is for those that like leaving reviews/comments on chapters, you then have to go back to the chapter to do so.


Hope this helps



Haven't used a nook - can they also take a pdf?  If so, do the above on a computer, then pdf the file (easy if you're on a mac - on a pc, there are free versions of pdf writers, like cutepdf).  Then email the pdf to yourself (or however you transfer stuff to the nook


You just made my life so much easier.  THANK YOU!   :thankyou: Why don't we have a "Love It!" option because that's what I would vote for the above guidance and DomLuka's stories  :lmao: .

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I agree with Kitt about the overworked eyes. I read a lot and I was lucky to read Dom's stories as one of my first 'finds' here on GA. But seriously I have sometimes read for hours some days after discovering new authors. It's summer here and between the air conditioning and the reading, my eyes feel like two wet holes in a blanket when I go to bed some nights. Do I regret it, not one bit. Although I could do without the red and scratchy eyeballs.

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Funnily enough, I've been re-reading DomLuka's work lately. I'm about half the way through 'Desert Dropping'. Like someone else mentioned, (too lazy to scroll up and find it) 'The Long Way' has to be my fave. 

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I agree with Kitt about the overworked eyes. I read a lot and I was lucky to read Dom's stories as one of my first 'finds' here on GA. But seriously I have sometimes read for hours some days after discovering new authors. It's summer here and between the air conditioning and the reading, my eyes feel like two wet holes in a blanket when I go to bed some nights. Do I regret it, not one bit. Although I could do without the red and scratchy eyeballs.

Allergy relieve eye drops dear. They help!

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Well as a newbie(kind of, been lurking around for a couple years now), and I loved his work. I'm just not courageous enough to engage in discussion I guess. I'm more of a awe and admiration person.

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"Desert Droppings" was what brought me to GA. I've been addicted to his stories ever since.


I'm another one who wishes he would write some more of his wonderful stories.

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Well as a newbie(kind of, been lurking around for a couple years now), and I loved his work. I'm just not courageous enough to engage in discussion I guess. I'm more of a awe and admiration person.


As a writer and author, no less, I find your 'confession' hard to believe. But I do believe that you've just engaged in the discussion at hand. A lack of courage therefore, is highly doubtful.

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