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What do you do when you're feeling depressed, or stressed?


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There are a few things that I have managed to find that effectively work to help me manage, and cope with my stress. 



2.Working out




Actually, music mostly. It's pretty much my best outlet. This video in particular has always helped me feel better. So I thought I'd share it, and maybe y'all can share your methods as well. 




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Music and writing are two of my choices as well, but the big thing that never seems to fail is grabbing my camera and heading to the woods, the quiet walk, the beauty of nature, it helps me ground myself, find my center and put things into perspective.

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Music and writing are two of my choices as well, but the big thing that never seems to fail is grabbing my camera and heading to the woods, the quiet walk, the beauty of nature, it helps me ground myself, find my center and put things into perspective.


Actually, I agree. I love going into the park and taking photos... Especially during the winter months. It's an interesting vibe seeing everything look so empty. Good one!

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Music and writing are great.  I love to listen to music and also play my electric keyboard.  But when I am really  down, I either take my little dog for a walk or just sit on the deck with her in my lap.  She loves me regardless :)     Love the song!

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Music. Great Music.

And then, sleep.

I listen to music a lot. Whenever I get stressed out, I play some powerful, soulful stuff. That usually works.

If I'm really really stressed, I could watch a movie and then put myself to sleep.

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When I'm stressed vigorous exercise is best - gets rid of all the stress hormones.

The other things - music etc - help stop me getting stressed in the first place :)

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Mostly music. I'll also immerse myself in a new book while listening to music, and that will usually help me distance myself enough to rationally analyze things/feel better.

Edited by Foopy
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Music is the great 'equilizer' for me...always improves my mood or augments depending on how I feel...used to have a roommate in college who told me he knew whether or not it was 'safe' to enter the room depending on what type of music was coming from behind the door...this was long before I knew about or acknowledged my depression...apparently without even being conscious of it I would play certain types of music when I was depressed and he would recognize those and stay away...


I still use music, though now I'm more aware so I know what will brighten my mood...


my other great stress reliever (no surprise to anyone whose read my stories) is horseback riding...my friends and I always refer to our trail rides as 'equine therapy'.

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B) .........Eat less, sleep more, and not worry about my problems as I sleep. I fantasize instead and sleep overcomes me. I purposely do to the latter to escape my problems but get a good nights sleep during the night. I have recently brought my weight back up from where it was at 160 and where I went down to 110 back up to 140.

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Video games! Sometimes; just games in general, really. Usually better to simply chat and laugh with someone--even if it's talk of nothing, it just blows the foul feelings far the heck away. Music actually makes it worse--hell, it birthed it, at times. I need cheerier music...


Can't listen to yours as I'm on my phone and YouTube isn't being very nice.

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Stressssss.....it stresses me out.   I don't always think about it when it happens.  Sometimes I'm too busy working on whatever is causing it to pay attention.  By the time I start thinking about it the problem is pretty much fixed.  There's still some stress hanging on though, so I usually eat something, then go relax by myself and reflect on stuff.  I like a quiet place for that.  I might decide to go for a walk instead, most the time by the river where I can be alone with my thoughts.


Too many things going on, too much noise, too many things trying to get my attention can cause some stress, and make it difficult to deal with the thing that needs my attention most.  When I can get rid of all the distractions then it's possible to deal with stress in a more positive way.  I can cover it over with music or conversation or games or anything else, but that only works for a while, and the problem is still there waiting for me.  A little stress gives me more motivation to do what needs done, so jumping in head first is my best answer to stress.  It's a little bit like tension, you know, when your totally ready for something physical, and you need to do something about it, so you either go to your room and shut the door, or head for the shower, but that's another topic, and I'm not going to start it..... :whistle:

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The presense of water has always helped soothe me. Fortunately for me theres an abundance nearby whether its the Gulf or any of the many lakes and other bodies of water. Just the sound of it splashing is often enough to calm my soul. Best is a bright moonlit night at the beach with low tide away from light pollution.


Now to point out doing so isnt exactly safe. If something were to happen to me out there I probably won't be found any time soon.

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The presense of water has always helped soothe me. Fortunately for me theres an abundance nearby whether its the Gulf or any of the many lakes and other bodies of water. Just the sound of it splashing is often enough to calm my soul. Best is a bright moonlit night at the beach with low tide away from light pollution.


Now to point out doing so isnt exactly safe. If something were to happen to me out there I probably won't be found any time soon.


The sound of water splashing reminds me that I need to pee. Haha. 


Water also has a calming effect on me. That's why I stay in the tub for at least an hour or so. I nearly drowned one time cause I slept in the tub for two hours.


And swimming in a body of water is amazing too. The moonlight reflecting the sea at night is so relaxing. The coast guard thought my best friend and I were dry humping cause we were having so much trying to drown each other cause no one was around.

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When I'm stressed, which doesn't happen very often but when it does it's almost always school-related, I go on a hike (4 to 6 hours) or a long walk (my favorite walk is 15 miles round trip). I feel a lot better when I get home.


Colin B)

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  • 4 weeks later...



Go out for a bicycle ride


Just watch the world go by



Now, shutting up my mind isn't easy. [Meditation is the most difficult of the ones I mention above.] Breaking my rumination cycles is always hard and meditation (or focused relaxation) is the only way that works for any length of time.

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Depressed = watch skateboarders. and i don't mean fails. i find the noise soothing, the movement fluid. there's just something about it.


Stressed = shout, scream, sing loudly in the car to meatloaf. ride the horse, walk the dog. spend time in the greenest part of the world knowing i'm damn better than any of those fools who make you feel rubbish.

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Depressed = I watched "the Lord of the ring"-trilogy extended version (13 hours) last spring when I was a bit down. It helped.. :)


Stressed = Long walk in a forrest staring at trees, that calms me down. Sex is good too :P (not in the forrest ;) )

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when I get stressed or just get the feeling that I need to take a breather from a project I kill things! no worries, they are always inside my computer screen. I have a colection of old stratagy games I play.

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