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19 yo to lose his virginity in public as "performance art"


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If it isn't her decision, what else would be it?  No one is forcing her to lose it in front of 'art critics'.  It's still her body, her decision. As for art ... I don't think the guy's stunt is art.  I won't call her stunt art either.

I think you misunderstood my "his decision" comment.  It is my opinion that the decision here was if he should save the act for an intimate and loving thing with his intended partner, or to do this in public for the shock value and call it art.  The idea of non-consensual sex never even entered my mind in association with this discussion.


And I happen to agree with you - but then, like I said, I am an old straight lady and think that sex is always better when love is involved, or at the very least some level of caring for your partner!

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Perhaps he'll find a dark canvas to cum on when he finishes and hold it up as abstract art. It's a reflection of the artists perception of the world as a messy chaotic place yet so full of life.

What a brilliant idea! It could get featured in an art museum and auctioned off for $10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 


Oh my dears, that is just sooo last century :lol::rofl:




Paysage fautif [Faulty Landscape], Marcel Duchamp - 1946

(seminal fluid on Astralon, backed with black satin. Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Japan)



True enough, o green one, but Warhol employed mass production technologies not available to the Old Masters. For the Old Masters, the physical labor required to produce the work and the development of the students' virtuosity had a symbiotic effect, bolstering a community of art. A grunt pulling silk screens or developing photographic prints who's never met the artist (designer) is on another level to my mind. But philosophically, I have trouble even conceiving of photography as art, because there's so much technology between the artist and his work. Even more so now with digital technology. Everything is duplicable to a degree of detail not possible before.


The same goes for music now.


I still hold that the greatest art is that produced by an individual or group of individuals who are hands-on, involved from get to go, expressing not just novelty, but mastery, and making something truly unique. For musicians, the ultimate is a live performance, never to be equaled. At the risk of contradicting myself earlier, maybe that does make this boy's deflowering a work of art.


Interesting stuff, rustle :) But is art about the creative idea? Or is it about the realisation? Or must it be both? And need the creative idea and realisation belong to the same people? And does art cease to be art because of the use of technology? Does it degrade art because it makes the creative effort easier? Or because it makes new things possible that couldn't be done before and those new things are therefore not art? And is art about the creator and the creative effort, or is it about the audience and their response? So, if there's no audience there's no art? If the audience says it's not art then it's not?


Music is a good example. Today the score exists on a printed page, but in earlier days it was manuscript. The art isn't in the score - although that can be beautiful - but in its interpretation and realisation by others, the musicians and maybe a conductor. And the sound made by the instruments is a product of technology - a piano key struck by Murray Perahia or a 5 year old at the same velocity will sound exactly the same. So is the art in the composer's mind, the printed score, the technology of instrument mass manufacture, the musicians, the composer, or the audience? Or all of the above :P And I haven't even started on electronic music production technology and recording :lol:


And there are many other examples in the visual arts.


I don't have the answers, rustle, but I am interested in the questions :)








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 But philosophically, I have trouble even conceiving of photography as art, because there's so much technology between the artist and his work. Even more so now with digital technology. Everything is duplicable to a degree of detail not possible before.


I might be biased because I love photography as artform and even try my hands on it every now and then. It can take me weeks to find the right motive, the one that fits my idea. I take many pictures, different angles,light etc. When I work on the computer, I use brushes, pencils, shading until the picture is as close as it can get to the idea in my mind. So I work with my hands, feet, mind. I use technology, yes. I won't start to talk about what is technology today and in the past. So tell me is it art?

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Oh my dears, that is just sooo last century :lol::rofl:




What the actual fuck LOL


Lets all hope he cleans out his hole before he does this. Could you imagine the look on the audience's faces if this turns messy on stage? 


^ there goes my lunch...

Edited by Luc Rosen
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actually there goes their lunch if one of them pukes from both ends due to food poisoning, the flu, or performance jitters or a cold stage

January is very cold

isn't the bottom rules not to eat for 18hrs? 


^ there goes my lunch...

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HELL YEAH,  free porno!   :2thumbs:    Who wants to meet up? I have to paddle my canoe across the Atlantic first ... 


Seriously, what the hell is he on about?  His level of cognitive dissonance is staggering.

Crazy, you got room for one more? lol

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It's kind of sad when you think about it.  The young man apparently never has had a close loving relationship in which he wanted to give himself to another.   So to replace that with "performance art" seems like a poor second choice in my humble opinion....

Daddy!!!! Don't be a buzz kill! I wanna go!!!!! lol

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Well it's not that far from here and he's kinda cute...


Around here Joseph Beuys is still an icon of performance art. He said: To provoke means to evoke something. By making a sculpture with fat or a piece of clay I evoke something. I ignite a thought within me – a totally original, totally new thought that has never yet existed in history, even if I deal with a historical fact or with Leonardo or Rembrandt. I myself determine history – it is not history that determines me.. ..every man is a potential provocateur.


I'd like to know what he would have thought of Clayton's performance. I'm with Cia.

Hey Addy - (saw others call you that on here. =) ) - I'm goin' in a boat w/crazyfish, but we could stop by and all go together. He is pretty cute. Maybe he'll be the next Bel Ami boy. ;)

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Oh good lords. Exhibitionism at its finest, I guess. *shrugs* No one's getting hurt, and it doesn't involve me so if that makes him and his partner happy, great. I just wonder if he truly knows what he's in for. Guess he'll find out if it happens.

is not not everything teenagers and late teens do, from facebook to twitter and Tumblr, indeed isn't that now basically just man's culture now and Social Media Exhibitionism and showing off at it's finest...

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What a narcissistic, self involved, self important twit.


You can see this performance art nightly on Cam4, Chaturbate, Omegle and probably a dozen other sites or more.


And he is butt ugly to boot.

oh he's cute in the shower :P just don't get a good look at his face :o yes that was kind of mean...

Btw how many 19 year olds do you know who aren't or weren't at least a little Narcissistic, Self-involved, and Self-important...

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I've yet to meet one (or at least one who wasn't beaten with the ugly stick or was socially retarded). 


hey now, I didn't lose the full v til 19-20.


but then again I was beaten pretty bad with the ugly stick so that explains it.

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I've yet to meet one (or at least one who wasn't beaten with the ugly stick or was socially retarded). 

 This is exactly the sort of sentiment that leads a guy, like the one in the article, getting worked over about losing his virginity. Sometimes older virgins are just virgins because they don't care enough to lose it, not to mention those who are religious about it. 

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 This is exactly the sort of sentiment that leads a guy, like the one in the article, getting worked over about losing his virginity. Sometimes older virgins are just virgins because they don't care enough to lose it, not to mention those who are religious about it. 


I didn't say whether this was a good or a bad thing. I simply said that most 19 years olds I know/knew had lost their V card by that point. 


If this guy was getting so worked up about losing it, he should have just downloaded Grindr (or picked up a hooker), not make a live sex show out of it and hide the fact of what it really is in the name of "art". 

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I didn't say whether this was a good or a bad thing. I simply said that most 19 years olds I know/knew had lost their V card by that point. 



But the above statement isn't implied by what you originally said about ugly and awkward virgins. But I'm not going to bust your balls about that because I get what you're saying. I'll just say that I live in India at the moment, and the fact of a 21-year-old male virgin is very normal.  They simply have other things to worry about. 



If this guy was getting so worked up about losing it, he should have just downloaded Grindr (or picked up a hooker), not make a live sex show out of it and hide the fact of what it really is in the name of "art".




He's worked up(More probably isn't, more likely just being young and superficial) so he's especially prone to taking drastic/bombastic decisions.  Some choose sex blitz on grindr, others choose art show. But yeah, I agree with you.  He has the temerity to foist his hangups upon us in the name of art, which might be fine if he was at least aware of himself, but well ...

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But the above statement isn't implied by what you originally said about ugly and awkward virgins. But I'm not going to bust your balls about that because I get what you're saying. I'll just say that I live in India at the moment, and the fact of a 21-year-old male virgin is very normal.  They simply have other things to worry about. 



You can't compare American/European sexual culture with that of India. Of course it is going to be different because the two cultures are radically different overall. And obviously Indians has far more pressing issues to face (like preventing males from almost always getting away with rape, and blaming women for getting raped). Granted the "ugly stick and socially awkward" comment could have been put more tactfully on my part. 

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