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Justin's been a naughty boy... again!


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Underage pop star charged with offenses after failing field sobriety test, racing Lamborghini on city streets

First offense of a drag-racing offense nets a sentence of up to six months, a fine of $500 to $1,000, and a one-year license suspension.

"Do the crime do the time". Yeah, baby, boy's goin' down!

Expect slash writers to be sharpening their pencils and their readers needing several changes of underwear as the excitement mounts at the prospect of JB being locked up for 6 months with a hairy horny hunk with tats... :lmao:

http://www.policeone.com/highway-patrol-2/articles/6760921-Bieber-arrested-for-OUI-drag-racing/Bieber arrested for OUI, drag racing

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Expect slash writers to be sharpening their pencils and their readers needing several changes of underwear as the excitement mounts at the prospect of JB being locked up for 6 months with a hairy horny hunk with tats... :lmao:


Yeah I dunno. Sounds more like a rape torture scene to me.

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I'm cool with the street racing, but driving drunk, not so much.


I'd argue though that street racing is just as dangerous and deadly as driving drunk, especially in a residential area like where he was doing it. 

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I agree with Matt. There's no way to control variables while racing on a public street. There's never an excuse to drive drunk. We all know he ain't hurting for cab fare, hell limo fare! I highly doubt he'll get anything more than a slap on the wrist though.

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the saddest part of it is if he actually got the jail time (which he would deserve) his mindless drone fans would be up in arms at the "injustice" of it when any of them would be locked up for the exact same thing.

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Drinking cough meds to get a high are among the rumors :(


I want a clean non-overly Christian Celebrity. Come on there must be some kid out there who can act, sing, and not be drunk or high.

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I want a clean non-overly Christian Celebrity. Come on there must be some kid out there who can act, sing, and not be drunk or high.


Fame and fortune pretty much corrupt anyone. Back when Bieber was just getting big on the scene around '09-'11, he was something parents of his crazy fangirls could actually accept. He was a wholesome, non-threatening white kid from Canada who sang generic, clean pop songs about puppy love and crap. But as soon as he got really famous, he went to hell and became an easy person for the celebrity press to vilify for his stupid, immature antics. 

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Don't most of these people end up crazy and going in and out of jail?  I don't get it.  What's the thing with getting famous that makes people turn into idiots?  It must be because they get all the creepers after them looking to make some easy money.  Then they turn them into freaks and the next thing you know they're doing the most stupid stuff they can think of. 


I think maybe the court should give him probation, on the condition that any time he goes outside his house he needs to wear a diaper.  Yup, that's it, a year of diaper probation.  :yes:

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Don't most of these people end up crazy and going in and out of jail?  I don't get it.  What's the thing with getting famous that makes people turn into idiots?  It must be because they get all the creepers after them looking to make some easy money.  Then they turn them into freaks and the next thing you know they're doing the most stupid stuff they can think of. 



I actually feel for the kid. He was brought up in an unwholesome environment without the opportunity to develop a moral compass or a sense of responsibility. Like lots of child entertainers. And like lots of child entertainers, he was fawned over, so instead of developing more as a performer and a human being, he knows no boundaries, and he's peaked.

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Don't most of these people end up crazy and going in and out of jail?  I don't get it.  What's the thing with getting famous that makes people turn into idiots?  It must be because they get all the creepers after them looking to make some easy money.  Then they turn them into freaks and the next thing you know they're doing the most stupid stuff they can think of. 


I think maybe the court should give him probation, on the condition that any time he goes outside his house he needs to wear a diaper.  Yup, that's it, a year of diaper probation.  :yes:


Umm...What about the creepers....(Assumes Ghostboy is not into that fetish , smiles and steps back slowly :o )


Celebrities need a real link to normal life; I think their problem is that everything comes to them through handlers rather than gained from personal work or desire. Give a dose of reality, because life is not like an episode of "Entourage" :P

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Well, so he never learned stuff he needs to know, and he doesn't know about reality.  I suppose then it would be better to just tell him don't do it any more and send him home.  I suppose he can be excused because he's been misguided by others.  Maybe he should get sent to Colorado with a six pack and some pills.  That should take care of his problems.  Forcing some responsibility on him would be so unfair!

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I can't see how anyone can be 'ok' with street racing. I don't understand that at all, that just blew my mind completely. You are endangering pretty much everyone else on the street, pedestrians on the side walks, and as well as yourself and everyone else involved.  It is just as bad as driving drunk and just as illegal. Drunk doesn't even always kill, but speed most usually always does, the safety of a vehicle is dependent on street speeds, once you exceed those limitations, the vehicle you are driving is no longer safe, period. You are pretty much driving a deadly machine on a road that isn't made for that sort of traffic.


I have never respected him. His antics far exceeds his talent. It just isn't worth it to me to care about anything to do with him. What I do hate is that these people are truly dangerous to everyone around them and all they do is get minor accountability for it.

Edited by Krista
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Well, so he never learned stuff he needs to know, and he doesn't know about reality.  I suppose then it would be better to just tell him don't do it any more and send him home.  I suppose he can be excused because he's been misguided by others.  Maybe he should get sent to Colorado with a six pack and some pills.  That should take care of his problems.  Forcing some responsibility on him would be so unfair!

I didn't mean to imply he should get a slap on the wrist, and hope you didn't take it that way. He's placed others in jeopardy, and needs some type of lesson (punishment), here. No fine is going to have a meaningful effect, and he'd probably violate probation in a heartbeat. I'd like to see him sentenced to 2 months in jail, suspended license, and community service picking up litter, but he can afford more justice than that.

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