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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. Between the Tension

  2. For the Love of Prompts

    Stories sparked by community prompts.

  3. The Boot

    A series of stories that are centred around The Boot, a fictional shelter for homeless people set in Manchester UK. The stories are centred around individual characters, both staff and 'guests'. As with real life not everything is sunshine and roses. It has it's ups and downs, showing the effect that events have on people and how people can affect and have an impact on others. There will be fun and laughter, there will be sadness and tears.

    Characters will come and go, some will remain throughout, others will appear in more than one story.

    These stories are representative not definitive, some degree of literary license is used.

  4. Short Stories

  5. Lloyd Family Corp

    This series about the adventures of the Lloyd family and the crews of their vessels, Aquaria and Oceania.

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    My Uni-Verse

    Assorted Poetry

  6. Tales Along the Way

    Tales Along the Way is a series of three novellas loosely inspired by Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The Knight's Tale tells of Lord Henry Sandringham, a British nobleman who is a secret agent for MI6. He is sent to Tehran to rescue the son of the Foreign Minister, who faces a death penalty for being gay. The Priest's Tale follows the struggle of Father Peter Ruxton, a Catholic priest who can no longer toe the party line about gay men being loved by God but forbidden to have intimacy in their lives. The Squire’s Tale introduces us to Keiran Bronson, an 18-year old gay soccer star who goes on a graduation trip to Peru and is kidnapped.

  7. All Our Saturdays

    The life and times of Joey Cork and Jack Stanton. This is a 3 part series

  8. The Hudgins Saga

  9. Escaria

  10. Indian Ocean

    This series of two books is about an Australian Naval Officer who while on leave to recover from injuries sustained while serving overseas, suddenly gets thrown into another conflict situation.

  11. Soul Music

    Shy and insecure, Geoff never expected to have a boyfriend at all, let alone one like Tony.

  12. The Puppy Saga

  13. Doorways

  14. Astara Royalty

    The royalty of Astara is chosen from the common folk, leaving their former lives to start anew. These are their stories.

  15. Brandon Smiling: Blog Collection

    These are the electronic journals of Brandon Temple. In these volumes Brandon journals his thoughts, experiences, and feelings coming to terms with being a gay teenager who is deeply in love with another boy named Billy Chase.

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    Carthera Tales

    Carthera and humans coexist, most of the time. All types, from sweet to sexy to dark and dangerous; some are good and some are evil. But not all their secrets have been revealed to the world yet. These are their tales.

  16. For Everything Series

  17. Not The Sun

  18. Brittle as a Bird

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