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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. Never Too Late

    One day, an older, lonely, queer man decides to change his life for the better. This is Eric's story.

  2. Verse

  3. The Boot

    A series of stories that are centred around The Boot, a fictional shelter for homeless people set in Manchester UK. The stories are centred around individual characters, both staff and 'guests'. As with real life not everything is sunshine and roses. It has it's ups and downs, showing the effect that events have on people and how people can affect and have an impact on others. There will be fun and laughter, there will be sadness and tears.

    Characters will come and go, some will remain throughout, others will appear in more than one story.

    These stories are representative not definitive, some degree of literary license is used.

  4. The Scorched Kingdom

    Carved into a temple wall in the Scorched Kingdom's ancient city of Paris Deux explorers found the following inscription in ancient Noth:

    The only way to stop a rampant fire from spreading is to remove that upon which it feeds.

    Over two and half millennia ago, following the king of Nothland's unsanctioned alliance with a foreign power, a genocidal event levelled his nation, wiping out the population and rendering the land uninhabitable for thousands of years.

    The Scorched Kingdom trilogy follows the lives of multiple characters who have an important role to play in the unfolding of this story.

    Click here for map of Mulia.

  5. Novels

  6. The Castaway Hotel

  7. Doorways

  8. The Neko

    This is the story of Astara, a small planet home to humans, elves, and, of course, nekos. Some of them are werewolves, some of them want to be werewolves. And some want nothing to do with their wilder sides.

  9. Appetites

    The series starts with a story called "Catering with Benefits" and continues as an ongoing story in parts. Between each part is a 'Side Salad' short story relevant to the main story.

  10. The Puppy Saga

  11. The Devil is Gay

    Lucifer and Gabriel have a rather unconventional relationship. These are some snippets into their lives.

  12. Homestead Pride

  13. Tales Along the Way

    Tales Along the Way is a series of three novellas loosely inspired by Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The Knight's Tale tells of Lord Henry Sandringham, a British nobleman who is a secret agent for MI6. He is sent to Tehran to rescue the son of the Foreign Minister, who faces a death penalty for being gay. The Priest's Tale follows the struggle of Father Peter Ruxton, a Catholic priest who can no longer toe the party line about gay men being loved by God but forbidden to have intimacy in their lives. The Squire’s Tale introduces us to Keiran Bronson, an 18-year old gay soccer star who goes on a graduation trip to Peru and is kidnapped.

  14. Viking Valentine

    A sudden romance between a Dane and a lonely Brit, who has ESP or whatever you want to call Patrick's ability to sense the innermost feelings and wants of people he talks to. The supernatural really takes off in the short stories, which feature an angel and an imp.

  15. Working It Out

  16. The Tampa Chronicles

    This series follows the lives of six GLBT Teenage Boys, and their parents, that live in the City of Tampa, Florida. From individuals, they come together to become a family, some by blood, some by marriage, and some just by the heart. Themes of love, family, and overcoming challenges together, not as individuals.

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    My Uni-Verse

    Assorted Poetry

  17. TJ's Journey

  18. George W

    Stories that result from Comicfan's Prompt 892

  19. Craig & James

    Craig and James first meet when a snowbound motorway disrupts their journeys. But once life returns to the same old routine, will the spark between them ignite or fizzle out?

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