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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. The Grand Adventure of Thymestrys

    A magical world where fantastic creatures, gods, angels, and demons exist. A force is eating away at the lifeforce of Thymestrys. Will it be stopped? or will everyone just fade away?

  2. Rebellion Chronicles

  3. Indian Ocean

    This series of two books is about an Australian Naval Officer who while on leave to recover from injuries sustained while serving overseas, suddenly gets thrown into another conflict situation.

  4. The XXX Series

  5. High School Sports Series

  6. KADA

  7. Changes

    Sometimes changes are chosen, and sometimes they are thrust upon you. These stories are about married couple, Don and Louis. Follow them through their life and times, through the events that change their lives forever.

  8. Star Crossed

  9. The King's Mate

    TKM - a three book series detailing the lives of Diarmad, King of the Seraei--an aggressive alien species--and Noel, his mate.

  10. All WET

    William Elijah Thomas, WET, callsign Jammer, is one of the foremost pilots in the entire Terran Confederation. He is an empath, but more importantly a Jumper. Jumpers are the extremely rare humans that can plot a path through jump space and program shipboard A.I.'s to be able to do jumps without the need for a jumper.

  11. My Brother's Keeper

    When Stuart finally gets to know his co-worker Cyril, he is not prepared for the ugly truth. As he finds himself in the middle of a bad situation, Stuart tries his best to help. He soon learns just how frustrating and emotionally draining it is to save someone who maybe doesn't even want to be saved. But he has to try.

  12. The Chosen

  13. Nemesis

    Nemesis is the story of Dave and Nick, two teenaged boys in the small West Midlands town of Windfield Green.

  14. Homestead Pride

  15. A Fairy Out of Her Tale

  16. Hero Wanted

  17. Mark's Revenge

  18. The Jacob & Marcus Tales

  19. Soul Music

    Shy and insecure, Geoff never expected to have a boyfriend at all, let alone one like Tony.

  20. The Island Boys

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