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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. Machinerys

  2. Magic, Man and Metal

  3. Marco

  4. Mark's Revenge

  5. Marvel Universe Fanfic

    Just thought I'd gather all my fanfic from the Marvel universe in one place.

  6. Max and Elliot

  7. Maximilian's Heart

  8. MetaWolf

  9. Moorpark Palms

  10. MT's Shifter Series

    A series about shifters.

  11. My Brother's Keeper

    When Stuart finally gets to know his co-worker Cyril, he is not prepared for the ugly truth. As he finds himself in the middle of a bad situation, Stuart tries his best to help. He soon learns just how frustrating and emotionally draining it is to save someone who maybe doesn't even want to be saved. But he has to try.

  12. My Creative Writing

  13. My Jump Off

  14. My Life Started

  15. My Old Anthologies

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    My Uni-Verse

    Assorted Poetry

  16. MyPinnedPrompts

  17. Naptown Tales

  18. Nemesis

    Nemesis is the story of Dave and Nick, two teenaged boys in the small West Midlands town of Windfield Green.

  19. Never Too Late

    One day, an older, lonely, queer man decides to change his life for the better. This is Eric's story.

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