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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Running with the Pack - 47. Chapter 47

Following the upheaval with the Lycan Council, John and his allies were busy assisting the new administration settle in. He tasked Aiden with managing several projects for the Council to assess his abilities and was pleased with the results. The young alpha sought the counsel of the pack’s elders to better understand the job. Only then did he search for the people he needed to undertake each assignment. He delegated well and insured each project was properly completed. All this while attending to his duties with the sheriff’s department without fail.

Ethan happily stayed in the background as the light of leadership shone on his mate. With the exception of their trip to inspect Sebastien’s pack, Ethan stuck to construction work and spent time with their friends.


After their December wedding, plans for the much larger celebration in spring began. The pair drove around the territory trying to find the right place to hold the event. The Sacred Meadow where young wolves went for their first change was one of Ethan’s favorites. Aiden explained it had special meaning and was only utilized for that purpose. While it was visited as a place to go hiking, large events beyond a first shift just did not happen there. The two wanted to include everyone in the pack, so plenty of space would be needed. They considered the Bear Creek Horse Farm. Using one of the fields was the only option large enough, but Nathan deemed the idea unacceptable.

Alex and Nathan drove the younger couple to a spot they thought might be perfect for their needs. They knew their friends wanted it to be outdoors in the splendor of nature. The four walked a short distance, entering a large flat meadow ringed by trees on three sides with a small brook running along the fourth. It was referred to by locals as The Cathedral, partly because of the way it was surrounded by tall trees, but also because of a unique grove at one end that had grown in close together in a large “U” shape, making what resembled the chancel and apse of a church. It was large enough to accommodate the entire pack.

“This is perfect.” The excitement on Ethan’s face told them the selection was final.

Aiden wrapped his arms around his pup. “It’s beautiful here. I’d forgotten about this place.”

“We thought you might like this.” Nathan’s smile beamed behind his thick beard. “I’m glad you do. There’s more than enough space, and you could even put a tent over there for the reception.”

“Let me ask the trees if they mind before we say yes.” Ethan walked over to the grove that made up the chancel. Placing his hands on two of the forest sentinels, he had a silent conversation with them. “Thank you, my friends. I’ll leave the type and color up to you.”

Nathan raised an eyebrow at his young friend. “Were you just discussing floral arrangements with the trees?”

“Of course, who else would I have make them?” Ethan smirked as it if was the silliest question ever asked. “I’ll provide the energy or whatever it’s called, but the trees and plants will decide on the color, placement, and arrangements. They said they think I’ll like it.”

“I’m sure you could make a few florists upset with your talents.” Alex joked.

Aiden went to the trees and placed his hands on them as his pup had. “I may not be able to hear you in the way he can, but thank you for allowing us to have our wedding here. And thank you for making my mate so happy.”

On the drive back, the four decided to stop at the Parker Diner for one of their fresh pies. Almost everyone in the area knew what time they would come out of the oven each day.


As the date approached, the wedding became the talk of the pack. It had taken on even greater significance since it the announcement the pair would be the future alphas. The two sent invitations to every member of the pack, no matter their rank or association to the couple. It seemed most everyone wanted to be there and do something for the two who asked for nothing but people’s friendship. Many of the lunis volunteered to be ushers or work with Nathan on catering the reception. Several of the pack wives also asked to help.

After getting approval from Aiden and Ethan, John sent special invitations to select alphas across the country who were allies and friends of Parker Valley. He was shocked when he received the first of many requests from leaders beyond the realm of the North American Lycan Council who had heard of the extraordinary pair and wanted to pay their respects. Their inclusion as guests would be a surprise to the young couple. John was flabbergasted by how far news had traveled in such a short time. Word of an Elemental had raced like wildfire through the global lycan community and there was no way of putting the genie back in the bottle. The alpha and sheriff spent hours on video conferences with prospective guests interviewing them and checking their credentials before deciding if they would approve the request. Their closest allies offered support for security with so many foreign visitors.

Guests from allied packs would have first option on the limited number of rooms available in Silver Pines or Parker. Many were told they would need to stay in outlying areas, if not Pittsburgh or Buffalo, and drive in for the day.


The wedding party, with the exception of Trevor, met Judge Vale at the meadow a few days before the big event. Alex and Nathan inspected the tent raised that morning. Aiden looked at the stacks upon stacks of chairs waiting to be set up, while Ethan marveled at what had been done. The rehearsal went smoothly as everyone learned what to do.

Ethan successfully made his mate blush during the first run through as he directed a question to Judge Vale. “How should I kiss him at the end? A peck on the lips since we’re in front of so many people? Or should I go full on tongue?”

“Casey, I’m blaming you for this.” Aiden clamped his hand over his pup’s mouth. “I’m sorry, Judge Vale. I think it’s just nerves for him.”

Without missing a beat, the older woman shook her finger at him. “If I think for one minute you’re not putting your all into that kiss, I’m voiding the wedding. I’m only doing this to see a really hot kiss at the end.”

The ensuing laughter eased any nerves through the remainder of the rehearsal. The group returned to Silver Pine where several of the wives had arranged dinner at the pack hall.


The day of the wedding ceremony arrived. Ethan was a bundle of excited energy when he woke. He raced into the cool morning air to greet the day. White fluffy clouds dotted the sky, suggesting it would be a beautiful one. The temperature was expected to be comfortable for wearing a tuxedo outdoors without burning up. Aiden could not suppress the smile etched on his face as he sipped his coffee.

Once again, the couple would spend the morning away from each other to get ready. While Aiden was at their home with his father and stepmother, Rafe had picked up Ethan to help him run a few last minute errands.

He drove his son to the meadow early, so he could take care of the last minute preparations. Ethan looked down the center aisle towards the front. An enormous number of chairs flanked the wide walkway. It felt overwhelming to know so many people would be in attendance. Approaching the chancel grove, he placed his hands on the trees. To Rafe, it appeared his son was quietly talking to himself.

Kneeling, Ethan closed his eyes and placed his hands on the ground. When he opened them, the normal blue was replaced with a vibrant green glow. At every third row of chairs, a sapling pushed through the ground. It grew about three feet with a lush fern cradled at the top. Flowers in an array of colors rose out of them. Floral vines wrapped themselves around the trunks of the trees surrounding the meadow with vibrant yellows and purples hanging from the lower branches. At the front, where the chancel grove was, the vines grew thick, forming an arch covered in wild flowers. Six evenly spaced ferns sprouted from the ground on each side of the grove with even more blossoms in stunning colors. When he finished, Rafe could hear Ethan’s whisper, “Thank you, my friends. It looks beautiful. I’ll see you in a little bit.”

“Wow… You’re truly amazing.”


Putting on his outfit, Ethan was more relaxed this time. Formal wear was what he expected, so he did not have his mother torturing him with surprises. There was still a lot of anticipation for the day, but since they were already married, in a way it did not feel as stressful as it did the first time. Looking in the mirror, he felt he was seeing an older version of himself. The events of the last several years had washed away much of the boy he remembered and replaced him with the young man who stared back. He felt a certain amount of pride at having survived and found happiness. So much had been overcome, and he had learned how to trust and love again.

Mary knocked on the door before peeking in. “You look so handsome.”

“Thanks, Mom.” He leaned in to give her a hug. “I’m not sure if the wedding in December or today would have been possible if it weren’t for you and Dad.”

“You and Aiden would have eventually gotten there. All we did was show you the love you deserve.”

“I know we would have gotten there, but having parents I know love me… It helped more than I can say.” He held onto the woman who as far as he was concerned was the only mother he had ever had.

“Before I get all misty eyed, I wanted to put this on you again.” She pulled out the gold, wolf-head lapel pin with diamond eyes he had worn in December. “You had this on the first time, so you need to have it on this time. You know, just for luck.”

“I’ve got Grandpa Weylin’s cufflinks on again, so I think I’m good to go.”

“You are, except for the boutonniere, but it isn’t time to pin that on you yet.” She brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes before leaving to get ready herself.


Craig answered the door while his son was getting dressed to find his favorite cousin with her mate and their children. He held his finger to his mouth as he silently welcomed them inside.

Aiden adjusted his tie to make sure it was on straight with his vest before picking up his jacket. He could not help smiling as he thought back to the last time he wore a tux and that this time he and his mate could share it with their pack. Making one final check in the mirror, he headed downstairs. Rounding the corner into the family room, he saw the smiling face of his family. “Denise, I didn’t know you two were going to be able to make it. Roger, it’s good to see you.” He pulled each of them into a hug. “You’re almost as tall as me, Tom. Hey Chance, you going out for football when you get to high school in the fall?”

“You didn’t think I would have missed this, did you?” Denise playfully brushed off Aiden’s shoulders. “We would have been here for the one in December, but we didn’t know how bad the snow was going to be.”

“That’s partly why we wanted to do this one.”

“Well, I for one am happy you did. I never thought I’d get to see you, let alone your father, in a tux. We were very happy and a little surprised when we heard you’d found your true mate so early in life. And that it was a human male. Well, non lycan at least.”

“You probably weren’t any more surprised than I was, but I couldn’t have asked for a better mate from the lunar spirits.”

“You know we’re from a more progressive pack, so it was never an issue with us. We can’t wait to meet him.” Roger smirked at the young groom. “Besides, she apparently has all kinds of stories from when you were growing up she wants to tell him.”

“It’s gonna be cool getting to see you get married, Cuz.” Mike and Chance bumped fists with Aiden. “I think Mom made a list based on embarrassment level.”

Marsha glanced at the clock. “It’s time for us to head over. Mom and Dad are meeting us there. Do you want to ride with us or follow?”

Everyone nodded as Craig grabbed his keys.


Rafe walked down the stairs gently pulling at his bow tie. Mary slapped his hands away as soon as she was in reach. “Leave it alone. You’re going to mess it up. You look very handsome, by the way.”

“I just wish these things weren’t so tight.”

“Here, let me fix it for you.” She took it off him and adjusted it slightly. “Is that better?”

“A little. I guess I can make it through one day wearing this.”

“You both look great. Thank you again for everything you’ve done since I first got here.” Ethan did his best to wrap his arms around his parents.

“We’ve enjoyed every minute of it.” Mary’s smile was infectious. “I only wish you’d grown up in this house.”

Darius and Cody entered the Tucker house to pick Ethan up as the rest of the family prepared to head out to the meadow. Casey whistled as he stepped through the door. “Wow, Dad. I never thought I’d get to see you in a tux.”

“I figured since the first of my six boys is getting married I could wear one. Only five more to go. We’ll see you guys over at the meadow.”

Casey eyed his brother, making sure he was okay. “You ready for round two?”

“I’m always ready for a second round.” Ethan grinned. “Oh, you meant the wedding.”

“That’s what I like, having a brother with a mind as deviant as mine.”

“You must be a bad influence on me. I don’t think anyone’s that bad. At least you have two mates who get to benefit from your perverted mind.” Ethan teased. “You clean up pretty good. It’s great to see you dressed up again. If we weren’t all already mated, I’d definitely try to jump all three of you right now.” His eyes softened as his emotions overtook him. “I’m really happy you guys are here.”

“We could always skip the wedding and get out of these fancy clothes. I’m sure Aiden wouldn’t mind as long as there’s video.” Cody shoulder bumped his younger friend. “We’re always going to be here for you, bro.”

“Both of you behave. I’ve got dibs on Aiden if anything’s going to happen.” Darius bowed deep to his friend. “Young Sir, your carriage to the wedding awaits. Shall we depart?”


Aiden and his parents arrived at the meadow first and were taken to a private spot to wait. He was happy to see his old friend. “It’s good to have you home, Trev. When’d you get in?”

“About nine last night. Looks like there’s going to be a lot of people here.”

“I’m trying not to think about it. I felt calm all morning, but I’m kind of starting to feel it now.”

“I did a walk through already to check on things. Here’s the updated order of the service today. There was apparently a last minute change when someone added the choir.” Trevor passed him the program. “Casey, Cody, Dari, and I have it memorized so this thing will go off without a hitch. You know, I don’t think it matters if you’re already married or not, you’re going through the ceremony again in front of everyone this time.”

“Thanks. Way to make me feel better.” Aiden read over the list Trevor gave him. “Wait a minute. You said a choir?”

“Yep, someone said a choir asked to perform for you guys.” Trevor laughed at his buddy’s dumbfounded expression. “Look at it this way, you stood before the Congress of Alphas and presented a major change to how we govern ourselves. And got it approved. This time you’re just expressing your love to your mate while everyone else listens.”

“That puts it in perspective and does help.” Aiden sat quietly for a few moments. “I could go through this every week, and I know I’d still get nervous. But it’s a good nervous because it’s for the man I love. It makes both of us happy we can share this with the pack.”

“From the looks of it, the pack’s happy as well. I think even the ones upset a wolf as strong as you was mated to a man have come around.”

“It’s not like they had much say in it, and we do want to have kids eventually. This is one pack though, no matter if we do eventually become the alphas or not. I want us to remain strong and united.”

“I think that’s one of the main reasons you two are the alpha designates.”

“I’ve missed you and your counsel. I’m glad you’re going to college. I’m going to need a beta who’s smart and educated.”

“No matter where I am or what I’m doing, I will always be here for you, bro. It may just be facetime, calls, texts, and emails for now, but you can always get me.”

Casey walked in and bumped fists with Trevor. “Ethan’s waiting on his side with Dari and Cody. Did you see the size of that choir? This is gonna be fuckin’ awesome.”


Joe and Jack Tucker, with about thirty lunis, were busy working as ushers to get the guests seated. Another group of ten accepted gifts as people arrived. They were placed on tables in the reception tent.

A Welsh choir of nearly one hundred and twenty sang accompanied by members of several orchestras as people sat.

John and Jackie personally greeted each visiting alpha.

Karissa arrived with her enforcer, kissing Jackie on the cheek. “This is a beautiful setting. If I ever get married, I want to hire whoever arranged this.”

“That would be Ethan. From what I understand, it took about ten minutes, and he let the forest decide what to do.” Jackie waved her hand towards the expanse of flowers.

“Does anyone know just how far his gifts go?”

“Not really. I don’t think he even knows.” John paused for a moment. “I’m not sure I really want to find out, either.”

“What we saw at Congress with him handling the former leadership freaked a lot of people out. But him saving the life of someone else balanced it out for them. Now seeing this, all I can say is, wow!” Karissa nodded respectfully before moving on.

“Spencer, Matthew, it’s great to see you here.” Jackie greeted the couples. “Carl and Edward, welcome to our territory. I was wondering where the four of you were. Ethan and Aiden will be so happy to see you all.”

“It’s good that a bus was arranged from Buffalo to bring us all in. I know your territory must be overwhelmed with guests.”

“It’s been a little chaotic, so if you didn’t get the notice, we do have space reserved if you decide to stay over.” John shook hands with the four men. “I’m certain they’d enjoy spending time with you.”

“Heather made sure we knew and took care of our luggage when we arrived.” Carl waved his hand at all the people. “It looks like this is a larger event than the Congress reception.”

Several more small delegations of alphas passed before a group John had never seen queued up in line. The first pair had a distinctive blondish/orange hair with light-spotted circles in it. Even with the color, the pair appeared to be Latin. “Alpha Stockdale, Luna Stockdale. Thank you for graciously allowing us pay our respects. I’m Javier Hernandez, Huey Tlatoani, or great chief in Aztec, of Central and South America Solaris, and this is my mate Sophia. Our realm of influence does extend into the Southwest United States, but we try not to interfere with your own council’s territories.”

“We’re honored to have you here. It is not often a wolf gets to meet a jaguar, let alone a solaris jaguar.”

“The wolves and jaguars prefer different climates, so we don’t cross paths that often. Overseeing Chichen Itza and some of the other sites also keeps us quite busy. Besides, we like to generally keep a low profile. My lunar counterpart here, Jaguar Senior Alpha Sergio Mendoza, typically represents us in dealings with other lunaris.” He nodded to his friend of the moon. “Word of the existence of an Elemental among our kind is important enough to come forward. To not make the trip and be present at the marriage of one to a Lycan, no matter the type, would be unforgivable.” The man waved towards the group behind him. “May I present my solaris colleagues? This lion is Oliver Kingston, Chief Alpha of Australia and New Zealand. Kosey Jelani from Kenya is Kgosi of Central and Southern Africa. He’s also a lion. And finally our fierce tigress, Mahsuri Teo of Malaysia, Meena of India and Southeast Asia.” As they were introduced, each leader and their mate gave a respectful nod to their host alpha and luna.

“It is a pleasure to meet you all. If his nose hasn’t already picked up your scent on the breeze, I’m sure our resident solaris will be thrilled to meet you. He’s spent most of his life trying to find more of his kind, beyond the few scattered pockets in this country.”

“I didn’t realize you had solaris living among you.” Oliver Kingston was delighted. “It would be a pleasure to meet him.”

“We have two living here. One is a pack hunter serving as both beta and enforcer to the young men getting married today.”

“If contact with his kind is what he seeks, perhaps we can assist him with finding his American brothers and introduce him to his global family.” Javier received a nod from his colleagues.

As the solaris delegation moved on, another group stepped up. “Alpha and Luna Stockdale. Thank you for allowing us to attend. We were overjoyed to learn an Elemental had made himself known.”

“Weyr Leader Jaw-Long Chun, it’s an honor to welcome the first representatives of Asian Dragons into our territory.”

“The honor is ours. The Elemental are the rarest of the rare, and it would be an insult for us not to be here. It’s been centuries since the last recorded emergence of his kind, though they do not always make themselves known. We thank you for the privilege of attending their wedding.”

“In the wolf community, little’s known about the Elemental beyond minor legends. Perhaps additional information can be found in your long and rich heritage to help him understand himself. I’ll warn you though, he apparently has two great loves as far back as he can remember. One of those is wolves and the other’s dragons. When he finds out who and what you are, you can expect a lot of questions.”

“Since as you say he has a true love for what he believes is the myth of a dragon, perhaps you will allow two of our delegation to perform a traditional dragon dance in their ceremonial form. We’ll also provide as much information as we know about his kind. The Leader of the Europe Dragons sends his regrets. He wished to be here as well, but his child’s birth is due any day now.

“The time of a birth is no time to travel, so we understand.” Jackie glanced at her mate before returning her attention to their guests. “We would enjoy the performance during the reception.”

Several more international dignitaries introduced themselves to the alpha pair. The guests expressed their thanks for being permitted to attend.

Ten members from the European Lycan Council stepped forward, each representing a country. All were wolves except for the one from the United Kingdom, which was a lunar lion. As he stepped up to the alpha pair, he bowed his head slightly. “Alpha Stockdale, Ma’am, my grandmother wishes me to extend her thanks for this invitation. I’m happy I could attend on her behalf.”

“Your grandmother’s a great woman who has tirelessly served both our kind and the human world. We are honored to have you with us today.”

“It’s nice to have a social and diplomatic event amongst my own kind for a change. I’m usually only able to accomplish this on African tours. I’m also pleased we could make arrangement for the choir to be here today. They performed in Pittsburgh last night as part of their US tour. When they heard this was happening, they begged to sing for the grooms.”

One of the last to walk through the receiving line was Chief Alpha Richard Drake. “John, Jackie, thank you for this. Is that young man who just walked away who I think he is?”

“Yes, he is.”

“That red hair and beard are even more vibrant than in his pictures. I’d say the turnout’s more impressive than Congress.” Richard got a slight smile on his face. “Reforming our council wasn’t enough, now you’re trying to build a Global Lycan Council?”

“We knew knowledge of their existence would get out after the Congress. To be honest, we didn’t expect it to reach as far as it did as quickly as it did. Many of the global guests contacted us for permission to attend. There were a few we had to decline for security reasons or known rivalries with groups that were already attending, but as pack leader, this is an honor to host. We’ll introduce you to your counterparts after the ceremony.”

“Out of curiosity, how many packs and foreign guests are here today?”

“We have alphas from fifty packs, representatives from all our neighboring species, along with about twenty-five various international leaders and their delegations.”

“Did I see Dorian here?”

“Yes, you did. Ethan sent him an invitation.”

“I’ll talk to you after the ceremony.” Richard and his personal guards were met by the ushers who seated them with the other alphas of the North American Council.


The choir and orchestra shifted between musical selections and choral pieces while the guests were seated. As the last of the guests settled in, the orchestra played Pachelbel’s “Canon”.

“Alpha Carver, Mister Tucker.” The ushers bowed deep to the men. “It’s almost time to seat the grandparents. We’ll walk you and your mate’s down the center aisle to the front row once the current and former alpha pairs are in place.” Both men nodded and went to their respective wives to wait.

The music changed to “Suite for Solo Cello” by Bach; violins and cellos joined in symphonic delight for the typically solitary piece. One usher stood beside Garrett Stockdale while another offered his arm to Barbara. They walked the former alpha pair to the forth row. The current leaders were next with an escort offering the luna his arm, as one more bowed to John and took position next to his Alpha. They were the last of the non-family guests seated.

The music switched as the choir sang “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”. The Grandmothers took the offered arms of their usher. Kate Tucker was led in first with Weylin a few steps behind at the side of his own escort. Elizabeth and Adam Carver followed a few moments later. Joe Tucker offered his arm to Aiden’s stepmother, Marsha, while his younger brother, Jack, had the honor of escorting their mother. Each of the young men bowed to the women before taking their seats next to their grandmother, Kate.

The sounds of J. Clark’s “Trumpet Voluntary” filled the air as everyone stood. Zach slowly walked down the aisle holding a pillow with a single spun glass rose on it. It was slightly larger and more ornate than the original used in December. The young man’s shoulders were back as he moved with pride and determination. Several steps behind him was Cody, his Marine Corps Dress Blues ready to pass the most stringent inspection. The sun reflecting off his medals and the handle of his sword. Darius followed his mate in his formal Army uniform. Well-deserved decorations adorned his chest. The white gloves on his hands and saber at his side made him a picture of perfection, just like Cody. His eyes were locked forward as he marched as only someone from the military could.

Ethan glanced up at his towering father, receiving a smile from the stern enforcer. Father and son walked down the aisle. The bow tie and tuxedo Ethan wore the first time was replaced by a more classical look. A platinum-colored necktie and matching waistcoat were topped out with formal black morning coat. The wolf-head pin that belonged to Mary’s grandfather lovingly worn in the center of the tie. A boutonniere of red and white roses surrounded by baby’s breath was pinned to his lapel. Where he expected the pack and supposedly a few select alphas who were friends with his leader, there was a choir, orchestra, and more people than ever filled the meeting hall. He was amazed, tried his best to block it out, and focus on not stumbling. His excitement was noticeable. The flowers at the end of the chair rows grew and became ever more vibrant as he passed. Ethan and Rafe stopped before reaching the floral arch. He placed a hand on his son’s shoulder to calm both their nerves.

“Trumpet Voluntary” restarted without missing a single note as Ryan began walking down the aisle. Like his brother, he held a pillow with a single glass rose on it. His eyes faced forward as he focused on his task. He tried to block out the fact so many people were watching him. A few paces behind was his brother Casey, looking dashing in his tux. His auburn hair and beard were set off by the sapphire blue vest and bow tie he, Trevor, and his brothers wore. Each of them and the fathers had a single white rose on their lapel. Trevor looked as stunning as his friend before him. He marveled at the people around them and wondered where they all came from. Aiden was last at the side of his father. As the pair took their first step, his father leaned in and whispered, “I am so proud of you.” The music continued to fill the air as they made their way down the aisle. The waistcoat and tie Aiden wore, along with the red and white rose boutonniere, perfectly matched Ethan’s. The pin from Alpha Carver, his step-grandfather, in the center of the tie. When they reached the end, they stood beside Ethan and Rafe, waiting to take the final few steps.

Judge Vale turned to Ethan first. “Who gives this young man?”

Rafe’s voice carried for all to hear. “His mother and I do so with pride.”

Next she set her sight on Aiden. “And who gives this young man?”

“His stepmother and I do so with great joy.” Craig placed his hand on his son’s shoulder.

With a nod from Judge Vale, Craig and Rafe placed Aiden’s right hand in Ethan’s left hand before taking their places next to their wives. The grooms stepped forward to stand beneath the floral arch flanked by their friends.

“Please be seated.”

“We are gathered here among family and friends in the beauty of this meadow and the presents of Mother Nature to unite these two loving men in the bonds of matrimony. It is not for anyone to take lightly, unadvisedly, or wantonly, but reverently and in the sight of the lunar and solar spirits. If any person can show any just cause why these men cannot be joined together, let them now speak or else, hereafter forever hold your peace.”

Not a sound was heard.

“Ethan Cameron Tucker, will you solemnly swear to take Aiden as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward? To love, honor, and cherish, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?”

“I will!”

“Aiden Richard Jacobs, will you solemnly swear to take Ethan as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward? To love, honor, and cherish, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?”

“I will!”

Zach moved from his place next to Cody as Ryan did the same from where he stood beside Casey. They stood opposite each other holding their satin pillow with one of the glass roses on each.

“May the spirits of the moon and sun bless these roses and both he who gives it and he who received it and abide in thy peace and favor to live in love until the end of their days.”

The sounds of violins filled the air as the choir sang “Benedictus.”

As the choir finished, Aiden and Ethan turned to face each other. Their eyes glowed bright, appearing to sparkle.

Ethan picked up the first rose, kissing it before placing it in Aiden’s hand. “I, Ethan Cameron Tucker, offer Aiden Richard Jacobs this rose as a physical symbol of my never ending love. You brought me into a world that I could barely imagine in my deepest dreams. You gave me the gift of a community to belong to, a family to cherish, and a man to love. You taught me how to live again and have shown me what love truly is. My heart will always beat as one with yours. You are my mate, my love, and the one who completes my very soul.”

Aiden lifted the second rose from its resting place, lifted it to his lips to kiss as he passed it to his mate, their fingers lacing together around the stem. “I, Aiden Richard Jacobs, offer Ethan Cameron Tucker this rose as a physical symbol of my never ending love. You embraced my world and opened my eyes up to the love of our family and friends. Each day with you is a new and wondrous gift, an exploration of love, and the opening of doors beyond what I ever thought possible. My heart will always beat as one with yours. You are my mate, my very soul, and without you I would never be complete.”

Judge Vale took the right hand of both men and wrapped a gold cloth around them, placing hers atop them both. “Those who the spirits have joined, let no one come between.” She unwrapped the cloth from their joined hands and continued. “As Ethan and Aiden have consented together in wedlock and witness the same before the lunar and solar spirits and this company. And have given and pledged their love to each other and declared the same by the giving of their gift and the joining of their hands. I pronounce that they be husband and husband. Gentlemen, you may now kiss your mate.”

Aiden leaned down to kiss the man he loved with every fiber of his being and Ethan met that kiss with as much love.

When the kiss broke, Judge Vale smiled. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with the greatest of honor that I present to you Aiden and Ethan Jacobs-Tucker.”

As everyone stood to applaud, trumpets sounded the opening fanfare of the traditional “Wedding March.”

This is all the music I referenced in this chapter
Pachelbel Canon in D
‘Suite for Solo Cello’ by Bach
Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
Trumpet Voluntary – J Clark (Prince of Denmark March)
Wedding March – Mendelssohn
Running with the Pack, WolfM, 2012-2016, All Rights Reserved
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Chapter Comments

A happy chapter. Seems you felt obligated to address a few things your readers have been bringing up here and there. ;)

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Another amazing chapter WolfM. I can't wait for the next chapter to see how things unfold with the reception.

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A very descriptive chapter I loved it was really very, very good.


Thank you I can't wait for the next chapter, great stuff.
The story just keeps getting better.





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On 06/28/2016 11:07 AM, Lux Apollo said:

A happy chapter. Seems you felt obligated to address a few things your readers have been bringing up here and there. ;)

Thank you Lux. Actually, no. I thought it was amusing that last week many of the reviews asked about Trevor since I've had this chapter finished for about a month now just waiting to post (and while I continually tried to proof read it). For some other parts, it seemed like the natural spot in the process to address them.

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On 06/28/2016 11:13 AM, WriterJT said:

Another amazing chapter WolfM. I can't wait for the next chapter to see how things unfold with the reception.

Thank you JT :)

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On 06/28/2016 12:24 PM, mikedup said:



A very descriptive chapter I loved it was really very, very good.


Thank you I can't wait for the next chapter, great stuff.

The story just keeps getting better.





Thank you Mike :)

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Damn, more like a meeting of the United Nations of Were Animals than a wedding but it was just perfect. I really loved the musical selections and how Ethan got the trees to select the flowers.


Great Job...

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Firstly, generally speaking - I love surprises. I work a 4 day rotation with today being my last day. It has been so busy at work this rotation that I actually forgot what today was. I was standing at the bus stop after my 11 hour shift when it suddenly clicked in my head. It's Tuesday! New Chapter Day! I was SO happy. I had been really tired and just wanted to get home and collapse...but now I was SO eager to get home. That feeling was such a cool unexpected surprise. VERY happy...
After The Gathering I wondered about what was going to happen now?
Boy Oh Boy! This chapter was AWESOME! My favourite parts were the fact that the Trees, etc got to choose the decorations and the different Were's that attended. It was just perfect. Plus we've only had the Ceremony itself. We still have the Reception, etc to enjoy. I can't wait. It was perfect. Thank you SO much...

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Okay, Wolf, this has to be one of the best chapters so far. A wonderful way for an Elemental to celebrate, letting the plants give their own gifts to the wedding. It deeply satisfies my Germanic soul, that Nature has such a huge role in this, and I only wish such things could be really possible in our mundane world.
A far more romantic and touching celebration than the stilted and tired words of Christian platitudes. A truly welcoming and encompassing feeling of inclusion of the entire biosphere, and not just the formal order and division symbolic of Western ceremonials.
More please!

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Wow! This was such an amazing chapter. The wedding was riveting. The flow was really great as i read through the story i feel like i was there too.




I feel bad for Trevor though he is the beta but he is becoming more of a background as the chapter progresses. He lacks character development and representation. But that just me.


Also can you make jackie pregnant again? I really want them to have a happy ending too.


Is the UK representative Prince Harry?lol.

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On 06/28/2016 04:48 PM, centexhairysub said:

Damn, more like a meeting of the United Nations of Were Animals than a wedding but it was just perfect. I really loved the musical selections and how Ethan got the trees to select the flowers.


Great Job...

Thank you Centex :) It's fun letting Ethan play around with the earth portion of his elements.

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On 06/28/2016 08:09 PM, Buz said:

Firstly, generally speaking - I love surprises. I work a 4 day rotation with today being my last day. It has been so busy at work this rotation that I actually forgot what today was. I was standing at the bus stop after my 11 hour shift when it suddenly clicked in my head. It's Tuesday! New Chapter Day! I was SO happy. I had been really tired and just wanted to get home and collapse...but now I was SO eager to get home. That feeling was such a cool unexpected surprise. VERY happy...

After The Gathering I wondered about what was going to happen now?

Boy Oh Boy! This chapter was AWESOME! My favourite parts were the fact that the Trees, etc got to choose the decorations and the different Were's that attended. It was just perfect. Plus we've only had the Ceremony itself. We still have the Reception, etc to enjoy. I can't wait. It was perfect. Thank you SO much...

Thank you Buz. Seeing what you wrote about being tired and then feeling happy around remembering it was new chapter day made my day :) I've actually been working on portions of this chapter since I wrote about Ethan's first shift. At the time, the different types of Were's visiting didn't work, but it was something that I had wanted to include as a portion of his "coming out" process.

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On 06/28/2016 10:25 PM, ColumbusGuy said:

Okay, Wolf, this has to be one of the best chapters so far. A wonderful way for an Elemental to celebrate, letting the plants give their own gifts to the wedding. It deeply satisfies my Germanic soul, that Nature has such a huge role in this, and I only wish such things could be really possible in our mundane world.

A far more romantic and touching celebration than the stilted and tired words of Christian platitudes. A truly welcoming and encompassing feeling of inclusion of the entire biosphere, and not just the formal order and division symbolic of Western ceremonials.

More please!

Thank you CG :) Just like their small winter wedding, I wanted it to have some touches of tradition but with their own flair as well as Ethan using his gifts simply for the enjoyment of everyone attending. The most important thing to Aiden and Ethan was the inclusion of all their pack mates. Everyone else, like the choir is a bonus.

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On 06/29/2016 09:18 AM, thephoenixhost said:

Wow! This was such an amazing chapter. The wedding was riveting. The flow was really great as i read through the story i feel like i was there too.




I feel bad for Trevor though he is the beta but he is becoming more of a background as the chapter progresses. He lacks character development and representation. But that just me.


Also can you make jackie pregnant again? I really want them to have a happy ending too.


Is the UK representative Prince Harry?lol.

Thank you Phoenix. After this, if I ever get married I will have to give serious thought if I want to write my own vows :) Trevor falling into the background is mainly due to him being away at college, but he does come home for anything important involving his friends.


As far as the UK representative goes, that is strictly up to the readers interpretation ;)

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DRAGONS. *swoons* Since he has been drawn to them his whole life, maybe he's part dragon?


I kinda want there to be a war, so that we can see all the Lycan types ban together and fight. But I know that's selfish of me. LOL

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First....I CRY at weddings!! And this one was so very well described that I felt like I was there :yes:!! DRAGONS!!! (cue the 'Dance of Dragons' from Game of Thrones :thumbup:)!! Can one of them stay? I'm with Ethan on loving Dragons. :heart::heart: So-o-o the red headed gentleman from the UK with the Grandmother who rules, isn't who we all think he is? :whistle: Thoroughly enjoyed the wedding.

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just reread the entire story...still one of my favorites...what happened to Tyler and the rest of his gang???

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On 07/02/2016 03:53 PM, Geemeedee said:

DRAGONS. *swoons* Since he has been drawn to them his whole life, maybe he's part dragon?


I kinda want there to be a war, so that we can see all the Lycan types ban together and fight. But I know that's selfish of me. LOL

Thanks Gee. Who wouldn't be drawn to dragons :)

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On 07/03/2016 12:05 PM, LadyDe said:

First....I CRY at weddings!! And this one was so very well described that I felt like I was there :yes:!! DRAGONS!!! (cue the 'Dance of Dragons' from Game of Thrones :thumbup:)!! Can one of them stay? I'm with Ethan on loving Dragons. :heart::heart: So-o-o the red headed gentleman from the UK with the Grandmother who rules, isn't who we all think he is? :whistle: Thoroughly enjoyed the wedding.

Thank you LadyDe :) I'd been trying to work out how to put a dragon or two into this since the early chapters. This was the first point it felt like it could work. As for the red head from the UK and his family, there are certain pictures of people in my mind. I am going to stick with it is up to the reader since he goes unnamed.

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Your imagination knows no end.  The diverse and global nature of the guests was super.  You know how to plan the perfect wedding for sure. :)   

Nice to see a role developing for Trevor.

And, based on some poetry from last winter, I'm glad to see Ethan's real-world counterpart enjoying similar companionship.  May it continue. :thumbup:

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8 hours ago, Backwoods Boy said:

Your imagination knows no end.  The diverse and global nature of the guests was super.  You know how to plan the perfect wedding for sure. :)   

Nice to see a role developing for Trevor.

And, based on some poetry from last winter, I'm glad to see Ethan's real-world counterpart enjoying similar companionship.  May it continue. :thumbup:

Thank you, Backwoods :)  Character wise, chapters like this and the lycan congress are somewhat of a pain. It's fun when it all comes together though.  I'd always intended Trevor to have a much larger role, but he never managed to take off the way the others did. I don't think it's because he was the token straight guy in the group. I kind of felt bad for him being relegated to college most of the time.

As far as the poetry from the winter and this summer, both Ethan and I are very happy. :)

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The Trumpet Voluntary is my absolute favorite piece of music. I have always thought it would be appropriate for the recessional at a wedding. There is one version of the piece on the Internet played on the town organ of some city of which I have forgotten the name , that starts out with several bars of snare drum ruffles that is absolutely perfect for 'The Processional of the Prince of Denmark'. 

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On 7/12/2021 at 9:38 AM, Will Hawkins said:

The Trumpet Voluntary is my absolute favorite piece of music. I have always thought it would be appropriate for the recessional at a wedding. There is one version of the piece on the Internet played on the town organ of some city of which I have forgotten the name , that starts out with several bars of snare drum ruffles that is absolutely perfect for 'The Processional of the Prince of Denmark'. 

It's one of my favorites too :)

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